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Consortial Activities in Korea

Explore the history, structure, and impact of library consortia in Korea from traditional to new types, funding methods, and key programs/services. Learn about the present status and growth trends in the Korean library consortia landscape.

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Consortial Activities in Korea

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  1. Consortial Activities in Korea Ho Nam Choi Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information hnchoi@kisti.re.kr ndsl.or.kr kesli.or.kr

  2. Korea Data Profile(2005) Sources: CIA World Factbook: https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html UNESCO statistics: http://www.uis.unesco.org/profiles/EN/GEN/countryProfile_en.aspx?code=3600

  3. Number of Research Articles Published by Korea +307% -12% +152% Source: Based on affliliation search in Scopus

  4. Key Publications Areas by Korea Year 1996 - 2006 Source: Based on affliliation search in Scopus

  5. Impact Factor of Korea Papers

  6. Average Impact per Subject Field

  7. Overview of Korean Library Consortia • Started Early 1960s • by Subject, by Type, by Region, by Common Interest • Traditional Type vs New One Coexisting • Printed Information based vs Electronic Information based • Contributed Resources vs Officially Secured Resources • Mostly Informal Constitution vs Formal Constitution • Mostly withering vs Booming up actively • Membership fee vs Government fund • 11 vs 3

  8. Overview of Korean Library Consortia Present Status of Traditional Library Consortia Form Size Start Year Programs/ services Governance, staffing, resources Funding KMLA by subject (med) 153 1968 • DDS, training, publishing • seminar/workshop • joint licensing • medical DB construction • formal constitution • regular staff • established resources membersip fee & service charge STIMA by subject (S&T) 53 1972 • ILL: online union catalog • seminar/workshop • publishing • formal constitution • regular staff • contributed resources membership fee & grant KPULA by type (private univ.) 100 1972 • ILL & DDS • seminar/workshop • exchange of materials • publishing • informal constitution • no staff • contributed resources membership fee NPULA by type (public univ.) 51 1962 • ILL & DDS • exchange of materials • seminar/workshop • informal constitution • no staff • contributed resources membership fee KTLA by subject (theology) 53 1973 • ILL & DDS • seminar/workshop • publishing • informal constitution • no staff • contributed resources membership fee KOSSIC by subject (social sci) 56 1990 • ILL & DDS • seminar/workshop • publishing • informal constitution • no staff • contributed resources Membership fee CLA By type (colleges) 70 1995 • exchange information • publishing • informal constitution • no staff • contributed resources Membership fee

  9. Form Size Start Year Programs/ services Governance, staffing, resources Funding Overview of Korean Library Consortia Present Status of New Library Consortia KORSA academic 152 2000 • online DDS • seminar/workshop • ASP • formal constitution • central agency • regular staff • established resources Governmental fund KERIS’ Consortium academic 234 1999 • operates RISS: DDS, ILL • national & joint licensing • seminar/workshop • online community service • formal constitution • central agency • regular staff • established resources Governmental fund KESLI All types & subjects 416 1999 • operates NDSL • joint purchasing of digital content, solution, services • mobile campus consortium • digital archive & preserving • global linking service • seminar/workshop/forum • re-education program • formal constitution • central agency • regular staff • established resources Governmental fund & grant

  10. KORSA • Established in 2000 by GIST • Built a DB with over 6 million records of article indices with 15,000 journals • Currently 154 Members join for online resource sharing services • 30 libraries join for ASP system  Hard time creating a blue ocean to avoid overlaps of KERIS’s and KESLI’s activities

  11. KERIS’ Consortiumoverview • Started in 1999 for Licensing e-information • Consists of Academic Institutes • Concentrates on Web DBs • Two Licensing Programs • National Academic Licensing Program • Currently 14 DBs selected • 30 ~ 100% financial support for each DB • Joint License Purchasing Program • Operates RISS: service platform

  12. KERIS’ ConsortiumNational Academic Licensing Program e-Resources purchased under National Academic Licensing Program Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 No. of e-Resources 4 5 7 11 12 12 14 List of e-Resouces OCLC FS(ECO) ACM DL LC CDS OCLC Cataloging OCLC FS(ECO) ACM DL LC CDS OCLC Cataloging CSA IDS OCLC FS(ECO) ACM DL LC CDS OCLC Cataloging CSA IDS DDoD PQDD OCLC FS(ECO) ACM DL LC CDS OCLC Cataloging CSA IDS DDoD PQDD JCR Web E*Subscribe OCLC netLibrary Ulrich's & BIP OCLC FS(ECO) ACM DL LC CDS OCLC Cataloging CSA IDS DDoD PQDD JCR Web E*Subscribe OCLC netLibrary Ulrich's & BIP Safari eBook OCLC FS(ECO) ACM DL LC CDS OCLC Cataloging CSA IDS DDoD PQDD JCR Web E*Subscribe OCLC netLibrary Ulrich's & BIP Safari eBook OCLC FS(ECO) ACM DL LC CDS & OCLC Catalog DDoD PQDD JCR Web PML OED Westlaw OCLC netLibrary Safari eBook Scopus LION Education Collection

  13. KERIS’ ConsortiumNational Academic Licensing Program Present Status of National Academic Licensing Program as of 2005 e-Resources No. of participants Remarks 1  OCLC FirstSearch 400 100% supported 2  LC CDS & OCLC Cataloging 12 100% supported 3  ACM Digital Library 400 100% supported 4  DDOD 97 30% supported PDU package service 5  Proquest PQDD 6  JCR Web 84 30% supported 7  OCLC NetLibrary 98 35% supported 8  Safari eBook 39 30% supported 9  Westlaw 49 30% supported 10  OED 400 100% supported 11  PML 44 30% supported 12  Scopus Trial period 100% supported for the 1st year only 13  LION 23 30% supported 14  Education Collection 150 100% supported * OCLC FirstSearch and ACM Portal service are provided to 400 universities’ individual members. * Number of participants of OCLC NetLibrary is the accumulated one from year 2002 to 2005.

  14. domestic scholars portion by discipline e-info subscription portion by discipline (year 2003) future desired e-info portion by discipline usage stats average searchesfor e-info DB by discipline average downloadsfor e-info DB by discipline KERIS’ ConsortiumSurveys Distributed portion of domestic scholars and usage status of e-information by discipline ( % ) human ities social sci natural sci eng/ tech medical sci art/phy sical Edu cation biz/ econ 12.0 11.0 11.0 29.0 6.0 10.0 7.0 14.0 9.7 4.1 24.1 31.0 7.6 - 2.8 5.5 15.2 7.6 15.9 33.1 6.2 2.1 4.8 3.4 5.8 3.3 9.9 19.2 8.1 8.4 10.1 35.2 2.2 2.1 14.1 17.4 8.8 9.0 6.5 39.9 * source: “2003 Korea Educational Statistics”

  15. KERIS’ ConsortiumSurveys Average information expenditure and subscription volume per university 2000 2001 2002 2003 average expenditure of library information materials $850,000 $950,000 $820,000 $825,000 average expenditure of foreign e-information subscription $94,000 $116,000 $120,000 $128,000 ratio of foreign e-information expenditure against library information materials expenditure 10.96% 12.20% 14.6% 15.5% 8.04 items 9.47 items 11.27 items 15.5 items average e-information subscription volume

  16. 50 40 34.4 30 18.3 20 9.9 9.2 8.4 7.6 10 4.6 4.6 1.5 1.5 0 eng'g/tech human ities natural sci social sci medical sci edu cation biz/ econ art/ physical others no answer KERIS’ ConsortiumSurveys Priority for Web DB Procurement (unit: %, n=131 libraries, answers of 1st priority)

  17. 50 38.9 40 30 19.8 16.0 20 10 7.6 4.6 5.3 3.8 1.5 1.5 0.8 0 eng'g/tech natural sci human ities medical sci social sci edu cation biz/ econ art/ physical others no answer KERIS’ ConsortiumSurveys Priority for e-Journal Procurement (unit: %, n=131 libraries, answers of 1st priority)

  18. 50 33.6 40 32.1 30 20 6.1 6.1 7.6 5.3 10 3.1 2.3 2.3 1.5 0 eng'g/tech human ities natural sci social sci medical sci edu cation biz/ econ art/ physical others no answer KERIS’ ConsortiumSurveys Priority for e-Book Procurement (unit: %, n=131 libraries, answers of 1st priority)

  19. Consortial Activities of KESLI • Why a KESLI? • What a KESLI? • Business Statistics • Ongoing Programs • Challenging Issues • Future Directions

  20. Why a KESLI? • E-Journals started booming late 90’s in Korea • Change of subscription mode • No idea from Government bodies or Central body of Korean Library Associations to respond properly • Triggered by Early Adapters of KAIST • Benchmarking of Foreign Cases: NESLI… • Shared idea of consortium based joint purchasing  KESLI(Korea Electronic Site License Initiative) was born in 1999 to deal with these issues.

  21. What a KESLI? • ‘Law of Two Feet’ • Voluntarily Sprouted, but Growing and Evolving on demand • No legal or institutional apparatus supported • More than a Buying Club  New Value Potential • Endless Challenges  Organic Body??

  22. What a KESLI? • Success Factors of KESLI • Shared interest: Information cost • Improve resource sharing • More information about the information resources • Stable funding • Communications • Development of attractive programs and services • Strong Leadership

  23. KESLI’s Ongoing Programs • Consortium purchasing & Resource sharingprogram • NDSL operations • Project of building a National Digital Archive • Promotion of web service based NOS(NDSL-on-Site) • Mobile Campus Consortium project • Linking Center • Education and Training programs • e-Information Forum • Re-education program for professional librarians

  24. Consortium Purchasing & Resource Sharing private companies 70 medical institutes 48 universities 208 research institutes 71 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 Total 420 libraries participating in the KESLI consortium • Joint purchasing: 343 libraries - 13,933 e-journals, 2,507 e-proceedings, 12,423 e-standards, 26,523 e-books, 7 databases and other 6 products • DDS: 262 libraries KESLI public bodies 23 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교 서울대 등 141개 대학교

  25. Consortium Purchasing & Resource Sharing Big Jump of use level of journals by library type (As of June 17, 2005) 3,520 2,972 2,920 2,473 1,986 Number of Journals 1,731 329 213 227 114 50 46 University Research Corporate Medical Public Average Journal titles subscribed before KESLI Journal titles accessible after KESLI

  26. Consortium purchasing & Resource sharing Cost Saving Effects by KESLI (As of October 31, 2003) ToL No. of member (A) Average E-journal titles (B) Individual Deal KESLI Deal Expected Savings (I)=D-H Average Cost by Group (C) Total Cost by ToL (D)=A*C Average Cost by ToL (E) Cost by ToL (F)=A*E KESLI support (G) Total cost by ToL (H)=F+G Univ 142 2,638 $4.87m $691.54m $0.06m $8.52m $0.23m $8.75m $682.79m Research 43 2,334 $4.31m $185.33m $0.04m $1.72m $0.06m $1.78m $183.55m Corporate 43 1,689 $3.12m $134.16m $0.02m $0.86m $0.05m $0.91m $133.25m Medical 39 1,811 $3.35m $130.65m $0.03m $1.17m $0.04m $1.21m $129.44m Public 9 1,084 $2.00m $18.00m $0.01m $0.09m $0.01m $0.10m $17.90m Total 276 - - $1,159.68m - $12.36m $0.39m $12.75m $1,146.93m Average - 2,276 $4.20m - $0.04m - $0.14m $0.05m $4.16m

  27. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006.9 X : year, Y : no. of libraries 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006.9 X : year, Y : no. of supplied docs Consortium Purchasing & Resource Sharing Resource Sharing Statistics by year

  28. Consortium Purchasing & Resource Sharing Cost Effectiveness thru consortial procurement Cost per Article trend by year Survey against 7 major suppliers

  29. NDSL Operations … provides one-click total gateway services for accessing both electronic and printed journal/proceeding papers to nationwide researchers by building a comprehensive metadatabase in collaboration with KESLI member libraries and participating suppliers “A National Scholarly Portal for Publications”

  30. NDSL Operations Why a NDSL? Licenses for accessing information resources drastically expanded nationwide by KESLI’s efforts, but • There were no suitable information services solely to meet the highly enhanced Korean researchers’ demand that any document, regardless of its subject, format, and location should be obtained from any time any place by just one-click away • Building one single comprehensive meta database for foreign scholarly information was strongly needed to provide nationwide researchers with streamlined gateway service • Resources sharing were being carried out manually and partly among some of libraries.  Nationwide automatic resource sharing system required.

  31. P/G Bank NDSL Operations Suppliers NDSL Service Configuration NDSL DOI Lookup My NDSL View e-fulltext Search Our Library subscription Open URL NDSL Link Protocol Subscription Information Content Information e-Gate DB e-Gate DB content Member Library System NOS DDS PPV ILL Bibliographic Data p-Journal Subscription Data e-Journal License Data e-Commerce System e-Marketplace System KESLI Claim Negotiation Order Contract Users (Academic/ Research/ Industry/Venture/Individual) Member Library Staff (KESLI, DDS)

  32. NDSL Operations • Functions • One-stop comprehensive searching and fulltext supplying service for 34 million papers of both 49,000 scholarly journals and 180,000 proceedings • One-click gateway service for 18 million e-Fulltexts of 20,000 core e-Journals • Journal Browsing service by subject, by individual library subscription, by alphabetical order, by SCI selections, and by publisher • Online photocopy services for documents held either by 262 DDS member libraries or overseas • E-mail Alerting service based on individual profile • My NDSL service • Remote Access service via NDSL Proxy Server for licensed e-Journals

  33. NDSL Operations • Special Features • Comprehensiveness • All web-based • e-Commerce employed • Biggest and Finest DB in its kind in Korea • Differentiated interfacing by log-on user, by desk-top • Originally designed for targeting • 50,000,000 records of meta data • 200,000 registered individual members • 500 simultaneous users

  34. NDSL Operations NDSL DB status Bib Records - Journals - Proceedings 231,977 49,578 182,399 NDSL Database 34,118,216 28,010,394 6,107,822 Article Bib Records - Journal Articles - Proceeding Papers No. of Issues - Journal Issues - Proceeding Issues 5,323,688 5,135,237 188,451 No. of Holding Library Data by Issue 17,036,797 (387 holding libraries) Links to e-fulltext - Journal Articles - Proceeding Papers 18,720,972 17,840,416 880,556 Licensed Journals of Members 1,842,825 (339 libraries)

  35. Registration Professor 7,991 Graduate(Ph.D) 9,101 Graduate(Masters) 19,228 Undergraduate 14,103 Researcher 8,901 Librarian 1,311 Others 15,846 NDSL Operations as of May 31, 2005  Registered Individuals: 76,481 Graduate(Ph.D) 12% Professor 10% Others 21% Graduate(Masters) 25% Librarian 2% Researcher 12% Undergraduate 18%

  36. e-Fulltext clickthroughs by client type NDSL Operations as of May 31, 2005 Total clickthroughs: 2,367,351 Professor 213,062 Others 236,733 Librarian 355,103 9% 9% Graduate(Ph.D) 449,797 15% 19% 9% Researcher 213,062 5% 33% Undergraduate 118,368 Graduate(Masters) 781,226

  37. DDS by client group NDSL Operations as of May 31, 2005 Total documents: 139,539 Professor 18,140 Others 33,489 Graduate(Ph.D) 12,559 13% 23% 9% 10% Graduate(Masters) 13,954 28% 2% Librarian 39,071 14% Undergraduate 2,791 Researcher 19,535

  38. NDSL Operations As of May 2005 Searches & Browses e-Fulltext clickthroughs Document Delivery Requests 5,199,569 994,853 50,448 4,036,385 47,712 764,185 3,713,342 38,122 2,166,487 570,826 21,020 414,522 24,004 421,278 1,059,027 975,993 8,681 196,540 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005. 5 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005. 5 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005. 5

  39. National Digital Archive • Background and necessity • Traditional Purchase-and-Own model : Individual Archiving • Lease Model of e-Journals • Publishers’ archiving policies are NOT basic solutions  Centralized Archiving and Preservation required ! Commercial archiving service: PORTICO ☞ NDA was designed for guaranteeing perpetual access to the e-journals that were licensed and paid by KESLI members.

  40. National Digital Archive • Progresses by now • Contracted or Agreed with 20 publishers • 6,900,000 e-fulltext data from 4,900 journals collected(mostly PDF)  8 tera byte storage required • A test bed archiving system under construction  Test running from 2007 • Purposes • guarantee perpetual access to the digital content that was licensed and paid by KESLI members • Prepare for just in case of service suspension caused by publishers’ bankruptcy, merging, or other disasters • Study for long term preservation of digital data for maintaining readability • Provide new value-added information services with the archived data

  41. NOS(NDSL-on-Site) • NOS is a solution that supports Individual Library’s Information System to interoperate with NDSL using ‘web service’ technology • Patrons from Individual Library can use all of NDSL resources and services from their library information system, without paying extra visits to NDSL separately • 20 libraries are NOS customers now.

  42. Mobile Campus Consortium project • KT and KTF sponsored KESLI to develop and distribute a Wireless DL Solution to the Mobile Campus Consortium members who were selected on applications among KESLI members. • Provides both library and academic information services via cellular phone or PDA • 67 universities participating for 2004 thru 2005 • US$ 2 million

  43. Mobile Campus Consortium project PDA Portal Service http://pda.sm.ac.kr IntranetEdu/Admin Announcement Library announcement reservation search Community Groupware Web mail

  44. mobile campus Mobile Campus Consortium project Mobile services via cellular phone Wireless DL Educational Admin Phone page Search loan 2D barcode wireless internet connect Mobile library service Mobile ID Alerting 2D바코드 UMS dispatch system Entry control Seat allocation CDMA network Student ID managing

  45. National Linking Center • To run a National Linking Center by hosting a Linking Resolver in order for the KESLI member libraries to provide customized global linking services for their patrons • Linking with Various Internet Sources(Google Scholar, PubMed, Ebsoco Host, etc) • Consortium based operations • Builds and operates Local Knowledge Base

  46. Education & Training programs Re-education program “Workshop contest by group” July 10~11 2003 Cheongpoong Resort, Chechun

  47. Education & Training programs e-Information Forum Panel Discussion: “The Role of Future Libraries” 2005 KESLI e-Information forumApril 27~29 2005 Daemyung Condominium Danyang

  48. KESLI’s Challenging Issues • Negotiation Process • Maintaining Buying Power • Package Deal • License Model: Win-Win model? • Matter of Size • Evaluation and feed back • Archiving • Acceptance of content to KESLI • Supplier Driven  User Driven • Not consolidated  loosely federated

  49. KESLI’s Challenging Issues A Matter of Package Deal: usage concentration Usage portion of 10% highly used journals by publisher * against 299 members for 2004, 319 members for 2005

  50. KESLI’s Challenging Issues A Matter of Package Deal: non-use journals Non-use journals portion by publisher * against 299 members for 2004, 319 members for 2005

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