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Funding Opportunities for Sports Clubs and Facilities

Discover funding opportunities such as the Gold Challenge, Sportivate, and Inspired Facilities that support club development, facility improvements, and community engagement in sports. Learn how to apply and maximize your chances of success.

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Funding Opportunities for Sports Clubs and Facilities

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  1. Brighton & Hove City Sports Forum Wednesday 16 March 2011 Club Funding

  2. London 2012 Mass Participation Legacy Places People Play Gold Challenge (£4m) SPORTIVATE (£32m) Leaders (£2m) Phase II – Club Leaders (£2m) Iconic facilities (£30m) Inspired facilities (£50m) Protecting Playing fields (£10m) Disability Sport (£8m) School Games (£35.5m) NGB investment – Mass Participation Programmes

  3. Iconic Facilities • Exemplar “best in class” facilities – based on strategic needs and evidence, quality design and sustainable operations with a clear user-focus • Ideally co-located with health, education or retail • Innovative large-scale multi-sport projects that are regionally significant for two or more sports • £30m capital Lottery funding over three years 1st round – closed 16th December 2010 with over 100 applications submitted seeking over £100m grant awards http://www.sportengland.org/facilities__planning/planning_tools_and_guidance/sports_hubs.aspx

  4. Inspired Facilities • Tangible local benefits from a home Olympic Games – to include the modernisation, extension or modification of facilities • £50m investment in up to 1,000 local facilities • Community and voluntary sector groups, LAs and schools – grants of £25,000 - £150,000 • July 2011 launch • Open to Round 1 applications - August

  5. Application Criteria 4 key principles to adhere to: • Strategic Need • Community Engagement & Partnerships • Impact • Sustainability Ask yourself, “what can you do for your sport, rather than what funding could do for your organisation”

  6. Pre procured Framework Agreements

  7. Protecting Playing Fields • Enhancing the role Sport England already plays as statutory consultee • £10m investment - 5 rounds with final round 2013/14 • Secure sites for at least 25 years • Improvements to quantity, quality and accessibility • Prospectus & FAQs launched May 2011 • Inspired mark • Link with QE II Playing Fields Challenge

  8. Process • Prospectus, FAQs, pre application advice workshops published on website on day of launch • Application portal will open @ 4 weeks after Launch • Assessment – Award, Stage2Dev, reject • S2D - technical & sports development assessment • Award decisions – looking to use purchase power of grant budget to drive economies of scale • Aim is to set - time, cost & quality benchmarks

  9. Website links Improving Community Sports facilities – a toolkit for the strategic planning of community sports facilities http://www.sportengland.org/facilities__planning/planning_tools_and_guidance/facilities_improvement_service.aspx Strategic Planning Framework Agreements http://www.sportengland.org/facilities__planning/planning_tools_and_guidance/strategic_planning_framework.aspx Design Guidance Notes http://www.sportengland.org/facilities__planning/design_guidance_notes.aspx Olympic Legacy – Places People Play http://www.sportengland.org/about_us/places_people_play.aspx

  10. Sportivate Headlines £32 million Lottery revenue funding from 2011-2015 £31.6 million distributed to CSPs from 2011-2015 296,257 (presented as 300,000) participants completing weekly coaching sessions 118,503 (presented as 120,000) participants continuing to take part in sport regularly

  11. Eligible Costs • Staffing to produce and manage Sportivate Plans • Staffing to deliver projects up to £40/hour • Volunteers to help run projects • Resources and materials – items to be used in projects

  12. Eligible Costs • Hire of facilities used to deliver projects • Transport – to get participants and staff/coaches to projects • Marketing/Publicity • Training/Coach Education Courses • Equipment • Exceptionality

  13. Top tips for a successful bid • Send information to the right person • Send bid by deadline • Read the guidance carefully before asking questions • Make sure your project is eligible • Get partnership funding even if in kind • Exit route in place • Show strong club links • Target under represented groups • Reflect NGB priorities

  14. Top tips for a successful bid • Aim for value for money • Ensure you have suitably qualified coaches • Embed safeguarding where appropriate • Young people centric • Community project • Weekly where possible • Provide added value • Make it as strategic as possible • Not for gifted and talented • Perhaps build in a 1-2 week taster

  15. Critical Dates End March : Guidance notes circulated and on website 4 April : Applications open for Summer 2011 – March 2012 April: Meetings with partners (either by your invitation or co-ordinated by Active Sussex) 2 May: Closing date for all project plans to be received 2 – 6 May: Sifting by Active Sussex 9-13 May: Assessment panel endorsement (but not sign off) 16 May: Sportivate Plan submitted to Sport England – Plan and projects endorsed 15 June: National launch Summer 2011: Delivery commences

  16. Sportivate lead at Active Sussex: Jo Irving Sports Development Manager jirving@activesussex.org 01273 643838 www.activesussex.org

  17. Sally Harper • Senior Partnership Manager • sharper@activesussex.org • 01273 644140 • www.activesussex.org

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