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Theme of integral lecture : Structure of arteries. Features at a children. Purpose of lecture :. classification of the arteries The structure of elastic type of arteries The structure of the mixed type of arteries The structure of arteries of muscular type Age changes of the arteries.
Theme of integral lecture: Structure of arteries. Features at a children
Purpose of lecture: • classification of the arteriesThe structure of elastic type of arteriesThe structure of the mixed type of arteriesThe structure of arteries of muscular typeAge changes of the arteries
ARTERIClassification by diameter:- Small- Medium-sized- Caliber the ratio of muscle and elastic components:- Elastic type of artery (aorta, pulmonary artery)- Mixed types of arteries (carotid and subclavian arteries)- Muscular type of artery (all others)
Elastic type of arteryThe structure of the wall1. Tunica intima, which has 3 layers:1)endothelial layer - on the basement membrane 2)subendotelial layer (Langhans) - LFCT3)layer of elastic fibers (circular and longitudinal)2. Tunica media, which consists of elastic fenestrated membrane 50-703. Tunica adventitia (LFCT, blood vessels and nerves of blood vessels)
The Tunica intimais thick, plays the role of shock absorber, smoothing the emission of blood during systole. Endothelial cells is large polygonal, often multinucleated, contain mitochondria, many pinocytic vesicles and electrondense granules, which lie in the basal membrane. Subendotelial Langhans layer formed LFCT in which a lot of collagen and elastic fibers. Intercellular substance is the place of development of atherosclerosis. The main substance is impregnated with the lipids of blood plasma, connective tissue grows, deposited salts of lime, forming plaques that often ulcerate.
Tunica mediais mostly elastic elements. They form in the adult 50-70 fenestrated membrane, which are separated by a distance of 6-18 mm and have a thickness of 2.5 mm each. Between the membranes is LFCT with fibroblasts, collagen, elastic and reticular fibers and smooth myocytes.
In the Tunica adventitiaof the tunica vessels are vessels that feed the vascular wall. When syphilitic mezaortite inflammatory infiltrate of the vascular vessels extend into the middle wall destroys elastic fibers, it leads to aortic aneurysm. On the intima of the aorta appear tuberosity with scar indrawing, giving the aorta form "shagreen skin".
Mixed type of artery (muscular-elastic) The position of the intermediate position between the elastic and muscular arteries types. For example, the subclavian and carotid arteries, they are gradually ↓ pulse wave, and for its maintenance, together with elastic, has developed a muscular component. Wall thickness than the diameter of these arteries significantly ↑.Construction:tunica intima(endothelial,subendotelial layersand inner elastic membrane)2. tunica media(muscular and elastic components)3. tunica adventitia(external elastic membrane and LFCT)
Muscle type of artery Arteries of small and medium caliber, lying near the bodies and intraorganic. In these vessels, the strength of pulse wave significantly ↓ ↓ and there is a need for efforts to promote the blood, so in the middle of the wall dominates the muscular component. In addition to these transport vessels also carry out the distribution function, regulating blood flow to organs. The thickness of the walls of these arteries significantly ↑ ↑ lumen diameter.
StructureTunica intima is a small thickness. The internal elastic membrane is composed of a layer of elastic fibers.Tunica media consists of smooth myocytes, located in a shallow helix, and a loose network of elastic fibers, and also lying spiral. The spiral arrangement of myocytes results in greater reduction of the vascular lumen. Elastic fibers fuse with the outer and inner membranes of elastic, forming elastic frame. The tunica adventitia casing is formed by the outer elastic membrane and a layer of LFCT.
Subendothelial layer of the tunica intima lining is the place of the pathological process. The main substance is impregnated with blood plasma proteins, develops hyalinosis wall, which narrows the lumen forever. And arteries, which normally can be compared to a rubber tube into a glass.
5) 1) 2) 4) 3) Identify the structure indicated in figures
List the differences in the structure of the walls of the aorta and brachial artery
Age-related changes in arteriesNewborn arteries are more capacity in relation to body mass in the wall of their weaker than that of the adult skeleton is expressed elastic, less-developed muscular shell, the diameter of the arteries and veins are usually the same. No marked differences between different types of arteries.By the end of 1 month of life appear differences between the arteries elastic and muscular type. Vienna is growing faster arteries, the formation of an elastic component and the muscle layer of the arteries is faster.Complete formation of blood vessels end to 12 years.The restructuring of blood vessels under the influence of the load terminates in the main to 30 years.
During the aging vascular wall changes:1) as a result of sclerosis of the inner membrane is thickened;2) muscle membrane becomes thinner due to atrophy of the smooth myocytes;3) The elastic frame to degrade and fragmentation;4) is growth of connective tissue, the accumulation of sulfated glycosaminoglycans.These changes lead to loss of elasticity and violation of the adaptive capacity of the vascular wall contributes to atherosclerosis and calcification.