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Emerging infectious diseases of plants under climate change

Understand the factors contributing to emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) in plants, influenced by climate change. Learn how pathogens impact plant health and explore research outlines. Discover the effects of temperature, precipitation, and CO2 concentrations on plant diseases. Gain insights on the consequences of climate change on plant pathology and agriculture. Explore a case study on grapevine downy mildew under climate change scenarios predicted for the next three decades.

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Emerging infectious diseases of plants under climate change

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  1. Emerging infectious diseases of plants under climate change Oleh Irda Safni

  2. What the emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) of plant and how they cause. • The emergence of plant EIDs factors. • Impact of climate change • Research outline

  3. Emerging infectious diseases(EIDs) : used in medical science, veterinary field and apply to use in botany

  4. are caused by pathogens that : • have increased in incidence, geographical or host range • have changed pathogenesis • have newly evolved • have been discovered or newly recognized Emerging infectious diseases(EIDs)

  5. Pathogen pollution • : the movement of pathogen outside their natural geographical or host-species range • Climate change • : temperature, precipitate • Agriculture change • : intensification, diversification, globalization The emergence of plant EIDsfactors

  6. Temperature • Precipitation • Carbon dioxideconcentration Climatechange

  7. Global climatechange www.webwombat.com.au

  8. Industrial activity, from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, generates CO2 and other gases which trap the sun’s ray in the atmosphere and enhance the natural “greenhouse effect” (Gore, 2006).

  9. Before the early 1800s the atmosphere contained about 290 ppm CO2 • 1995 the figure was 360 ppm • According to World Organization, CO2 reached 379 ppm in 2006. • It is estimated the CO2 level will increase to 800 ppm by the end of the century and bring serious consequences to plants (IPCC, 2001). CO2/ppm 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 290 CO2/ppm 1800 years

  10. Changes in the frequency of temperature may have a greater effect on biological and agricultural systems than changes in mean climate. • Projected changes of periods of higher humidity / precipitation will increase plant diseases (Carroll and Wilcox, 2003; Pardo et al., 2005) and result in the need for extensive disease control.

  11. Impact of climate change in agriculture

  12. In general, epidemics of plant disease occur as the result of interactions among three major factors • Population of plant • Population of pathogens • The environment Effect of Environment on Plant Disease Development Pathogen Environment Total of virulence, abundance, etc Total ofconditionsfavoringdisease Amount of disease Total of conditions favoringsusceptibility Host The diseasetriangle

  13. Pathogen (elevate temperature) • increase winter survival of plant pathogen, accelerated vector and pathogen life cycles • survive outside their historic range • geographic expansion of pathogen • influence pathogen populations reproduce sexually or asexually Impact of climatechange

  14. Plant (elevated CO2) • increase leaf area, leaf thickness • higher number of leaves, total leaves area per plant • enhance photosynthesis • increase water use efficiency • increase infection rates Impact of climatechange

  15. Plant (elevatedtemperature) • wilting • leafburn • leaffolding • abscission • affect susceptibility topathogen Impact of climatechange

  16. Downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) epidemic on grapevine under climate change Research FRANCESCA SALINARI et al. Centre of Competence in the Agro-environmental Sector (AGROINNOVA), University of Torino, Via L. da Vinci 44-10095 Grugliasco (To), Italy Global Change Biology (2006) 12, 1299–1307

  17. to stimulate future scenarios of downy mildew to predict increase of temperature and decrease of precipitation in three future decade (2030, 2050, 2080) to study the impact of projected climate change on the pressure of downy mildew infections on grapevine

  18. Downymildew Berries infected with downymildew (Photo courtesy of The Ohio StateUniversity) Lower leaf surface with downymildew

  19. Disease cycle of downy mildew of grape caused by Plasmopara viticola

  20. Plasmoparaviticola sporangium http://www.svarog.si/biologija/index.php?page_id=7597

  21. Observed meteorological data • minimum/maximum temperature and precipitation • Climate model • using GCMs as the main tool for predictation and quantification of climate change Researchmethod

  22. Research Result Table 1 : Changes of monthly temperature and precipitation predicted by two climate change models (GISS and HAD) for three future decades (2030, 2050 and 2080), at Acqui Terme

  23. Table 2: Distribution of the number of years belonging to the three groups of grapevine downy mildew pressure in the historical series (1955–2001), at Acqui Terme, and under six different climate change scenarios produced using two models (GISS and HAD) for three future decades (2030, 2050 and 2080)

  24. The climate change model predicted air temperature increases and rainfall reductions leading to increase in disease pressure from • P. viticola • under climate change, warmer temperature can significantly increase the opportunities for the pathogen to growth, leading to increase of downy mildew pressure in grapevine in the coming decade

  25. Under climate change can lead to the emergence pre-existing pathogens or can provide the climatic conditions required for pathogens to emerge • Under climate change, many pathogens are increased and have high pressure in the crop area that can cause much more plant diseases conclusion

  26. The Impacts of Global Warmingon Plant PathogenicBacteria • Temperature • Air Temperature • Temperature can direct affect the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, influencing the incidence of disease development. • The optimum ,maximum ,and minimum gro temperature are different, depending on the species or strain of bacteria wth

  27. heat- loving bacteria

  28. Soil Temperature • The ordinal strains of R. solanacearum (improperly designated race 1) usually do not produce wilt symptom in infected plant when soil temperature is below 21°C. VC9 KEWALO Effect of soil temperatures on the incidence of bacterial wilt in tomato cultivar (Mew, T. W. and Ho, W.C. (1977)

  29. R. solanacearun (RS), a soilborne pathogen with a very wide host range. • Gram-negative. It colonies thexylem, causing a bacterial wilt. • The common R. solanacearum race 3 biovar 1 strain is found in solanaceous • crops throughout the tropic and subtropics (Kelman, 1953; Titatarn, 1986). • In this cause Thailand founded race 1 biovar3, biovar 4. • biovar 3 Solanaceae • biovar 4 Zingiberraceae Ralstoniaspp.

  30. Burkholderia includes several important pathogen : • B. glumae on rice; • B. gladioli on onion, garlic, orchid and gladiolus and has emerged as a serious, widespread disease in many Burkholderiaspp. different orchids in Thailand (P. Thammakijjawat, Thailand Department of Agriculture, personal communications). ; • B. andropogonis on sorghum, jojoba • Bacteria is optimum growth temperature at 32-36°C ; most grow well at 41-42°C Burkholderia glumae Colony on King’s medium B medium

  31. Bacterial panicle blight infection of rice grain showing characteristic two tone discoloration symptom Bacterial panicle blight infect ion of rice heads in the field showing cluster of upright discolored heads B. gladioli was described in Thailand on Dendrobium orchids in 1983 (Chuenchitt et al ) Gladiolus plant inoculated with B.gladioli

  32. Gram-negative, oxidase positive, non-fluorescent on King’s medium B, • Growth at 41°C • Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae has emerged as a disease of upland rice in Southern Europe during periods of high temperature • A. avenae subsp. citrulli cause of Bacterial fruit blotch (BFB)is a disease of watermelon and other cucurbit crops. Acidovoraxspp. Bacterial isolates recovered on nutrient agar (NA)

  33. Bacterial blight of corn and wheat, caused by • avenae subsp. avenae, is much more severe at higher temperatures • (Schaad and Sumner, 1980). • Under greenhouse conditions, good infection occurred with daytime temperatures of 30– 35°C whereas very poor infection occurred at 21°C or less • (Johnson and Robert, 1949). A. avenae subsp.avenae

  34. Water-soaked spots on the surface and cotyledon of a honeydew fruit infected with Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli. (Courtesy R. Walcott) corn Bacterial brownstripe Causal organism: Acidovoraxavenae subsp. avenae (Willems et al.1992) wheat

  35. Effect of temperature on severity of bacterial blight of corn: Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae(Schaad and Summer 1980)

  36. Effect of temperature on severity of bacterial blight of wheat : Acidovorax avenae sub sp.avenae(Schaad and Summer 1980)

  37. Effect of temperature on growth of Acidovoraxavenaesubsp. Avenea (Schaad and Summer1980) Doubling time of Acidovorax avenea supsp. avenea in liquid medium 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Doulbing time(min) Doublingtime 20 Temperature C 0 10 30 40

  38. Survival can decrease or increase depending on species • Some vectors have higher survival at higher latitudes and altitudes with higher temperature e.g. higher temperatures reduce size of some vector but reduce activity of other • Changes in the rate of vector population growth • Changes in feeding rate and host contact • Changes in seasonality of population Effect of temperature on vector- borne disease

  39. Homalodisca coagulata, leafhopper. (Courtesy B. Bextine) • The milder winters in the USA have increased the numbers and range of the glassy winged leafhopper in California and have resulted in a significant increase in the spread of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa, the causal agent of Pierce’s disease of grape. • (Hopkins and Purcell, 2002) Pierce's disease in grapevines. (Courtesy A.C. Goheen)

  40. Thank you

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