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DETERMINANTS OF RURAL YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN VIEW OF LITERATURE. mgr Pamela Jeziorska-Biel mgr Ewelina Sudra University of Lodz. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction An interdisciplinary concept of „ entrepreneurship ” The concept of „ entrepreneurship ” The polish definitions
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction An interdisciplinary concept of „entrepreneurship” The concept of „entrepreneurship” The polish definitions Factors for development of entrepreneurship Barriers to the development of young entrepreneurship in rural areas
INTRODUCTION The development of the entrepreneurship in ruralareas: • mayplay a huge part in overcomingdisadventegousphenomena; • mayplay a important part in levelingdeepeningdistancesbetween the village and moredevelopedurbanareas; • cancontribute to development of nonrularfunctions; • cancontribute to creation of newpossibilities for business activity by usinglocalresources.
THE POLISH DEFINITIONS The attributive approach the conception transgression by Kozielecki Tyszka Siekierski The functional approach Bratnicki & Strużyna Zawadzki Maciej
Barriers to the development of young entrepreneurship in rural areas
Barriers affecting and hindering youth form entrepreneurial behavior are in general: The lack of a friendly environment for starting and running a business, Very low efficiency of domestic institutional support system for entrepreneurship development in rural areas, that would meet the expectations of potential and already existing businesses
What is also characteristic in the rural areas : The overall situation of agriculture in rural areas, High level of unemployment prevailing among the population in rural areas, The village is perceived as a place that do not meet the aspirations of young people. It is said that there is some kind of a stigma , one speak of " rural backgrounds " , laws and regulations,
cd. Social and culturalconditions, Economicconditions, Little orsometimes the lack of institutions,supportingentrepreneurship development in ruralareas, Training and education.
The conditionsaffecting the developement of enterpreneurialattitudes
Conclusions It is difficult to define the term " enterprise" or „enterpreneurship”, as it is a multi-faceted concept of heterogeneous content . The behavioral approach is the dominant . Entrepreneurship of the Young is desirable in rural areas due to the multifunctional rural development policy . Analysis of problems showed that young people from rural areas are facing worse conditions than their peers in urban areas in terms of entrepreneurship. The same factors can become barriers if they are not properly functioning and will not be developed.
Analysis of available data on entrepreneurship has shown , however, that an extensive research on youth entrepreneurship in rural areas has not yet been carried out. Current transfers of entrepreneurship in Poland refer either to the general state of our country , or the entrepreneurial attitudes of Poles in general. What is lacking is data imaging and characterizing entrepreneurship of young inhabitants of the countryside , which is obviously a big loss to the society and action must be taken to supplement the knowledge of rural sociology and rural youth entrepreneurial attitudes .