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Organic Chemistry Laboratory II: Syntheses and Unknowns

Join Dr. Margareta Séquin for a comprehensive exploration of organic chemistry lab techniques. Learn to evaluate syntheses, analyze “unknowns,” and tackle final projects. Prerequisites strictly enforced. Hands-on experiments and rigorous assessments throughout the semester.

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Organic Chemistry Laboratory II: Syntheses and Unknowns

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  1. Welcome! Chem 336 - 338 Lab Lecture C 336-01 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II and C 338-01 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II Honors

  2. Dr. Margareta Séquin Office: Science 106C; Office Hours: Tu 11-12 pm, Th 1-2 pm and by appt. e-mail: msequin @ sfsu.edu Phone: 415-405-0315

  3. http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~msequin

  4. First half of semester: Syntheses and methods of evaluation Second half: C336 “Unknowns”. C338 Final Project

  5. http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~msequin

  6. Prerequisites: C336: passing grade (C or better) in Chem 333, 334; Chem 335 (can be taken concurrently). C338: B or better. Prerequisites will be strictly applied. A student who withdraws from Chem 335 must also withdraw from Chem 336 or Chem 338. Text: “Chem 334, 336, and 338 Organic Chemistry Laboratory”, SFSU 2005, with Mayo, Pike, Trumper, "Microscale Organic Laboratory", 4th Ed.; Wiley Custom Ed. Use your C333/335 lecture text for reference! NOTE: Lab fee ($12) has to be paid before “last day to add”. Make sure you hand the receipt to your lab instructor before the deadline.

  7. Grading C336 and C338: MiniQuizzes at the end of lab lectures, 2 pts. each C336 and C338: One Midterm Exam (100 points) C336: Final Exam (150 pts.) C338: Special Project Final Report, worth 150 pts. Lab reports:20 points/ lab report 1 - 4. Lab reports V and VI will be combined and will be 30 pts. Unknown reports (C336) will be 30 pts. each. Lab Notebooks will be checked regularly. Your total class grade will be calculated as follows: 40% Exams % (Midterm, plus Mini Quizzes, plus Final Exam or Project, %) 30% Lab reports % 30% Lab preparation, notebook, effort, attendance, participation. Total class grade: >/=90% A; 85 -<90% A-; 80 -<85% B+; 75 -<80% B; 70 -<75% B-; 65 -<70% C+; 60 -<65% C; 55 -<60% C-; 50 -< 55% D+; 45 -<50% D; 40 -<45 D-; <40% F

  8. Exp.1: Solvolysis of tert Butyl Chloride • IUPAC name for tert butyl chloride, for the alcohol product? • Why does changing the solvent medium affect the rate? • 60%water:40%acetone; 70%water:30%acetone; 80%water:20%acetone

  9. Measuring the tenth–life in our reaction What is a possible by-product of our reaction? Does this affect our data? How would a one-third decrease of concentration of RX affect the reaction rate?

  10. Calculations for Exp.1: Solvolysis of tert Butyl Chloride p.354-355

  11. Calculations for Exp.1: Solvolysis 1. 2. 3. 4.

  12. Calculations for Exp.1: Solvolysis at t10%, [RCl] = 0.90 [RCl]o 0.90[RCl] o -ln = kt 10% [RCl] o = kt -ln 0.90 = 0.1053 10% 0.1053 = k t 10% • Units of k? • How could you calculate k by using the half life?

  13. Arrhenius Equation and Calculation of Ea and A R=1.987216 cal/K mol What does Ea tell us about the reaction? ln k = ln A -Ea/RT y = b + m x ln k Plot ln k vs. 1/T for each solvent mixture 1/T

  14. SFSU Volunteers Needed for ACS Chemistry/Science outreach this Spring ! • Saturday, Feb. 27, “Expanding Your Horizons”, Diablo Valley College (Math and Science for Girls) • Saturday, March 20, volunteers needed at ACS Annual Convention in San Francisco • Saturday, March 17, ACS Earth Day event in Martinez • Sunday, March 18, Chemistry activity at Boy Scout Jamboree, Pleasanton

  15. Next time: • Kinetics (conclusion) • Friedel-Crafts (Exp.2)

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