RRHA: Building Vibrant Communities Presented by Maxine Cholmondeley Interim CEO, General Counsel Richmond Redevelopment
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RRHA: Building Vibrant Communities Presented by Maxine Cholmondeley Interim CEO, General Counsel Richmond Redevelopment & Housing Authority January 4, 2012. RRHA History.
RRHA: Building Vibrant Communities Presented by Maxine Cholmondeley Interim CEO, General Counsel Richmond Redevelopment
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Presentation Transcript
RRHA: Building Vibrant Communities Presented by Maxine Cholmondeley Interim CEO, General Counsel Richmond Redevelopment & Housing Authority January 4, 2012 Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
RRHA History In 1935, the federal government embarked on what was then a visionary program to build homes for many people who were suffering economically from the Great Depression. The goal was to provide housing for as many as 1/3 of the nation who lived in substandard housing and to infuse the depressed economy with a much-needed stimulus. Out of that federal effort, locally-directed housing authorities were born. RRHA was one of these authorities and was formed by City Council in 1940. Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
RRHA History: Construction of Gilpin community, RRHA’s first public housing community, circa 1940 Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
RRHA History: Celebration of the completion of Gilpin community Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
RRHA Today Today, the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority: Locally administered, federally funded housing authority Political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia Governed by a nine-member Board of Commissioners which are appointed by Richmond City Council. Provides real estate development; rental and home-ownership assistance; property management and family services to city residents. Largest housing authority in the Commonwealth of Virginia, serving nearly 20,000 community members through our Low-Income Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) programs. Manages approximately 4,100 public housing rental units Authorized to issue approximately 3,100 vouchers Impacts approximately 10% of the City of Richmond’s population. Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
About RRHA Mission: To be the catalyst for quality affordable housing and community revitalization.Vision:Building vibrant communities.RRHA offers educational, employment, health, family, and self-sufficiency opportunities and services to RRHA community members
Locations of RRHA Communities - RRHA communities throughout the City of Richmond. Major Current Community Revitalization Initiative: Dove Street Redevelopment in Richmond’s Northside RRHA’s Goal is to Transform Public Housing into Communities of Hope and Promise Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
Choice Neighborhoods Grant 3 Key Areas of Impact: Housing: Transforming distressed public housing into energy efficient, attractive, mixed income housing People: Supporting positive outcomes in health, education, safety, employment for residents of public and privately-owned housing Neighborhoods: Converting poverty areas into mixed income, healthy communities with viable schools, services, and access to jobs. Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
RRHA Downtown Richmond Redevelopment Initiatives Former Miller & Rhoads building redeveloped into Hilton Garden Inn Former Thalhimers building into CenterStage Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
Income Challenges Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
Household Demographics Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
RRHA Funding Sources Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
RRHA CHALLENGES Public Housing CHALLENGES Economic stability of community members Funding Sources Decades-old, adverse public perception of Public Housing communities and community members Historic cycle of crime in communities Housing Choice Voucher CHALLENGES Economic stability of community members Funding Sources Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
RRHA’s Strategic Programs of Promise Public Housing/HCVP Workforce Development Partnership Family Self Sufficiency Programs Home Ownership Assistance Educational, Sports, Tomorrow’s Promise Scholarship, and other Family Programs RRHA Police Department work with Faith Leadership Initiative GED and computer classes Health Resource Centers in partnership with the Richmond City Health District and Bon Secours Health System Bank of America Financial Literacy Program Interventios services for RRHA community members RRHA Lunch Buddy Mentoring Program Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
RRHA and the Faith Community, Building a Unified Front How can the Faith Community Help RRHA? Provide services to targeted populations: * Youth * Elderly * Disabled * Mentally ill or mentally impaired or disabled * Ex-offenders trying to re-enter the workplace * Persons without transportation Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
RRHA and the Faith Community, Building a Unified Front Provide pre-leasing counseling Serve as support system for persons facing eviction Engage community members in RRHA initiatives Work closely with Tenant Councils Care for families during unexpected crises Encourage participation in RRHA programs and services Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
RRHA and the Faith Community, Building a Unified Front How can RRHA help the Faith Community? Assist with volunteer, community service opportunities and programs Collaborate to provide a network of resources to RRHA families Continue to engage in open dialogue to generate creative solutions Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
2011 RRHA Tomorrow’s Promise College Scholarship Recipients Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
THANK YOU For further information please contact Valena Dixon, VP for Family Services and Community Relations @ 804-780-4167 or Maxine Cholmondeley, Interim CEO at 804-780-4346. Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority