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Vocabulary Week 2

Vocabulary Week 2. Word 1: Shudder Def: Trembling from fear Sent: Cindy shuddered at the thought that John was no longer her boyfriend. Word 2: Adolescence Def: Growing into manhood/ womanhood Sent: Cindy’s life was often difficult while she was going through adolescence . .

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Vocabulary Week 2

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  1. Vocabulary Week 2

  2. Word 1: ShudderDef: Trembling from fearSent: Cindy shuddered at the thought that John was no longer her boyfriend.

  3. Word 2: AdolescenceDef: Growing into manhood/ womanhoodSent: Cindy’s life was often difficult while she was going through adolescence.

  4. Word 3: TrudgeDef: To walk with heavy steps because of snow, mud, or tiredSent: Cindytrudgedhome after finding out John no longer loved her.

  5. Word 4: CatastropheDef: Large misfortune, disasterSent: John leaving Cindy for another girl was the worstcatastropheof her life so far.

  6. Word 5: Miserable / MisearyDef: Feeling extremely sad and dejectedSent: Cindy felt miserable for the rest of the year after receiving the news.

  7. Word 6: HystericalDef: Very funnySent: Cindy’s bizarre efforts to get John to love her again were simply hysterical.

  8. Word 7: Meticulous / MeticulouslyDef: Extremely careful and detailedSent: Cindy wrote and sent ameticulouslist of every reason they should stay together.

  9. Word 8: SomberDef: Dark and gloomySent: Cindy spent many a sombernight crying over her lost love.

  10. Word 9: Sulk / SulkingDef: A silent mood resulting being angry about somethingSent: Cindy’s mom kept telling her to stop sulkingand find a new boyfriend.

  11. Word 10: Shimmer / ShimmeringDef: A light shining with small reflections shining off a surfaceSent: Cindy sat crying as she watched the sun shimmeringoff the lake surface.

  12. Word 11: InquireDef: To ask and find out informationSent: Cindy inquired at the library if they had any books on severe heartbreak.

  13. Word 12: Curious / CuriosityDef: being interested in knowing aboutSent: Cindy was curious about why John did not want to be with her anymore.

  14. Word 13: PeerDef: 1) To look 2) A person of the same ageSent: Cindy peered in the room only to find all her peerslaughing at her.

  15. Word 14: SternDef: Very strict and severeSent: Cindy’s teacher was sternand he never let the students talk during the whole class.

  16. Word 15: SplendidDef: Excellent, WonderfulSent: John thought life without Cindy was splendid and wanted to keep it that way.

  17. Word 16: KnackDef: A special talentSent: John was always in trouble because he had a knackfor getting caught.

  18. Word 17: NemesisDef: Your #1 arch enemySent: In one week, John went from being her true love to Cindy’s hated nemesis.

  19. Word 18: ContradictDef: To say something and then say the opposite is trueSent: Cindy contradicted herself by saying she loved John dearly but wished him dead.

  20. Word 19:ScarceDef: Rare and hard to findSent: Guys like John werescarce, so Cindy decided to live the rest of her life alone.

  21. Word 20: SubtleDef: So small a difference that it is hard to see or noticeSent: Changes in Cindy were not subtle; she quickly went insane over John.

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