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Mindfulness. Living in the Moment. Monica Fox and Debra Pretty Student Development Services. Outline. Introductions What is Mindfulness? The Stress-Reaction Cycle & Responding vs. Reacting The benefits of mindfulness 15 minute meditation Resources. Paying attention in a particular way:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mindfulness Living in the Moment Monica Fox and Debra Pretty Student Development Services

  2. Outline • Introductions • What is Mindfulness? • The Stress-Reaction Cycle & Responding vs. Reacting • The benefits of mindfulness • 15 minute meditation • Resources

  3. Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose in the present moment nonjudgmentally ~(Kabat-Zinn, 2003) Mindfulness is…

  4. Attitudes of Mindfulness • Non-judging • Judgment can dominate our minds, causing tension and chaos in our beings. • Effectively handling stress will require our awareness of our automatic judgments, so to see through our own prejudices and fears. • Assume the stance of an impartial witness. • Patience • To be patient is completely open to each moment. Accepting is in its fullness, as things can only unfold in their own time. • Beginner’s mind • Take a stance of not-knowing, to see if your perceptions are affected by your own beliefs and values.

  5. Trust Trust your own insight and wisdom, knowing that what are perceived as mistakes may happen, but this is okay. Trusting yourself will allow you to have more trust in others and see their goodness. Non-striving Getting to you goals will happen naturally and more successfully if you allow this process to unfold. Acceptance Staying in the present. Spending time regretting the past and focusing on the future “what ifs?” will only lead to more tension and little energy. Letting go Sometimes our minds seem determined in holding onto certain beliefs, thoughts. However, instead of judging these we can simply let them be and stop from trying to repress, deny, or focus on them.

  6. The Stress-Reaction Cycle&Responding vs. Reacting

  7. The Stress Reaction Cycle

  8. Responding vs. Reacting

  9. Reduce anxiety and stress. Cope with pain. Cope with trauma Foster discipline Why Mindfulness?

  10. Experiential Exercise

  11. For More Information: Student Development Services Contact: Brent Scott UCC 210 519 661-3031 x83031

  12. Helpful Books By Jon Kabat-Zinn The Full Catastrophe Living (1990) Wherever you go, there you are (2005) Coming to Our Senses (2006)

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