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This comprehensive plan focuses on ongoing research-based planning and evaluation processes to improve institutional quality and achieve mission-related outcomes. It includes assessing educational programs, administrative and educational support services, research, and community service.

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  1. Assessment Standards 2.5, 3.3.1, & 3.4.1

  2. Comprehensive Standard 2.5 The institution engages in ongoing, integrated, and institution-wide research-based planning and evaluation processes that (1) incorporate a systematic review of institutional mission, goals, and outcomes; (2) result in continuing improvement in institutional quality; and (3) demonstrate the institution is effectively accomplishing its mission. (Institutional Effectiveness)

  3. Comprehensive Standard 3.3.1 The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of improvement based on analysis of the results in each of the following areas: (Institutional Effectiveness) educational programs, to include student learning outcomes administrative support services educational support services research within its educational mission, if appropriate community/public service within its educational mission, if appropriate Need to assess administrative as well as academic units and to show ongoing commitment to institutional improvement and closing the loop: Establishment of the University Assessment Committee to assist and oversee the University’s assessment as a whole Inclusion of program and general education outcomes on all syllabi

  4. Comprehensive Standard 3.5.1 The institution identifies college-level general education competencies and the extent to which graduates have attained them. (College-level competencies) Need to assess Gen Ed as a separate program Creation of the General Education Council Developing assessment program for Gen Ed Connecting all undergraduate courses to the appropriate General Education outcomes

  5. Faculty Credentials Comprehensive Standard 3.7.1 The institution employs competent faculty members qualified to accomplish the mission and goals of the institution. When determining acceptable qualifications of its faculty, an institution gives primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline. The institution also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including, as appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and certifications, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes. For all cases, the institution is responsible for justifying and documenting the qualifications of its faculty. (See Commission guidelines “Faculty Credentials.”) (Faculty competence)

  6. QEP Comprehensive Standard 2.12 The institution has developed an acceptable Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) that (1) includes a broad-based institutional process identifying key issues emerging from institutional assessment, (2) focuses on learning outcomes and/or the environment supporting student learning and accomplishing the mission of the institution, (3) demonstrates institutional capability for the initiation, implementation, and completion of the QEP, (4) includes broad-based involvement of institutional constituencies in the development and proposed implementation of the QEP, and (5) identifies goals and a plan to assess their achievement. (Quality Enhancement Plan)

  7. Phase One Task Force MembersMike Savoie, ChairArts Jan Fackler, Finance and Administration Sheri Gravett, Academic Affairs Christine James, Faculty Senate James LaPlant, Arts and Sciences Russ Mast, Student Affairs Joe Newton, Information Technology Chere Peguesse, Student Success Center Emily Rogers, Odum Library Robin Smith, Staff Affairs David Starling, International Programs Jonathan Stroble, Student Government Cheri Tillman, OASIS Cindy Tori, Business Administration Maggie Viverette, Equal Opportunity Programs Debbie Weaver, Nursing Jane Zahner, Education Ex Officio: Jane Kinney, Accreditation Compliance Kristina Cragg, SACS Liaison

  8. Four Options: • International Education “Passport” “offers VSU Global/International Passport as a 12 credit-hour option that will include courses with global content from the core and the majors, a foreign language component, and will require participation in at least one campus and/or community international/intercultural activity per semester. . . .” • Community Common Reader “The common reading program will help students become aware of other perspectives by reading selected books and engaging in campus events and course activities. Service learning opportunities will increase awareness of and critical engagement with community issues. Research opportunities will help students develop research and analysis skills while learning about the environment, the economy, social institutions, health issues, and other topics suggested by each year’s theme.”

  9. Four Options, continued Office of Undergraduate Research “The creation of an Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) at Valdosta State University. The OUR will be campus-wide, covering all academic colleges and units, helping to foster interdisciplinary research teams of faculty and students.” Academic Sophomore Year Experience “SYE programs designed with the university mission and student needs in mind significantly increase retention and graduation rates. SYE programs have varying delivery methods, but generally, the programs target the problem of student motivation as tied to career choices, college issues, and a larger purpose and life goals.”

  10. Next Steps • Gather responses to four proposals from VSU community to report to SACS Leadership Team • October—selection of QEP topic and formation of Phase Two Task Force • November 2008-December 2009: Define and develop QEP topic into 75-pp. prospectus • Must include specifics on assessment, funding, facilities • Must collect baseline data • Must promote and advertise QEP to the VSU community • Must have QEP “ready to roll” immediately after on-site visit • December 2009—Completed QEP prospectus due to SACS • April 2010—On-Site visit of SACS evaluators; if QEP approved, Phase Three will begin immediately

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