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Today – Week 8

Today – Week 8. Conflict Management Small Group Communication Final Project. Conflict Management Styles … what’s yours ?. Video. Conflict Management Styles … what’s yours ?. Avoidance. Conflict Management Styles … what’s yours ?. Accommodation. Conflict Management Styles

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Today – Week 8

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Today – Week 8 • Conflict Management • Small Group Communication • Final Project

  2. Conflict Management Styles … what’s yours? Video

  3. Conflict Management Styles … what’s yours? Avoidance

  4. Conflict Management Styles … what’s yours? Accommodation

  5. Conflict Management Styles … what’s yours? Competition

  6. Conflict Management Styles … what’s yours? Compromise

  7. Conflict Management Styles … what’s yours? Collaboration

  8. Competition Collaboration High Compromise Concern for Self Avoidance Accommodation Low Low High Concern for Others

  9. What are some factors to consider when you’re trying to manage conflict?

  10. Conflict Management Skills Manage emotions Manage information Manage goals Manage the problem

  11. Conflict Management Skills Manage emotions Manage information Manage goals Manage the problem

  12. What are some unproductive conflict management strategies?

  13. Defensiveness and Supportiveness Evaluation Control Strategy Neutrality Superiority Certainty

  14. Strategies that attack a person’s positive face Beltlining Blame Strategies that enhance positive face Confirm the other person’s self-image. Listen supportively and actively. Use I-messages that avoid blaming the other person. Use excuses and apologies as appropriate Face-Attacking Face-Enhancing

  15. What is the difference between being verbally aggressive and argumentative? How argumentative are you?

  16. What is the difference between being verbally aggressive and argumentative? How argumentative are you?

  17. Small Group Communication • Recognizing group norms • Brainstorming effectively • Employing organizational structure • Participating effectively in problem-solving • Understanding group roles while avoiding dysfunctional role behavior • Adjusting leadership style to task/group needs • Communicating with cultural awareness and sensitivity

  18. What is the purpose of small groups?

  19. What is the purpose of small groups? Social/Relational Tasks/Projects

  20. What the stages of small group development? opening - feedforward - business - feedback - closing

  21. What’s similar/different about virtual groups?

  22. Why is it important to understand the culture of a small group?

  23. Why is it important to understand the culture of a group?

  24. Why is it important to understand the culture of a group?

  25. Are you apprehensive communicating in a small group?

  26. What is the purpose of a brainstorming group?

  27. What is the purpose of an information sharing group?

  28. What is the purpose of a problem solving group?

  29. Problem Solving Sequence Define and analyze the problem Establishevaluation criteria Identify solutions Evaluate solutions Select best solution Test solution

  30. What barriers exist to good problem solving in a group setting?

  31. What does it take to function well in a small group?

  32. Task Roles • Information giver/seeker • Opinion giver/seeker • Initiator-contributor • Elaborator • Evaluator-critic • Procedural technician/recorder

  33. Building/Maintenance Roles • Encourager • Harmonizer • Compromiser • Gatekeeper-expediter • Standard Setter • Follower

  34. What are some dysfunctional group roles/behaviors?

  35. What are some guidelines to being a good team member?

  36. How do you define leadership?

  37. What types of people make the most effective group leaders?

  38. What is the role of the group leader?

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