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Study abroad informational session- Aml 2010 and enl 2012 professors John Ribar and Africa Fine. Travel Dates: May 31-June 9, 2014 . Application/Passport information.
Study abroad informational session- Aml 2010 and enl 2012professors John Ribar and Africa Fine Travel Dates: May 31-June 9, 2014
Application/Passport information 1. Fill out an application:Your name on the student application must completely match the name as it is or will be on your passport, including your middle name. We give the namethat you enter on your application to the travel provider for ticket issuance. If the name you provide to us does not exactly match the name on your passport, you may be denied boarding your flight, or the airline could charge you a large fee to re‐issue your tickets. The College is not responsible for errors or omissions of your name on the Study Abroad application.2. passport:If you already have a passport, include a copy of the iD page with your application. If you don’t have a passport, it can take up to 12 weeks to get one. Plan accordingly!!
Program Information 1. By submitting an application and all other subsequent forms you agree to abide by all program rules and to your deposits for the trip must be submitted according to the timelines of your individual SA program. 2. The IEC director and/or faculty/staff reserves the right to accept or decline participants in the program.3. the cost of all SA programs is based on multi-occupancy. Also, due to the fluctuation in foreign currency, final program costs may not be available until 30 days before departure. Participants are liable and responsible for any additional costs above the advertised rates4. all participating students are required to attend a pre-departure orientation.5. medical and travel insurance is required for all SA trips with pbsc. The College has secured a very reasonable insurance plan with Gallagher-koster that will cover you for your trip. The cost is $37 for most students depending on age. This insurance is mandatory unless you can otherwise prove coverage through your own.
Forms to Fill Out (Applications and Risk Management ((RM)) Forms) 1. Application for participation2. Consent to release confidential student record information3. Student information and passport form (RM)4. emergency contact information (RM)5. Physician statement (rm)6. permission for emergency treatment (rm)7. release and indemnity agreement (releases college of all legal liabilities, please read closely) (rm)8. photo/audio/text/video release9. drug, alcohol, discipline policy (all rules and regulations found in the pbsc student code of conduct handbook prevail when you are studying abroad)
Travel Requirements for England 1. U.S. citizens seeking entry as tourists or visitors are required to present a valid passport. 2. This page explains whether you can come to the UK as a general visitor.The 'general visitor' category is for nationals of countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. If you are an EEA or Swiss national, or a family member of an EEA or Swiss national, the European nationals section explains how you can come to the UK.To come to the UK as a general visitor, you must be able to show that:you are 18 or over;you intend to visit the UK for no more than 6 months (or 12 months if you will be accompanying an academic visitor);you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit;you have enough money to support and accommodate yourself without working or help from public funds, or you and any dependents will be supported and accommodated by relatives or friends;you can meet the cost of the return or onward journey; andyou are not in transit to a country outside the 'Common Travel Area' (Ireland, the UK, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands).You must also be able to show that, during your visit, you do not intend to:live in the UK for extended periods through frequent or successive visits;take paid or unpaid employment, produce goods or provide services, including the selling of goods or services directly to members of the public;do a course of study, as long as this study is not the main reason for your visit (see 'permitted study' below);marry or register a civil partnership, or give notice of marriage or civil partnership;carry out the activities of a business visitor, a sports visitor or an entertainer visitor; orreceive private medical treatment.
Program Costs 1. Tuition for course (WITHOUT TECHNOLOGY FEE): Resident $294.75 x 2 non-resident $1074 x 22. program cost for accommodations, class-related trips, related itinerary, airport transfers and other transportation costs: _$2000___ p/p3. pbsc administrative costs fee:_TBD____ p/p4. flight rate: _$1500_____ p/p5. G-K insurance: $37 6. meals at St. Clare’s cafeteria: M-F $66 p/p per week.7. Weekly bus pass: $74 p/p per week.8. incidentals (for meals not covered, souvenirs, tips, Recreational activities during Free Time, and other miscellaneous costs): Suggested amount is $200.