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HOMOGENEOUS POLYMERIZATION In a homogeneous polymerization process, all reactants, including monomers, initiators, and solvents, are mutually soluble and compatible with the resulting polymer.
Bulk Polymerization initiator monomer • Monomer, initiator, and polymer are miscible • Generally exothermic • The higher the conversion, the higher the viscosity polymer
not very exothermic reactants are usually of low activity Step-growth polymerization high temperatures are required
Low viscosity at the beginning • high viscosities at later stages of the reaction • problems with the removal of volatile byproducts • a possible change in the kinetics of the reaction from a chemical-controlled regime to a diffusion-controlled one.
Low heat capacity • Low thermal conductivity • extremely viscous reaction media • Low overall heat transfer coefficient • Development of localized hot spots • Runaway reactions • Degradation of polymer product • Broadened mole weight distribution
Because of the above heat transfer problems, bulk polymerization of vinyl monomers is restricted to those with relatively low reactivities and enthalpies of polymerization. • This is exemplified by the homogeneous bulk polymerization of methyl methacrylate and styrene (see the following Table).
Some polyurethanes and polyesters are examples of step-reaction polymers that can be produced by homogeneous bulk poly-merizations. • The products of these reactions might be a solid, as in the case with acrylic polymers; a melt, as produced by some continuous polymerization of styrene; or a solution of polymer in monomer, as with certain alkyd-type polyesters.
To overcome the problems, the process is carried out in two stages: Stage I Prepolymerization or polymerization initiation stage, which is often carried out in a short period (5 – 10 minutes) resulting syrup (low degree of polymerization and low viscosity) Polymerization stage, which is often carried out in a mold resulting solid polymer in a relatively long period. Tahap II
Another way of circumventing the heat transfer problems is by continuous bulk polymerization. • An example is the polymerization of polystyrene, which is carried out in two stages. • In the first stage, styrene is polymerized at 80°C to 30 to 35% monomer conversion in a stirred reactor known as a prepolymerizer. • The resulting reaction mass — a viscous solution or syrup of polymer in monomer — subsequently passes down a tower with increasing temperature.
The increasing temperature helps to keep the viscosity at manageable levels and also enhances conversion, which reaches at least 95% at the exit of the tower. • By removal of the heat of polymerization at the top of the tower and proper temperature control of the finished polymer at the bottom of the tower, an optimum molecular weight may be achieved and channeling of the polymer may be minimized.
Vertical column reactor for the continuous bulk polymerization of styrene
Bulk polymerization is ideally suited for making pure polymeric products, as in the manufacture of optical grade poly(methyl methacrylate) or impact-resistant polystyrene, because of minimal contamination of the product. • However, removal of the unreacted monomer is usually necessary, and this can be a difficult process. • This may be achieved in vacuum extruders where the molten polymer is extruded under vacuum to suck off the residual monomer.
Bulk Polymerization is generally more suitable for step-growth polymerization than chain-growth polymerization because: • The major problems in bulk polymerization are heat removal and mixing. • H condensation polymerization (2 – 6 kkal/kg) < H addition polymerization (15 – 20 kkal/kg). • Even at low conversion, viscosity of product of addition polymerization > condensation polymerization. • All the problems leads to much lower heat transfer coefficient in chain-growth polymerization than in step-growth polymerization.
Solution Polymerization catalyst solvent initiator monomer • Monomer, initiator, catalyst, and resulting polymer are soluble in the solvent • Exothermic • The higher the conversion, the higher the viscosity Solution
In solution polymerization, the monomer, initiator, and resulting polymer are all soluble in the solvent. • Solution polymerization may involve a simple process in which a monomer, catalyst, and solvent are stirred together to form a solution that reacts without the need for heating or cooling or any special handling. • On the other hand, elaborate equipment may be required.
For example, a synthetic rubber process using a coordination catalyst requires rigorous exclusion of air (to less than 10 ppm); moisture; carbon dioxide; and other catalyst deactivators from the monomer, solvent, and any other ingredient with which the catalyst will come in contact before the reaction. • In addition, exclusion of air prevents the tendency to form dangerous peroxides. • To avoid product contamination and discoloration, materials of construction also need to be selected with the greatest care.
Polymerization is performed in solution either batchwise or continuously. • The batch may be mixed and held at a constant temperature while running for a given time, or for a time dictated by tests made during the progress of the run. • A continuous reaction train, consists of a number of reactors, usually up to about ten, with the earlier ones overflowing into the next and the later ones on level control, with transfer from one to the next by pump.
As the reaction progresses, solution polymerization generally involves a pronounced increase in viscosity and evolution of heat. • The viscosity increase demands higher power and stronger design for pumps and agitators. • The reactor design depends largely on how the heat evolved is dissipated. • Reactors in solution polymerization service use jackets; internal or external coils; evaporative cooling with or without compression of the vapor or simple reflux-cooling facilities, a pumped recirculation loop through external heat exchanger; and combinations of these.
advantages of Solution polymerization • The catalyst is not coated by polymer so that its efficiency is sustained and removal of catalyst residues from the polymer, when required, is simplified. • Solution polymerization is one way of reducing the heat transfer problems encountered in bulk polymerization. • The solvent acts as an inert diluent, increasing overall heat capacity without contributing to heat generation.
By conducting the polymerization at the reflux temperature of the reaction mass, the heat of polymerization can be conveniently and efficiently removed. • Furthermore, relative to bulk polymerization, mixing is facilitated because the presence of the solvent reduces the rate of increase of reaction medium viscosity as the reaction progresses.
Drawbacks of Solution polymerization • The solubility of polymers is generally limited, particularly at higher molecular weights. • Lower solubility requires that vessels be larger for a given production capacity. • The use of an inert solvent not only lowers the yield per reactor volume but also reduces the reaction rate and average chain length since these quantities are proportional to monomer concentration.
The necessity of selecting an inert solvent to eliminate the possibility of chain transfer to the solvent. • The solvent frequently presents hazards of toxicity, fire, explosion, corrosion, and odor problems not associated with the product itself. • Solvent handling and recovery and separation of the polymer involve additional costs, and removal of unreacted monomer can be difficult. Complete removal of the solvent is difficult in some cases.
With certain monomers (e.g., acrylates) solution polymerization leads to a relatively low reaction rate and low-molecular-weight polymers as compared with aqueous emulsion or suspension polymerization. • The problem of cleaning equipment and disposal of dirty solvent constitutes another disadvantage of solution polymerization.
COMMERCIAL USE • Solution polymerization finds ready applications when the end use of the polymer requires a solution, as in certain adhesives and coating processes [i.e., poly(vinyl acetate) to be converted to poly(vinyl alcohol) and some acrylic ester finishes]. • Solution polymerization is used widely in ionic and coordination polymerization. • High-density polyethylene, polybutadiene, and butyl rubber are produced this way.
Notes: a For example, 1,3-butadiene or isoprene b Includes hexane, heptane, an olefin, benzene, or a halogenated hydrocarbon. Must be free from moisture, oxygen, and other catalyst deactivators. c TiCl4, an aluminium, alkyl, and cobalt halide are reported to be used to make meripol CB cis-polybutadiene. d In the transesterification step, inorganic salts, alkali metals or their alkoxides, or Cu, Cr, Pb, or Mn metal are used. In the next step, the catalyst is not disclosed. e Isotactic polymers are not usually formed completely in solution but precipitate in the course of reaction. f Amines, cyclic nitrogen compounds, arisine, stibine, or phosphine.
Polimerisasi Bulk Heterogen initiator monomer • Monomer dan initiator salinglarut • Polimertidaklarutdalamsisa monomer, • Biasanyaeksotermis • Semakinbesarkonversi, semakintinggiviskositasnya monomer polymer
CONTOH The high pressure free radical process for the manufacture of Low Density Polyethylene initiator ethylene T = 200 – 280C P = 1000 – 3000 atm Super- critical ethylene polyethylene
Polyethylenemembentukcabangkarenaproses self-branching. • Cabang yang lebihpanjangdarimetiltidakdapatmasukkekisikristal polyethylene, sehinggapolimerpadat yang dihasilkankurangbersifatkristal (tidaktransparan) danlebihkakudaripada HDPE (0.935-0.96 g cm-3) yang dibuatdenganreaksicoordination polymerization
PolimerisasiLarutanHeterogen (proses slurry) katalis solven inisiator monomer • Monomer, initiator, dankatalislarutdalamsolven, • Polimertidaklarutdalamlarutan • Ekotermis • Semakinbesarkonversi, semakintinggiviskositasnya Larutan polimer
Langkah-langkahprosespolimerisasi slurry: Langkahpenyiapankatalis. Katalis yang padaumumnyaberupapadatan, diproduksisedemikianrupasehinggatidakada air danoksigenpadakatalis. Langkahpolimerisasi Reaksipolimerisasidilakukanpada P < 50 atmdan T < 110C (untukmenghidarilarutnyapolimer) sehinggaterbentuk slurry dengankonsentrasipolimer 20% dalamdiluencairanalifatik (misal propylene, dalampembuatan polypropylene).
Recovery polimer: Langkahinidilakukandengancara stripping terhadapdiluen, pencucianuntukmenghilangkansisakatalis, danekstraksikomponenpolimer yang takdikehendaki (jikaperlu). Langkah “compounding”: Langkahinibertujuanuntukmencampurberbagaimacam stabilizer danbahanaditifdenganlelehanpolimer, yang kemudiandiikutidenganpendinginandanpembentukan pellet.
Jikakonsentrasikatalissangatkecil, makalangkahpenghilangankatalisdapatdiabaikan. • Konversibiasanyalebihtinggidibandingkandengan free-radical, high-pressure polymerization process, sehinggalebihsedikit monomer yang harusdirecycle. • Temperaturreaksipadaproses slurry dapatdikontroldengan me-reflux solven.
PolimerisasiSuspensi (bead/pearl/granular polymerization) Dispersing agent inisiator monomer air • Monomer dan initiator tidaklarutdalamsolven, • Polimertidaklarutdalamlarutan • Ekotermis • Semakinbesarkonversi, viskositasrelatiftidakberubah. Polimertersuspensi
Peran air: Media transfer panas. Menjagaviskositas media reaksitetaprendah. Dalampolimerisasivinyl chloride : (CP)monomer = (CP)polimer = ¼ (CP)air Rasio air/monomer : 1,5/1 – 1,75/1
Inisiator Senyawa peroxide Senyawa azo Senyawa ionik aluminum alkyl antimony alkyl titanium chloride chromium oxides Benzoylperoxide Diacetylperoxide Laurylperoxide t-butyl-peroxides Azo-bis-isobutyronitrile (AIBN) Jumlahkatalis : 0.1 – 0.5% dariberatmonomer
Apa yang terjadidalamtetesan monomer? 10 – 20% 75 – 80% 0% Encer Padatan Tidaklengket Kental Lengket
Masalahutama Aglomerasi (terutamapadatahapdimanatetesanmenjadikentaldanlengket) Pengadukan Stabilizing agent
Stabilizing agent Surface-active agents (surfactants) Polimer yang larutdalam air gelatin, methyl cellulose, poly(vinyl alcohol), starches, gums, dan poly(acrylic acids) besertagaramnya Garamdariasamlemak, MgCO3 , CaCO3 Ca3(PO4)2 TiO, Al2O3 Jumlahstabilizing agent: 0,01 – 0,5% dariberatmonomer
Dalampolimerisasisuspensi, monomer + inisiator yang terlarutdidispersikandalambentuktetesankecilkedalam air yang mengandungsedikitsuspensionagent. • Begitupolimerisasiberlangsung, tetesan monomer berubahmenjadikentaldanlengket. • Hasilakhirreaksimengandungpolimer 25-50% yang terdispersidalam air. • Koagulasidaridispersidikontroldenganpengadukandanbantuanstabilizing agent.
Jikapolimerisasisudahselesai, suspensipolimerdialirkankeblowdown tank atau stripper untukmemisahkansisa monomer. • Slurry dipompake centrifuge atau filter untukmenyaring, mencuci, danmengeringkanpolimer. • Polimerbasah (30% air) dikeringkandenganudarahangat (66 to 149°C) dalam dryer. • Polimerkeringdikirimke storage.
REAKTOR • Bentukreaktorumumnyatangkivertikalberpengaduk yang terbuatdari stainless steel atau glass-lined carbon steel. • Reaktordilengkapidenganpengaduk (tipe paddle atau anchor) dengan 20 – 60 rpm. • Yang perludiperhatikanadalahkontroltemperatur.
REAKTOR GLASS-LINED CARBON STEEL STAINLESS STEEL • Perpindahanpanaskurang • Tidakada fouling • Perpindahanpanasbagus • Masalah fouling
Reaksieksotermis Kontroltemperatursangatpenting Reaktordengan baffle Reaktordenganjaket Hati-hati! Dead volume Sistemrefrijerasi