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Assessment Training. Session 1 Faculty Introduction. Introduction. We are your training facilitators! Objectives for this session: Discuss why we are building common power standard assessments Briefly acquaint you with the process we will use to develop common power standard assessments.
Assessment Training Session 1 Faculty Introduction
Introduction • We are your training facilitators! • Objectives for this session: • Discuss why we are building common power standard assessments • Briefly acquaint you with the process we will use to develop common power standard assessments. • Note- we do not expect you to “get it” after the intro!
Assessment Training- A Rationale • Quality teacher developed common assessments (in conjunction with quality collaboration) focused on power standards has demonstrated, through research, effectiveness in improving student achievement (Marzano, Reeves, Fullan, Hargreaves, Hatte, an many others). • Our current assessment portfolio needs some work. Specifically, relying too much on expanded, more summative measures does not provide frequent feedback, which impacts instructional collaboration. • In many areas we need to reduce, but increase the rigor of assessments. • Assessment training has consistently been considered as an area of need in survey and other needs assessment tools.
Importance of Focus Student Learning
Why Vertical Teams? Building Grade Level and Content Team District Vertical Team Create a consistent document across buildings Vertical alignment Posted for teacher comment throughout the district Approved and warehoused at the district level
Current Resources • We are not asking you to throw away the assessments we have developed. • We are asking that you analyze our current assessment next to the scoring template.
Taxonomy • A critical piece in the growth of our internal assessment component. • Many of our current assessments and scoring templates are not written at the appropriate taxonomy. • We will use the New Taxonomy (by Marzano) to analyze standards and determine if our templates are written at the appropriate level.
Assessment • Our task will be to design a pre- and post-assessment for each power standard. • We can use current resources if they fit appropriately. • We can revise current assessment to fit appropriately. • We can create when necessary. • We want to develop assessments that allow us to clearly determine if a student is at proficiency (level 3), above proficiency (4), basic understanding (level 2), or below (needs assistance).
Time • A memo will be distributed to all buildings. • Time will be dedicated to this process (approximately 13-20 hours) during the school year. • One collaborative session per month (as detailed in the memo) can be used for assessment. • A chart with targets will be provided. • We will focus on Communication Arts and Math first and then work on Social Studies and Science. • Encore or “specials” will begin curricular work this school year and progress to this point after the foundation has been created. • TARGET FOR IMPLEMENTATION IS 2012-2013.
What do we do when we meet? • First, acquaint ourselves with the New Taxonomy. • We will look at the power standard and scoring template to determine the following: • What taxonomical level is the standard written at? • Does our current template reflect this level? Is a 4 higher than a 3 on the template? Is a 2 representative of basic knowledge without assistance? • Next, we will look at our current resources. • Does the assessment align to the template? • Are there sufficient questions to clearly determine proficiency, advanced knowledge, and basic understanding?
What will we do…(continued) • Confirm or revise current assessments. • Augment current document to reflect the appropriate sampling of questions at the 2,3, and 4 levels. • Revise questions to a higher taxonomical level. • Create assessments where needed. • Build new assessments on the scoring template. • After team approval, submit assessments to the building vertical team representatives for the content level. • In grade levels with multiple buildings, the various tools will be shared and a draft common assessment will be created. • These samples will be posted internally for teacher review and comment.
Conclusion • What questions do you have?