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E-Learning at Oracle: State of the Initiative and Lessons Learned

E-Learning at Oracle: State of the Initiative and Lessons Learned. Daniel Tkach Principal, Worldwide Marketing Oracle e-Business Suite. “ On the Internet, content may be king, but infrastructure is God”. “ In the current digital culture, CIOs that

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E-Learning at Oracle: State of the Initiative and Lessons Learned

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  1. E-Learning at Oracle: State of the Initiative and Lessons Learned Daniel Tkach Principal, Worldwide Marketing Oracle e-Business Suite

  2. “On the Internet, content may be king, but infrastructure is God” “ In the current digital culture, CIOs that implement learning infrastructures, provide their organizations with the ultimate means for market differentiation” Tom Kelly VP, Worldwide Training Cisco Systems, Inc. John Santos Meta Group Research

  3. What is e-Learning, Anyway? • A learning opportunity available at the user’s “webtop” • Instructor led • Community based • Self-paced • Blended mix

  4. Why e-Learning? • “Vendors without an e-Learning strategy will lose share to their competitors” Cushing Anderson, IDC, 2000

  5. e-Learning: an e-Business Imperative e-Learning Train Support “Need to learn fast to execute” Launch of new products Mergers and acquisitions Business to business environments Large scale reengineering efforts Road warriors Help desks Perform Employees Customers Suppliers

  6. Portal (Sell-Side Marketplace) Portal (Buy-Side Marketplace) Self Service Applications Suppliers & Partners E-Store Enterprise Applications CUSTOMERS SUPPLIERS Direct Sales Business Intelligence Service Providers Customer Service The Oracle e-Business Model E M P L O Y E E S

  7. Oracle e-Business Learning • Key e-Business transformation enabler • Adds value at every point in the customer and supplier relationship cycles Enterprise Applications OTA, O.TUTOR O.iLEARNING Train Suppliers Train Customers Train Employees

  8. Oracle iLearning A Learning Community Management System offered as a fullyhosted Internet service. http://www.oracle.com/ilearning

  9. Oracle iLearning Hosted Application Content may be stored at the client’s location (behind firewalls) Learning Community Learners, Instructors, Managers Content Providers and Administrators. Multiple Learning Modes Synchronous, Asynchronous, Self-Paced and Scheduled Learning. Content Management Delivery, tracking, administration and reuse

  10. Learning Service Provider Client Client Content Server LSP Content Server iLearning Server B iLearning Server A iLearning Server B Oracle iLearning Servers OracleFirewall Oracle iLearning Hosted Architecture Client Firewall Oracle iLearning ASP Separation of Content and Learning Management System

  11. Oracle iLearning Functionality Content Developer Learner Learn Build * See* Try * Enroll* Collaborate* Feedback * Design* Assemble Administrator,App. Developer Instructor Teach Customize * Deliver* Assess* Advise* Collaborate * Look & Feel* Business Logic Manager,Analyst LearningAdministrator Manage Measure * Setup* Integrate* Control Access* Monitor * Analyze* Evaluate* Mine (data)

  12. Curriculum LearningEvent RCO Course RCO Topic Collaborate ? RCO RCO Test Topic ? ? Component Video PPT HTML … Reusable Content Object Model

  13. Technology- based training titles 500+ 60+ Countries 600K 1100 People trained in 1999 Instructors Oracle University Today 1700 Total staff 400 Locations Instructor led course titles 400

  14. Oracle e-business Transformation Internet Content Internet Sales Internet Operations Internet Delivery TIME TO MARKET • eClasses, OLN & e-Business Network • Thin Client Classroom • E-Learning Fast Tracks • Oracle iLearning

  15. OLN: Professional Subscription • Subscription education business focused on advanced topics • e-learning service for Oracle professionals • Powered by Oracle iLearning • Available globally 24x7x365 • Growing at 2000 subscribers per week • Target 100,000 learners by end 2001 • Four months from concept to revenue

  16. Success Factors for OLN • Executive sponsorship • Technical infrastructure (Learning Management System & development) • Training/HR support • IT support • End user acceptance • Content (High quality; designed for delivery method) • Communication plan

  17. Problems and Solutions • New product • Very fast growth • Internet latency on global operations • Course design • Non-Oracle content – standards • And the most important…. • EXPECTATIONS

  18. What has E-Learning Meant for Oracle? • Rapid refocus of business model and adoption of e-learning for Oracle University, the second largest IT training provider Quarter (Q1 00) to Quarter (Q1 01) Comparison: Internal education cost down 40% ($3.7M) Classroom enrollments down 60% (19,300) eClass enrollments up by 43500 Total student enrollments up 36% (11,500)

  19. E-Learning Trends Source: Gartner, 2000 • 2003+ Content is King • Decentralized e-Learning technology: part of the infrastruct. • Browsers offer virtual classrooms and authoring functionality • Professional and end-user courses included with apps • Productivity suites feature course authoring. Synchronous Asynchronous Simulations JIT Prepackaged JIT Communities Part of Browser Part of ERP Strategic Point Solutions Rich Off-the-Shelf Content Part of Word Processor Web Store Fronts Part of e-Mail End-User SW Vendors Strategy Assessment Course Production Management Authoring and Aggregation

  20. Oracle Directions in e-Learning • Full integration of e-Learning across the Oracle E-Business suite • User  Data  Transaction • Implementation of e-Learning practices at every phase in customer and supplier relationship cycle • E-business learning • Rapid growth of OTN and OLN as global learning communities • Supporting partners and customers • Deployment of Oracle iLearning based solutions and our e-Learning experience • B2B, B2C, B2E

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