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Enhance trainees’ knowledge on materials & particle theory, plan practical activities, and evaluate success criteria in primary science education. Learn about particles, states of matter, and practical science skills.
Essex Primary SCITT Primary Science Course Lecture 2
Review of last time • Would like more practical and outside learning. • More subject knowledge. • Would have liked a short afternoon break to have a quick breather.
Aims for today • Review the use of success criteria • To develop trainees’ knowledge and understanding about materials, including: • materials and their properties; • solids, liquids, gases; • particle theory; • effect of heating and cooling; • change of state; • dissolving. • To develop trainees’ knowledge and understanding of the process skills of observing and questioning. • To learn how to plan an individual/paired practical science activity, including how to organise the classroom so that this can be done safely.
Why are Learning Objectives and Success Criteria important? ‘If learners are to take more responsibility for their own learning, then they need to know what they are going to learn, how they will recognise when they have succeeded and why they should learn it in the first place.’ Learning Unlimited, 2004 Learning Objectives ‘What’ and ‘Why’ Success Criteria ‘How you know you’ve been successful’
Working Scientifically Success CriteriaQuestioning I can … • KS1 – ask questions that I would like to explore and find answers to. • LKS2 – ask questions that are clearly linked to the science idea I am exploring. • UKS2 – ask well-thought out questions to help me develop and deepen my understanding of the science idea I am exploring.
Success Criteria • Giving students detailed information about how to be successful can be enormously powerful. Bullet pointed ‘success criteria’ for new concepts can be useful if derived from modelling, scaffolding learning and then giving time so children can apply this to their own learning. • Success Criteria are of little long term learning value if they are simply a checklist of what children should include in their work, unless it is an application lesson and children already have a reasonable knowledge and understanding of the concept being studied. • There is no set number of success criteria for an activity. The number of success criteria are simply decided by the expected learning.
Scientific enquiry types • Observing, including changes over time • Exploring • Comparative and fair tests • Surveys • Identifying, classifying and sorting • Pattern seeking • Problem solving • Research from secondary sources
What does the word material mean? Matter from which a thing is made.
Identifying, classifying and sortingHow could you sort and classify these? • Tea • Sugar • Talcum powder • Bubble bath • Coffee • Jelly • Lard • Wax • Water • Shaving foam • Foil • Toothpaste • Flour • Oil • Chocolate • Marshmallow What could be the success criteria be for this activity?
Solid, liquid, gas Definitely gas Definitely solid Definitely liquid Between solids and liquids Between liquids and gases
Properties of solids • Solids • Fixed volume • Fixed shape • Not easily expanded or compressed
Properties of liquids • Liquids • Fixed volume • No fixed shape • Take the shape of the container • Pour easily • Not easily compressed • Tendency to evaporate (vaporise)
Properties of gases • Gases • No fixed volume • No fixed shape • Easily compressed • Flow easily • Expand to fill any volume
What are materials made of? • All materials are made of particles. • The arrangement and movement of the particles give materials their different properties. • Within each particle there are positive and negative charges. • Between particles there may be forces of attraction or repulsion. • Particle theory is used to explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwGim-eceS8
Closely packed particles, arranged in a regular pattern with small spaces in between. Strongly bonded to neighbouring particles, which are able to vibrate but not move position. Difficult to pull apart due to attracting forces holding the particles together. Difficult to compress due to repelling forces stopping the particles from getting too close. Characteristics of a solid
Quite closely packed particles with small spaces between them. Not arranged in a regular pattern. Particles free to slide over each other. The more viscous a liquid the more difficult it is for particles to slide over each other. Particles weakly bonded to neighbouring particles. Droplets hold together due to attracting forces holding the particles together. Difficult to compress due to repelling forces stopping the particles from getting too close. Characteristics of a liquid
Widely spread out particles. Not arranged in a regular pattern. Particles free to move in all directions. They collide with each other and anything around them. Not bonded to neighbouring particles. Forces between the particles are very weak, except when a gas is greatly compressed and the particles are moved together. Characteristics of a gas
What is a particle? • All particles are made of atoms, they are often described as the building blocks of matter. • Some particles contain only one type of atom. These substances are known as elements. An example is oxygen. • Some particles contain two types of atom, which are joined together in fixed proportions as a result of a chemical reaction. An example is water (H20) which is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Substances of this type are called compounds. • When there are several elements and compounds mixed together they are called a mixture. Air is one example.
Elements • There are 118 different kinds of atom in the universe and therefore there are 118 elements. • There are 92 naturally occurring elements. Scientists have also made elements. • Each element has its own characteristic chemical and physical properties. • The 4 most common elements in the human body are hydrogen (63%), oxygen (25.2%), carbon (9.5%), nitrogen (1.4%). Oxygen molecules. Each molecule is made up of 2 identical oxygen atoms.
Compounds • A compound is made of more than one element, but the amount of each element is a fixed proportion of the compound e.g. H20. A molecule of water has 2 hydrogen atoms joined to 1 oxygen atom.
Carbon Dioxide Carbon Oxygen Water Table Salt Polythene Copper Rust Element or Compound? • CO2 • C • O2 • H2O • NaCl • C2H4 • Cu • Fe2O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTgpN62ou24
Changing state • Energy is needed to make things happen. • Energy can be transferred from one place to another and this can cause a change in temperature. • Energy moves from hot to cold objects spontaneously and the temperature of each changes accordingly. • If enough energy is transferred materials can change from a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a gas.
Observation/ExploringChange of state • Light a candle • Observe it closely for several minutes. • Describe it in as much detail as you can • Draw a diagram and label it • What changes are taking place?
Observation skills Early Development • Using more than one of the senses (Hear, Touch, Smell, See, Taste) to make observations. • Identifying the features of an object or event. Later development • Making conscious use of several senses. • Noticing relevant details of the object and its surroundings. • Identifying similarities and differences. • Discerning the order in which events take place. • Using aids to the senses for study of details. • Making measurements or comparisons using appropriate instruments.
Candle burningInfo for teachers Candle wax + oxygen carbon dioxide + water (CnH2n+2) (and monoxide) The reaction of a candle burning rarely gives complete combustion and results in a smoky, yellow flame indicating that Carbon 'C' (as Soot) is formed. Also, the shortage of O2 will give less CO2, some CO (monoxide) and water vapour (H2O), together with heat and light.
Change of state vocabulary • Melting – when a solid turns to a liquid due to heating. • Evaporating – when a liquid turns to a gas due to heating • Condensing – when a gas turns to a liquid by cooling • Freezing/Solidifying – when a liquid turns to a solid by cooling
Changes due to cooling – making ice • When a substance is cooled it may change from a gas to a liquid (condensing) or a liquid to a solid (freezing). • On cooling, particles lose kinetic (movement) energy and so can become more strongly attracted to each other. • When a liquid reaches freezing point the forces of attraction are sufficient to remove any remaining freedom and the particles come together to form the ordered solid arrangement. • The heat has been removed to the surroundings.
What is special about water? • Water has a larger volume when a solid (ice) than when it is in liquid form. When the liquid water solidifies it expands (increases in volume). LiquidSolid • Most substances have a smaller volume when they are in solid form than when they are in liquid form.
Changes due to heating • Heat energy is transferred to the solid material. • The heat energy causes particles in the solid material to move more vigorously. • Eventually the energy transfer increases sufficiently and the particles move so vigorously that they are no longer fixed in their original positions and a liquid is formed because there is more thermal energy to shake the hydrogen bonds out of position. • As more energy is transferred the particles move even more vigorously and a gas is formed.
Change of state SolidLiquidGas Heat added Vaporisation Evaporation Heat added Melting Heat removed Freezing Heat removed Condensation
Y4 States of Matter Pupils should be taught to: • compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases • observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C) • identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature.
Resources • If you are using ice there needs to be some preparation. • Ice cubes • Candles • Matches
Risk assessment 1 • Children will be melting their own ice cube using a candle and a foil dish, so planning for safety is essential. • First ask yourself ‘What are the risks that need to be controlled?’ • Then decide how these risks could be safely managed. • When you are clear about these things you can plan the organisation of the activity. • You must ensure you inform the parents.
Risk assessment 2 • The main risks are: • Children burnt when candle is lit • Children burnt by flame of candle • Children burnt by hot, melted wax • Children burnt by hot foil dish • Children burnt by boiling water • Flame setting flammable material alight and causing a fire • Children playing with fire outside school
Risk assessment 3 - class organisation • What would you do to ensure that the identified risks were sufficiently controlled that the risks could be reasonably managed and the children could take part in the activity? • Following this risk assessment what decisions would you make on how the class would be organised for the task?
Observing, Exploring, Pattern seeking • Now explore the melting of ice by heating it with a candle. • As you explore, record your findings in a series of annotated drawings. • Having finished the exploration discuss what you observed and identify any patterns.
Plan a lesson • In groups plan a lesson based on the activity you have just carried out that would enable children to explore the melting of ice by heating it with a candle.
Lesson Planning and Teaching • Subject/theme of study • Context for learning • Reference to NC programme of study to identify learning objectives and success criteria • Resources • Safety – risk assessment • Managing the lesson • Organisation of children • Differentiation and grouping • Teaching strategies • Assessing the learning
Pre-assessment • Draw/Describe what you can see happening in the picture and explain what you think will happen next. • Use as many scientific words as you can. • You could use a video to prompt children’s thinking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_DVnT_2J0U
Learning objectives • I will be successful if I can … • Skills - use my observation skills to notice important changes • Knowledge - know that a solid can be changed to a liquid by heating and the process is called melting. • Knowledge - know that a liquid can be changed to a gas by further heating and the process is called evaporation. • I may also be able to … • explain the changes that occur as a solid becomes a liquid and a liquid becomes a gas with reference to movement of particles. • measure the temperature at which these processes occur.
Teaching Strategies • What strategies could you use to make the lesson as effective a learning opportunity as it could be? • Reference to the context for learning • ‘Chunking’ the information • Paired talk • Use of mini white boards • Mini-plenary • Recording
Why are these strategies useful for learning? • Reference to the context for learning to enable children to link to and apply previous knowledge and understanding. • ‘Chunking’ the information into learnable parts to avoid cognitive overload. • Paired talk to deepen knowledge and understanding. • Use of mini white boards to ensure all children are thinking. • Mini-plenary to refocus learning and provide further challenge. • Recording learning to embed what has been learnt.
Paired talk From personal to shared ideas • Personal ideas • No interest in the views of others • No inclination to change their ideas having heard the views of others • Develop their ideas following new experiences • Shared ideas • Discuss the views of others and the scientific view • Reflect on comments and ideas • Refine and restructure their own thoughts based on this range of experience, knowledge and understanding
Hubert Dyasi said … • An explanation is the result of combining intellectual activity with discrete facts gathered through enquiry. The development of explanations is an essential component of science enquiry.
Assessment Some of the possible ways to assess children’s knowledge, understanding and skills are below:
Assessment • How could you assess children during the lesson? What evidence would you use or collect? • Could you assess all children during the lesson or just some? Could children assess themselves/each other? • What could be assessed after the lesson? What evidence would you use or collect? • How reliable will these assessments be?
When are models and analogies used? It is particularly helpful to use models or analogies for concepts that are difficult or abstract, or that are not easy to demonstrate in class. These types of concept fall into 3 main categories: • Abstract concepts such as electricity • Processes such as change of state • Scale such as the solar system
Analogy or Model • An analogy is the theoretical linking or 2 or more ideas and is simply a concept. • A model, on the other hand, is a recreation of a situation, either in real life, a virtual simulation or in abstract. • A simple rule of thumb is that a model represents something by looking at it; an analogy by working like it. • How could you use the children as particles of a solid, liquid or gas to demonstrate how the particles behave?