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Foundations of Preferences in Database Systems. Author: Werner Kie ling Institute of Computer Science University of Augsburg Germany Presented by: Haoyuan Wang. Practical Work. Preference Queries. Preference Algebra. Preference Engineering. Basics of Preferences.
Foundations of Preferences in Database Systems Author: Werner Kieling Institute of Computer Science University of Augsburg Germany Presented by: Haoyuan Wang
Practical Work Preference Queries Preference Algebra Preference Engineering Basics of Preferences Contents Introduction An Online Algorithm for Skyline Queries
We have the Exact World Delivering exact dream objects. Wishes satisfied completely or not at all. Uses hard constraints. Already investigated, such as: SQL, E-R modeling, XML. We Need the Real World If not perfect match, worse alternative acceptable. Requires best possible match making. Requires soft constraints. Preference-driven choice lagged behind Introduction(Motivation) SELECT * FROM car WHERE make = 'Opel' PREFERRING (category = 'roadster' ELSE category <> 'passenger' AND price AROUND 40000 AND HIGHEST(power)) CASCADE color = 'red' CASCADE LOWEST(mileage);
Exact world Real world Introduction Approaches to cope these two worlds: • Cooperative Database System: • Not comprehensive. • Preference Database Systems: • Intuitive semantics. • Concise mathematical foundation. • Constructive and extensible preference model. • Conflicts of preferences do not cause system failure. • Declarative preference query languages.
<P a b c d A={A1, A2, …, Ak} A={A1, A2, …, Ak} Basics of Preferences What is preference ? • Intuitively: “ I like A better than B”. • Mathematically: relation which is in strict partial order. irreflexive, transitive • Our definition: Preference P=(A, <P). A: a set of attribute names. <p dom(A) dom(A) a strict partial order referring to attribute names A.
Basics of Preferences Better-than graph G Level 1: val1 val3 Level 2: val2 val4 Level 3: val5 val6 val7 • x <P y, if y is a predecessor of x in G. • Values in G without predecessor are maximal, being at level 1. • x is on level j if the longest path from x to maxmal has j-1 edges. • if no directed path between x and y, x and y are not ranked.
Basics of Preferences Special cases of preferences Chain preference Anti-Chain preference Dual preference Subset preference Given P=(A, P), every Sdom(A) induces a subset reference P =(S, < P ), if for any x, yS: x P y iff x<P y. If for all x, y∈dom(A), x≠y: x <P y ∨ y <P x. S = (S, ), given any set of values S. P=(A, P) reverse the order on P, x <P y iff y<P x. All values are ranked in chain preference. Any P can be completely reversely ranked Any set, including dom(A) can be converted into an anti-chain. For any subset of A, <P can apply.
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Nonnumerical base preference POS preference: POS(A, POS-set) P is a POS preference, if: x <P y iff x POS-set yPOS-set Intuitive definition: A desired value should be in a finite set of favorites POSdom(A). If this infeasible, better than getting nothing, any other value from dom(A) is acceptable. Implication: all value in POS-set are maximal, all value not in POS-set are at level 2 and worse than all POS-set values. dom(A) POS-set Example POS(transmission, {automatic})
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Nonnumerical base preference NEG preference: NEG(A, NEG-set) P is a NEG preference, if: x <P y iff y NEG-set xNEG-set Intuitive definition: A desired value should not be in a finite set of dislikes NEG-set. If this infeasible, better than getting nothing, any other value from NEG-set is acceptable. Implication: all value not in NEG-set are maximal, all value in NEG-set are at level 2 and worse than all maximal values. dom(A) NEG-set Example NEG(make, {Ferrari})
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Nonnumerical base preference POS/NEG preference: POS/NEG(A, POS-set, NEG-set) P is a POS preference, if: x <P y iff ( x NEG-set yNEG-set)(x NEG-set x POS-set yPOS-set) Intuitive definition: A desired value should be one in a finite set of favorites. Otherwise it should not be any from a finite set of disjoint dislikes. If this infeasible, better than getting nothing, any other value from dislikes is acceptable. dom(A) Example POS/NEG(color, {yellow}; {gray}) POS-set NEG-set
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Nonnumerical base preference POS/POS preference: POS/POS(A, POS1-set, POS2-set) x <P y iff ( x POS2-set y POS1-set)(x POS1-set x POS2-set yPOS2-set) (x POS1-set x POS2-set yPOS1-set) Intuitive definition: A desired value should be in a finite set of favorites POS1-set. Otherwise, it should be from a disjoint finite set of alternatives POS2-set. If this infeasible, better than getting nothing, any other value is acceptable. Example POS/POS(category, {cabrio}; {roadster}) dom(A) POS1-set POS2-set
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Numerical base preference AROUND preference: AROUND(A, z) Given z dom(A), for all v dom(A) . Define distance(v,z) :=abs(v-z) P is called AROUND preference, if: x <P y iff distance(x,z)>distance(y,z) Intuitive definition: The desired value should be z. If this infeasible, values with shortest distance from z are acceptable. z v Example AROUND(price, 40000)
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Numerical base preference BETWEEN preference: BETWEEN(A,[low, up]) Given z[low, up]dom(A)dom(A), for all v dom(A) . Define distance(v,[low, up]) := if v [low, up] then 0 else if v <low then low-v else v-up P is called BETWEEN preference, if: x <P y iff: distance(x, [low,up] ) > distance(y, [low, up]) Intuitive definition: The desired value should be between the bounds of an interval. If this infeasible, values with shortest distance from the bounds are acceptable. Example BETWEEN(mileage, [20000, 30000]) v v low up
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Numerical base preference LOWEST, HIGHEST preference: LOWEST(A), HIGHEST(A) P is called LOWEST preference, if x <P y iff x > y P is called HIGHEST preference, if x <P y iff x < y Intuitive definition: The desired value should be as low (high) as possible. Example LOW(price) HIGHEST(power)
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Numerical base preference SCORE preference: SCORE(A, f) P is called SCORE preference, if for some x, y dom(A): x <P y iff f(x)<f(y) Note: <p can be applied after the score function f gives a value.
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Complex preference Pareto preference: P=(A1A2, <P1 P2) Given P1=(A1, <P1) and P2=(A2, <P2) and P2=(A2, <P2), for x, y dom(A1)dom(A2), define: x < P1 P2 y iff (x1 <P1 y1 (x2 <p y2 x2=y2)) (x2 <P2 y2 (x1 <P1 y1 x1=y1)) Intuitive definition: P1 and P2 are considered as equally important preferences. In order for x=(x1, x2) to be better than y=(y1, y2), it is not tolerable that x is worse than y in any xi.
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Complex preference • Pareto preference example • For dom(A1)=dom(A2)=dom(A3)=integer and • P1 :=AROUND(A1, 0), • P2 :=LOWEST(A2), • P3 :=HIGHEST(A3), • P4 :=({A1, A2, A3}), <P4) :=(P1P2)P3 • let’s study a subset preference of P4 for the following set: • R(A1, A2, A3)={val1:(-5, 3, 4), val2:(-5, 4, 4), val3:(5, 1, 8), val4:(5, 6, 6), • val5:(-6, 0, 6), val6:(-6, 0, 4), val7:(6, 2, 7)} The ‘better-than’ graph of P4 for subset R can be obtained by performing exhaustive ‘better-than’ checks: Level 1: val1 val3 val5 Level 2: val2 val4 val7 val6
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Complex preference Prioritized preference: P=(A1A2, <P1& P2) Given P1=(A1, <P1) and P2=(A2, <P2) and P2=(A2, <P2), for x, y dom(A1)dom(A2), define: x < P1& P2 y iff (x1 <P1 y1 (x1=y1 x2 <P y2) • Intuitive definition: • P2 is respected only when P1 does not mind. • Example: Let’s revisit Example 1, now studying: P8 = ({A1, A2}, <P8) := P1&P2 • R(A1, A2, A3)={val1:(-5, 3), val2:(-5, 4), val3:(5, 1), val4:(5, 6), val5:(-6, 0), val6:(-6, 0), val7:(6, 2)} The ‘better-than’ graph of P8 for subset R is this: Level 1: val1 val3 Level 2: val2 val4 Level 3: val5 val6 val7
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Complex preference Writing a preference query - a used-car scenario 1. Write wish-list Julia wants to buy a used car for herself and her friend Leslie, she wishes: “My favorite car is Cabrio, but roadster is also good, I like an automatic car and it should have a horsepower of about 100, these issues are equally important to me, but color is the most important, it should not be gray, I do not care too much about price, but since it is a used car, the lower, the better”. Julia goes to vendor Michael. Michael wishes : “ Clients’ wishes are always more important than mine, I like to sell older cars, the have higher commission” . Julia also needs to ask Leslie, Leslie wishes: “I agree with Julia, I convinced Julia money should matter as much as color, I like blue, if not available, please not gray and red”
Preference Engineering Inductive Construction of Preference-Complex preference 2. Convert wish-list to preference query terms 3. Use Pareto and Prioritization to add each query terms Julia: P1:=POS/POS(category, {cabrio};{roadster}) P2:=POS(transmission, {automatic}) P3:=AROUND(horsepower, 100) P4:=LOWEST(price) P5:=NEG(color, {gray}) Q1=({color, category, transmission, horsepower, price}, <Q1) :=P5&((P1P2P3)&P4) Q2=({color, category, transmission, horsepower, price, year-of-construction, commission},<Q2) :=(Q1&P6)&P7=((P5&((P1P2P3)&P4))&P6)&P7 Michael: P6:=HIGHEST(year-of-construction) P7:=HIGHEST(commission) Q2=({color, category, transmission, horsepower, price, year-of-construction, commission},<Q2) :=(Q1&P6)&P7=(((P5 P8 P4)&(P1P2P3))&P6))&P7 Leslie: P8:=POS/NEG(color, {blue};{gray, red})
Evaluation of Preference Queries Decomposition of queries How a preference query like the following is evaluated: Q2=({color, category, transmission, horsepower, price, year-of-construction, commission},<Q2) :=(Q1&P6)&P7=(((P5 P8 P4)&(P1P2P3))&P6))&P7 • Decomposition of ‘&’ and ‘’ • [P1&P2](R)= [P1] [P2 groupby A1](R) • [P1P2](R)= ([P1](R) [P2 groupby A1](R)) ([P2](R) [P1 groupby A2](R)) YY(P1&P2, P2& P1)R • Decomposition of ‘+’ and ‘’ • [P1+P2](R)= [P1](R) [P2](R) • [P1P2](R)= [P1](R) [P2](R) YY(P1, P2)R
Evaluation of Preference Queries BMO query model Database preference PR Assume P=(A, <P), where A=(A1, A2, …, Ak). a) Each R[A] dom(A) defines a subset preference, called a database preference and denoted by: PR=(R[A], <P) b) Tuple tR is a perfect match in a database set R, if: t[A] max(P) t[A] R. Note: preference query performs a match-making between the stated preference and the database preference. [P](R)={tR | t[A] max(PR )} Note: [P](R) evaluates P against database set R by retrievingall maximal values from PR
Shooting Stars in the Sky: An Online Algorithm for Skyline Queries Authors: Donald Kossmann Frank Ramsak Steen Rost Technische Universit. at M. unchen Orleansstr. 34 81667 Munich Germany
A Online Algorithm for Skyline Queries • Contents: • Skyline Queries • The NN Algorithm for 2-Dimensional Skylines • An Example for 2-Dimensional Skylines • The NN Algorithm for d-Dimensional Skylines
Skyline Queries • Retrieves all interesting points. • Helps user get a big picture of interesting options. • If users moves, skyline should be re-computed, user’s choice based on user’s location.
The NN Algorithm for 2- Dimensional Skylines Input: Data set D Distance function f (Euclidean distance) /* Initialization: the whole data space needs to be inspected*/ T ={(, )} /* Loop: iterate until all regions have been investigated*/ WHILE (T 0) Do (mx, my)=takeElement(T) IF( boundedNNSearch(O, D, (mx, my), f)) THEN (nx, ny)= boundedNNSearch(O, D, (mx, my), f)) T=T{(nx, my), (mx, ny)} OUTPUT n ENDIF ENDWHILE
Approaches to Deal With Duplicates • Laisser-faire • propagate • Merge • Fine-grained Partitioning • Hybrid Approaches
Foundations of Preferences in Database Systems Shooting Stars in the Sky: An Online Algorithm for Skyline Queries Authors: Donald Kossmann Frank Ramsak Steen Rost Technische Universit. at M. unchen Orleansstr. 34 81667 Munich Germany