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M&O status and program for ATLAS LAr calorimeter R Stroynowski (on vacations). Status of Construction Program Barrel calorimeter is in the experimental hall. Front end crates and infrastructure is installed. Production and installation of Power Supplies
M&O status and program for ATLAS LAr calorimeter R Stroynowski (on vacations)
Status of Construction Program Barrel calorimeter is in the experimental hall. Front end crates and infrastructure is installed. Production and installation of Power Supplies and Front End Boards is in progress. FEB and power supplies schedule is extremely tight and installation is likely to slip past the time of the move to the final position. This will result in a more complex commissioning phase. Endcap C assembly and cold test is complete and preparations for the move have started. Endcap A assembly is complete and cold test has started. Level 1Receiver production and installation is on schedule. Budget Construction and installation cost appears to be within original request except for small overrun in Level 1 Receiver (~$40k- $50k) and a large uncertainty in the cost of the Power Supplies production and installation. In particular the completion of the installation is likely to extend into first quarter of 06 and will require additional ~1 FTE from BNL (Kierstead, Sexton, Rescia) or ~$140k.
M&O Program for 2006 Main tasks follow the installation and commissioning schedule for individual cryostats: Barrel End of September 05 - move to the final position inside the toroid magnet. October 05- January 06 - connection and commissioning of final cryogenic lines and control system, start cooldown - connection and commissioning of HV cables and slow controls - connection and commissioning of optical fibers and front end readout February –April 06 - commissioning of the trigger and monitoring system May 06 - start of cosmic ray run (includes shifts)
Endcap C October 05 - transport from Bldg 180 to the experimental hall (includes surface preparations) 11/05 - 12/05 - connection of of final cryogenics and start of cooldown 11/05 - 3/06 - installation of power supplies and front-end electronics followed by cabling and commissioning of optical fibers and readout system 4/06 - 6/06 - commissioning of trigger and monitoring systems 7/ 06 - start of cosmic ray run and commissioning of FCAL 5/06 - start preparations for single beam run Endcap A 9/05-12/05 - cold test in Bldg 180 2/06 - transport to experimental hall (includes surface preparations) 3/06-12/06 - repeat steps as above for Endcap C
Additional tasks Data base commissioning, maintenance and operations includes completion of the hardware data base and interface to the data analysis data base Commissioning of on-line hardware status monitoring software includes DCS and interfaces to DAQ and graphic displays (temperatures, smoke detectors, data links, water cooling, power, cryogenics interfaces and many more) Maintenance of operational hardware includes completion of EMF – Electronics Maintenance Facility, repairs of cryogenic and electronics elements, water cooling of readout electronics and elements of nitrogen refrigeration system Beam test (not yet approved) – a request for additional exposure of FCal test module to obtain calibration data has been submitted to CERN management. Test beam may become available in Spring 05. Stability studies of Front-end readout system includes long term studies of performance of power supplies, front-end crate system and optical components of the data links Shifts needed for detector operations
Each main task has many specific work packages – too numerous to list here. • Example 1 – FEC water cooling system (BNL) • Connections to the Atlas water distribution system: • Pressure and leak checks • Repairs and replacement of damaged or mal-functioning parts • Flow optimization between LVPS/FEC branches • Temperature sensors: • Calibration • Replacement of leaky or non-functioning units • Integration of temperature monitor in Atlas LAr DCS
Example 2 – FCal Phase 3 commissioning (Arizona) - Preparation of diagnostic software in Athena framework. Diagnostics will focus on the FCal but some code may be more generally useful. - Specify and implement special trigger counter hardware for single beam running - Design and implement special trigger fast electronics for single beam running - Bring up the FCal (HV, special FEBs, special calibration pulser board, etc.) for the cosmics and single beam runs. - Check all special FCal features of the warm electronics: Preamps, Linear Mixer gains, Layer Sum Boards, Pulser (linearity), and L1re-mapping board. - Operational help: shifts, on-call expertise for offline monitoring, reconstruction and analysis. - Analyze diagnostic data for the FCal to check the full readout chain. - Adapt, develop, and maintain selected parts of the reconstruction and analysis support software for the calorimeters. - Determine Calorimeter and LArCalorimeter domain offline reconstruction software efficiencies for cosmic running (single muons and "big showers"). - Analysis of cosmic signals with standard generic reconstruction software.
Uncertainties • The results of the cooldown test of the Endcap A will not be known until 10/05. • Production schedule of power supplies remains uncertain. • Completion dates of installation of front end readout electronics and optical • fibers may be delayed for each cryostat independently. • Schedule for final commissioning of the Level 1 receiver will depend on the • completion of the Trigger system. • Problems related to the online monitoring are largely unknown at this time. • The effects of potential installation delays are difficult to predict at this time. • They may include a need for double shifts and extension of the commissioning • period (i.e., larger presence at CERN and more travel)
M&O Budget request • Budget estimates have been revised in February 05 and included in Access. • There is at present insufficient knowledge of the uncertainties arising from • potential delays to justify additional budget changes to be made • before October 05. • I recommend a maintenance of additional ~20% of LAr M&O budget in • the Management Reserve.
LAr R&D • The program for Lar upgrade R&D has been submitted to Abe Seiden. • It has been reviewed and endorsed by the ATLAS LAr collaboration. • Timeline for development of rad-hard electronics appears tight for the • projected LHC upgrade schedule. • Scrubbed budget exceeds guidelines by ~35%. No decision has been • made how to address this problem.