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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter “Ohio Chapter of the Year!”. General Body Meeting October 18, 2008. Meeting Call to Order Adoption of the Agenda House Keeping Reminder Minutes of Previous General Body Meeting – Read Silently Correspondence Parliamentarian
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter“Ohio Chapter of the Year!” General Body Meeting October 18, 2008
Meeting Call to Order Adoption of the Agenda House Keeping Reminder Minutes of Previous General Body Meeting – Read Silently Correspondence Parliamentarian Nominating Committee Report Officer’s Reports President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Officer’s Reports cont’d 3rd Vice President Financial Secretary Treasurer Committee Reports Ebony Fashion Fair Delta Academy Delta GEMS Housing Social Action New Business Parliamentarian Report Nominating Committee Report Announcements Ritualistic Closing Ohio Chapter of the Year!”General Body MeetingOctober 18, 2008ORDER OF BUSINESS Note:Italic and shadowed items are reports containing recommendations and will require action
General Body Meeting MinutesJune 2008 The June 21, 2008 meeting was called to order at 10:20 am, College Hill Presbyterian Church. A quorum was present with 43 financial sorors and 4 non-financial/ visiting sorors. Sor. Evelyn Ellington moved to adopt the agenda. Seconded. Motion carries. The May General Body Meeting minutes were read silently. Sor. Nancy Moody moved to approve the minutes. Seconded. Motion Carries. Correspondence Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her report. Received Thank you from Sigma Zeta Chapter for our attendance at Delta Days, Nat’l Convention Packet for sale from Dayton Alumnae Soror. Thank you letter from past Debutante. 4 requests to be discussed under new business. President Sor. Veronica Chapman gave her report. Local, regional and national updates. Violets to committees and select sorors. Updates on events since lat meeting. Volunteers needed for the NAACP convention. Leaders needed for next sorority year. Recognition of Exec. Board. 1st Vice President Sor. Tina Welch gave the report.Recognition of committee chairs and overview of events this sorority year under her vice presidency. Partnering with Queen City on Voter Registration during the NAACP convention and the Black Family Reunion. 2nd Vice President Sor. Danelle Carter gave the report. Recognition of committee chairs under her leadership. Requesting information from those who will be attending the National Convention. 3rd Vice President Sor. Vickie Fairley gave her report. Informational report. Recognition of committee chairs under her leadership.
General Body Meeting Minutes June 2008 ….continued • Financial Secretary • Sor. Ligaya West gave her report. 124 sorors for 0708, over 90 for 0809. • Treasurer • Sor. Ligaya West gave the report. • Committees • Founders Day: Soror Danelle Carter gave the final report. Several Recommendations for future founders days. Motion to accept the final report by Sor. Tina Welch. Seconded. Motion Carries. • Ebony Fashion Fair: Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her report. Looking for volunteers to work the night of the event. Tickets available for purchase today. Recognition of the committee members. Student tickets-$25 for 21 & under with Valid Student I.D. Gen Admission-$50, VIP-$75 • Delta Academy: Sor. Marena Brown & Candice Higgins gave their update. • Delta GEMS:Sor. Tikica Benjamin gave the report. Acknowledged the committee, gave updates on the last months events. • Financial Fortitude: Sor. Michelle Story-Stewart gave her report. Issue 5 of Big Sister Big Bucks reviewed. • Delta Gateway Foundation: Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her report. Update on new members to the board and officers for next year. • Unfinished Business • None • New Business • Ad request from the 2008 NAACP Convention for their Souvenir Booklet. The amounts range from $2000/full page color to $750/quarter page black and white. No motion by the general body.
General Body Meeting Minutes June 2008 ….continued • Fund request from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sigma Omega Chapter to support their Walk-A-Thon that will take place on September 6, 2008. Levels of support are $100 and $190.80. Motion by Sor. Tina Welch to contribute $100 to the Walk a thon. Seconded. Discussion. Motion to Call For the question by Sor. Seconded. Motion carries. Original motion Fails-no money to be contributed. • Ad request from the Cincinnati Chapter of The Drifters, Inc. for their Tacky Ball that will take place on October 18, 2008. Ad prices are $75/full page; $40/half page; $25/quarter page. Tickets are available at $49.99. Motion by Sor. Michelle Story-Stewart to Purchase a $75 ad promoting our upcoming events. Seconded. Discussion. Motion Carries • Parade participation is requested by the Village of Lincoln Heights to participate in their parade, 54th Annual “Lincoln Heights Days Festival”, August 30, 2008. No motion by the general body. • Announcements • RSVP to Sor. Veronica Chapman for the meeting to discuss the candidates for the National Convention • Reminder that meetings require Business Professional dress. • Sorors who are relocating should remember the sorors who are realtors that may be able to help them in their efforts. • Cotillion DVD’s are in. July 20th-Cotillion Picnic. • Thank you to Sorors for sponsoring ad on behalf of Kyndal Burton and Gayle DeBrossard for supporting them in purchasing an ad for the Urban League Leadership development program. • Motion to adjourn by Sor. Tina Welch. Seconded. Motion Carries. • Meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm followed by the Ritualistic Closing. • Stacey Fulgham Veronica Chapman • Recording SecretaryPresident
General Body Meeting MinutesSeptember 20, 2008 The September meeting was called to order at 10:15am, College Hill Presbyterian Church. A quorum was present with 38 financial sorors and 4 non-financial/visiting sorors. Sor. Elsie Brown moved to adopt the agenda. The motion was seconded. Motion passes. The June General Body Meeting minutes were not available. Correspondence Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her report. President Sor. Veronica Chapman gave her report. Sor. Chapman presented the theme for this year. “Team Work Makes the Dream Work”. Our chapter is embarking on our 50th year. 1st Vice President Sor. Tina Welch gave the report. 2nd Vice President Sor. Danelle Carter gave her report. The goal of the year is to make the chapter more cohesive. Membership Intake will continue to feed our organization. Elections of the Minerva Circle will take place in October. Suspension of bylaws. Sor. Danelle Carter moved to conduct Membership Intake. Seconded. Motion carries. Statewide Founder’s Day is March 7, 2009. Regional Conference will take place in Charleston, WV July 10-12, 2009. 25 year recognition to Sorors Ronnise Handy, Tina Welch, Lisa Rowell, and Jackie McCray. 3rd Vice President Sor. Vickie Fairley gave her report. Financial Secretary Sor. Gayle DeBrossard the report. Treasurer Sor. Gayle DeBrossard gave the report.
General Body Meeting Minutes September 20, 2008 ….continued • Committees • Ways and Means: Soror Lisa Rowell gave her report. The 2009 Golf Outing will take place on Saturday, May 16 at Waldon Pond. • Scholarship: Sor. Kim Hull gave her report. • Cotillion: Sor. Shawnda DeRamus gave her report. The 2009 Cotillion is April 11 at Duke Energy Center. • Ebony Fashion Fair: Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her report. • Social Action: Sor. Deatria Walker gave her report. • Delta G.E.M.S: Sor. Camille Woods is the new chair; outgoing chair Sor. Tikica Benjamin • Delta Academy: Sor. Tina Welch gave the report. • Unfinished BusinessNone • New Business • Ad request. No recommendations. • Queen City Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta financial support. Sor. Marie White made the motion. Seconded by Sor. Lottie Walters. Motion carries. • Announcements • Sor. Wanda Owens is extending an invitation to all sorors to visit her church for Family and Friends Day, Sunday, October 19, 11:00am at Great Commission Bible Church located at 10200 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45231. • Leadership Delta, October 10-12, 2008 in Cincinnati, OH. • Meeting adjourned at 12:19pm followed by the Ritualistic Closing. • Stacey Fulgham Veronica Chapman • Recording SecretaryPresident
Correspondence ReportOctober 18, 2008 Greetings, Sorors. Please review the guidelines listed below that will help in our correspondence process. • All committee meetings, updates, announcements, etc. that you would like included in the upcoming CAC Weekly Update should be submitted each week, no later than Sunday, 5:00pm to dst_cincinnati_alumnae@yahoo.com. You must write your own submission in its’ entirety. This will insure inclusion of any early week meetings, as the Update will be emailed during the early part of each week. If you have an exception/emergency, feel free to call 513-258-3799. • Please submit your info in the format as you would like for it to appear in the update. Your info should be inclusive but brief, in STANDARD TYPE AND FONT. Include pertinent info such as date, time, location, contact person, email, phone number, etc. Only minor editing will be done. • Keep in mind that NOT EVERY FLYER/ATTACHMENT CAN BE INCLUDED. Therefore, submit your info as bullet points that can be included in the body of the update or send an attachment that is small in capacity. • Please UPDATE YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBERS, ETC. with our Sergeant at Arms as you sign in for the Chapter Meeting. Also, if you have information that is currently not on file for another Soror, please provide it to us. We need correct information so that we can keep you in the communication loop of CAC. • Your suggestions and comments are welcome. Remember, ALL SUBMISSIONS SHOULD ONLY BE SENT TO THE CHAPTER EMAIL ADDRESS: dst_cincinnati_alumnae@yahoo.com. Thank you Sorors! Correspondence: • SAVE THE DATE for DIVA DAZZLE SIX, Saturday, November 8, 2008, at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza to benefit the Stop Aids organization. Patron level tickets $175 (includes drinks and cocktail reception with the Divas) or $150. Dinner is included with both levels. Black Tie Optional. For tickets or details call Doris at 513-287-7116. Request/Ads/Donations: • None at this time. Submitted in the spirit of Delta, Charlotte McKenzie Corresponding Secretary
Nominating Committee ReportOctober 2008 Hello Sorors: The chapter voted to participate in membership intake at the September general body meeting. At that time, members were informed that we would be soliciting applications for the Minerva circle. The candidate profile was posted in the weekly update as well as the contact information for nominating committee chair, Soror Jackie Turner. The deadline for applications was Friday, October 10th, 2008. We received 12 applications. The committee met on Saturday, October 12, 2008 to review the applications and to review the chapter policies and procedures for conducting the vote. The slate was compiled and presented to the executive board at the meeting on Tuesday, October 14,2008. The executive board voted to accept the slate The criterion for selection includes: • Members of the Minerva Circle must be knowledgeable of Delta’s policies and procedures and committed to the complete implementation of the Membership Intake Program. There are standard qualifications for the selection of members of the Minerva Circle. They are: • The soror must be financial • The sorors must have been an active member (for the past two years) of a committee. Such information can be verified. • The soror must attend a Membership Intake Workshop within 12 months of the chapter’s Membership Intake. • The committee has confirmed that each of the candidates meet the criteria.
Nominating Committee ….continued • The Slate is as follows: • Leader of the Minerva Circle Gail McCullom • Keeper of the Muses and Graces Esther Cash-Mills • Convener of the Odyssey Experience Michelle Toney • Jewel #1 Stacey Fulgham • Jewel #2 Tina Bowen • Jewel #3 Danelle Carter • Jewel #4 Gayle DeBrossard • Jewel #5 Lynadius Joseph • Jewel #6 Betty Davis • Jewel #7 Shawnda DeRamus • Jewel #8 Tina Welch • Jewel #9 Cheryl Meadows • Respectfully Submitted by, • Jackie Turner, Chair of Nominations • Nominating Committee: • Yvonne Coursey, Nancy Moody, • Carmen Jett, Tekia Auster-Howard
Presidents ReportOctober 18, 2008 • Greetings Sorors! • Our Leadership Team is in place and we’re off to a great start. We kicked off our youth education programs with a great group of young ladies and our momentum continues this month with our College Prep Workshop and hosting a phenomenal Ebony Fashion Fair show. Since we are also kicking off the Membership Intake Process this month, many of us will be stretched to capacity. Now is the time to ask yourself are you doing your part to make the Dream Work? If the answer is no, I strongly encourage you to join a committee and get involved. We need every soror suited up and on point to make the Dream Work through Quality Programming, Committed Service and Compassionate Sorors. • Local Updates • Soror Tina Welch and I attended the Leadership Delta Opening Reception and Dinner on Friday, October 10 at the Freedom Center where Soror Cynthia Butler-McIntyre was the keynote speaker. Presented gift to Soror Matthews and Soror Butler-McIntyre. • Soror Paula Giddings, author of In Search of Sisterhood will be in town for the National Black Storytellers Festival and Conference, Thursday, November 20, 2008. She’s participating in a Scholar’s Panel from 2:15 to 4:00 PM at the Westin Hotel. Events are open to the public. Do we want to host a reception? • The Rebecca Sewell-Cummings Scholarship Brunch hosted by Rho Xi Chapter will take place on Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. at Vernon Manor Hotel. The theme this year is, "Transitioning from Aspiration to Achievement." Our keynote speaker is none other than our First Vice President, Soror Tina Welch.
President’s Report…. continued Midwest Region Update • Save the date! Ohio Statewide Founders Day is scheduled for the weekend of March 6-8, 2009 in Dayton National Update • CALL TO ACTION: ELECTION 2008. To ensure a fair and just process, Soror Cynthia Butler-McIntyre is asking for Sorors who are attorneys to assist with one or both of the following: • Conduct a Voting Rights Workshop for a local Collegiate Chapter to provide important information about the legal requirements to be eligible to vote in your state where they are attending college. • Volunteer to serve as a Legal Observer on Election Day in your local areas (e.g. fielding complaints about irregularities, filing TROs and documenting violations). To participate in this initiative, contact Soror Candi Mundon, Public Policy Specialist at National Headquarters, via email at cmundon@deltasigmatheta.org or call (202) 986-2400 ext. 557. • Announcement: Soror Marcia L. Fudge, 21st National President of Delta and currently Mayor of Warrensville Heights, Ohio, has taken the first step to replace Stephanie Tubbs Jones as the Congressional Representative for the 11th Congressional District of Ohio. On September 11, 2008, the Executive Committee of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party voted overwhelmingly to support Soror Fudge as the Democratic nominee. Soror Fudge now must compete in the November 4, 2008 general election, where she will face a Republican candidate. If successful, she will begin a two year term in January 2009. Meanwhile, Soror Fudge also must compete in a special election on November 18, 2008 to fill the unexpired term of Congresswoman Jones. We understand there are four contenders. The winner will serve the unexpired term -- from November 19, 2008 – December 31, 2008.
President’s Report…. continued National Update Continued • Soror Tina Allen, 58, Honorary Member, and a world renowned artist who resided in Los Angeles, CA, died Tuesday, September 9, 2008, after a brief illness. Soror Allen was inducted as an Honorary Member 1n 2004. Ms. Allen dedicated her life to documenting the spirit of black Americans in bronze. A memorial service is slated for late October in Los Angeles. Let's keep her family in our prayers. • Delta Days at United Nations scheduled for Friday, March 27th in New York Violets • Jackie Turner and the Nominating Committee for putting together the slate for the Minerva Circle • Esther Cash-Mills for updating our policies based on the revisions to our National Constitution & Bylaws • Delta Academy and Delta GEMS committees for a successful kick-off • Scholarship Committee for planning a successful College Prep Workshop • Ebony Fashion Fair Committee for working diligently to sell out the Ebony Fashion Fair Show • My Executive Committee who are always on point!!! Yours in Delta, Veronica L. Chapman President
First Vice President Report Sorors the program committees are on the MOVE in Cincinnati and we are using teamwork to make the dream work. The Delta Academy, GEMS, and Scholarship have successfully kicked of their programs for the year. The GEMS and Academy have sustained the interest levels of the young ladies from 2007/2008 program year into the current sorority year. These programs have maintained record level participation of over 30 young ladies each. The Scholarship College Prep Workshop interest has also increase, approximately 150 students have signed up to attend today’s activities at the Mayerson Academy. Our program committees are on the MOVE, come out and support our efforts! Below is some key information regarding each program and upcoming activities: Dr.Betty Shabazz Delta Academy - Young ladies grades 5th through 8th, focus on math/science, meets 1st Saturday of each month at Corryville Recreation Center, 12pm – 3pm. Next meeting November 8th, ISPACE Blast Off Part-2 , partnering with ISPACE Ohio. Delta Academy II: Delta G.E.M.S. (Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully) – Young ladies grades 9th through 12th, focus on self esteem and leadership, meets 1st Tuesday of each month at Xavier University Gallagher Student Center (Room 214), 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Next meeting November 4th. Scholarship Committee - College Prep Workshop grades 7th – 12th focused on college selection, testing, application submission, interviews and financial aide. October 18th, Mayerson Academy, 2650 Highland Avenue, 12PM – 5PM, partnering with Queen City, Omega Psi Phi, Cincinnati Youth Collaborative. Debutante Cotillion - Young ladies that are High school Juniors and Seniors, focus on developing and enhancing the debutante’s personal, educational, cultural, spiritual, and social lives. Applications now available and are due on October 31st.
First Vice President Report Social Action committee - Collaboration with community partners to enhance the political and social awareness of the Cincinnati community residents. Physical and Mental HealthCommittee – will be focused on Stroke and Stroke prevention in addition to Breast Cancer Awareness, and Heart Disease. Financial Fortitude Committee – We are in need of a chairperson for this committee but we would like to focus on all aspects of personal finances for a target group of under served Cincinnati residence. Adopt-a-Family – provide Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for a deserving family as well as collect and distribute personal care items for our sick-n-shut-in sorors during Christmas. The chapter calendar was distributed at the September meeting and is also posted on the website, www.cacdst.org. Please take a moment to review and add key dates to your personal calendar. Sorors thanks for your support to date. We are excited about our programs and we invite you to participate. Yours in Delta Tina A. Welch First Vice President
Second Vice Presidents Report • Membership Intake Reminder’s • Minimum G.P.A. 2.75 • Letters of recommendation from a Soror must be from a financial Soror who has submitted her dues for the current fiscal year at least 90-days prior. • Both public service letters must verify a minimum of one (1) year of continuous public service. • Sister let me help you! We need your participation in helping to acclimate new Sorors to our chapter. Volunteer to be a buddy! • Mark your calendar for our 2009 Statewide Founder’s Day. The Dayton Alumnae Chapter has agreed to host this celebration. The dates for the event are March 6-8, 2009. Stay tuned for more details! • Reclamation……Have you invited an inactive Soror to attend a chapter meeting? Please make a commitment to bring at least one inactive Soror to a chapter meeting during the sorority year. • Yours in Delta, • Danelle • Danelle A. Carter • 2nd Vice President
Third Vice President’s Report – October 2008 Welcome to our October meeting from the Resources Management Committee. See our updates below. • Ways & Means Committee: Soror Lisa Rowell • Save the date - Fourth Annual Golf Outing – May 16 2009! • Historian ~ Soror Ebonie Byndon • Creating a chapter scrapbook for 2008-2009. Submit pictures, articles and items of historical interest. • Seeking committee members. • Contact Ebonie at 513-283-3066 or ebyndon2003@yahoo.com for more info. • Journalist ~ Sorors Lynadius Joseph & Camile Woods • Compiling articles and photos for the next edition of our Minerva’s Pen Newsletter. • Send articles/photos via e-mail to informcac@gmail.com or regular mail to P.O. Box 19955 Cincinnati, OH 45219. • Web Mistress ~Soror LaCosta Moore • Updates made to website! Click www.cacdst.org for the latest chapter happenings • Send updates to Soror Moore at lacosta.moore@gmail.com • Publicity ~ Vacant • Disseminating information on chapter programs and accomplishments.
Third Vice President’s Report cont’d • Audit ~ Soror Mary Coleman - Maintaining our internal controls and financial structure. • Custodian ~ Soror Sandra Wiggins - Working with Fashion Fair committee to locate decorations and Scholarship Committee to get signs for College Prep Workshop. - You may bring items for storage to the monthly chapter meeting or contact Soror Wiggins to arrange for pick up or meeting at the unit. Please include a label and inventory list of all items and place them in a plastic tub or appropriate container. • Chaplain~ Soror Wanda Owens - Thought for Today “See first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33 Dial-a-Delta ~ Sorors Melba Morgan & Pearline Singletary - Secured current list of financial sorors for committee members. • Parliamentarian ~ Soror Esther Cash Mills - Revised local policies and procedures due to changes resulting from national convention. - Requesting input from all VPs and committee chairs to update our local documents. See detailed report from Soror Mills. • Sergeant at Arms ~ Soror Maurine Allen - Condolences to Soror Allen on the homegoing of her aunt. - Reminder: Please return your vote card after each meeting. • Housing Management ~ Soror Glenda Leonard-Wilkinson - Planning committee meeting to discuss approach to housing feasibility study. YID Soror Vickie D. Fairley Third Vice President
Financial Roster A Allen, Maurine Archable, Victoria Austin, Terricka B Barnes, Donnia Benjamin, Tikica Berry, Sallie Black, Monica Bowen, Tina Boyce-Mathis, Angela Brooks-Higgins, Candice Brown, Elsie Brown, Marena Burton, Kyndal C Cargile, Lori Carter, Danelle Cash-Mills, Esther Chapman, Sheryl Chapman, Veronica Cole, L’Tanya Coleman, Mary Collins, Ashani Collins, Tamia Coursey, Yvonne D Dale, Marviette Davis, Betty DeBrossard, Gayle DeRamus, Shawnda Dixon, Sheree E Ellington, Evelyn Everett, Minnie F Fairley, Vickie Ferguson-Booker, Sheila Foree, Marthalla Frazier, Josephine Frazier, Reynell Fulgham, Stacey Fultz, Betty Fuqua, Jaekeia G Gayle-Rucker, Gracie Glaspie, Geraldine Glover, Frances Goodloe, Celestine Graham, Scharleen Green, Tamara H Handy, Ronnise Hardy, Krystal Heard, Danyelle Henry, Martha Hollinger, April Horton, Margaret Hudson, Lucia Hull, Kimberly J Johnson, Ruth Jones, Nikita Joseph, Lynadius K Kearney, Rose Kendrick, Crystal L Leonard-Wilkinson, Glenda Lewis-Thornton, Jennifer Love, Melinda M Mackey-Moore, LaCosta Madry, Trina Marshall, Mikaela Matthews, Keianna McCray, Adrienne McCray, Jacquelyn McCullom, Gail McDonald-Gordon, Robyn McKenzie, Charlotte Meadows, Cheryl Montgomery, Olivia Moody, Nancy Moore, April Morgan, Melba Morton, Stephanie Murphy, Eunice N Newberry, Lillie O Owens, Vera Owens, Wanda P Paddio, Lillie Pankey, Danielle Pennington, Monetta Potter, LeQuita R Reed, Allene Rogers, Michelle Rogers, Shawana Rowell, Lisa S Sams, Vanessa Shirley, Virginia Faye Singletary, Pearline Stewart-Tyson, Karla Story-Stewart, Michelle Strudwick, Casandra T Thomas, Nikki Tillery, Irma Toliver, Ernestine Toney, Michelle Turner, Jacqueline Twitty, Rhonda V Veals-Pierre, Bennette W Walker, Beulah Walker, Deatria Walters, Lottie Ward, Gloria Weber-Lashore, Akiliah Welch, Tina Wesley, Florence West, Ligaya Wheeler, Tisha White, Dorothy White, Marie Wiggins, Sandra Woods, Camille Y Young, Sylvia TOTAL 113
Ebony Fashion Fair ReportOctober 18, 2008 It is SHOWTIME! The 51st annual Ebony Fashion Fair will be returning to Cincinnati on Friday, October 31, 2008 at Duke Energy Center. We are asking each Soror to purchase a minimum of 4 tickets. We want to fill all 997 seats at Duke!As a chapter, we have the ability to SELL OUT this event and showcase our chapter to the City of Cincinnati. Tickets are $75/VIP Reception, starting at 6pm & Show; $50/Show Only starting at 8pm; and Students, 21 and under with valid I.D., $25. Attire: semi-formal. To ensure that you and your guests have the best seats in the house, please plan to purchase your tickets now. For your convenience tickets will be sold 9am-1pm on the Saturday dates listed below. All tickets must be paid for at the time of your seat selection. You can also go on-line to purchase your tickets through our website at www.cacdst.org. Online purchases are for show only tickets. Credit cards will be accepted on this site.> Escapades, 10088 Springfield Pike, Woodlawn OH 45215/ 9am-1pm: > October 25, 2008> College Hill Presbyterian Church, 5742 Hamilton Avenue, Cinti OH 45224/ 9a-1pm:> October 18, 2008If you have any questions, please contact Soror Danelle Carter (danellecarter2@yahoo.com), 513-312-9596; or Soror Gail McCullom (gmccullom@fuse.net), 513-403-1811.You don't want to miss this event. As one of our major fundraisers for our Scholarships program, let’s make this another success for CAC DST! Thank you, Sorors.
Ebony Fashion Fair Report ….continued Submitted in Sisterhood, Committee Members: Aisha Abernathy Carmen Jett Tina Bowen LaCosta Moore Kyndal Burton Gail McCullom Danelle Carter Charlotte McKenzie Veronica Chapman Julia Montier-Ball Marviette Dale Nancy Moody Betty Davis Melba Morgan Gayle DeBrossard Wanda Owens Shawnda DeRamus Lisa Rowell Vickie Fairley Vanessa Sams Stacey Fulgham Candie Simmons Yolanda Hill Karla Stewart Tyson Margaret Horton Michelle Story Stewart Kim Hull Jackie Turner Katelyn Jackson Tina Welch Ligaya West
Cotillion Committee We are now accepting applications for the 2008-2009 Cotillion season. We are recruiting talented young ladies who would benefit from our leadership curriculum and Soror mentoring program. To qualify for participation they must be a Junior or Senior in high school and have a minimum GPA of 2.5. A copy of the application is included in your packet. The application is also available at the Chapter’s website. The application deadline is October 31, 2008. The Acceptance Tea will be held November 9, 2008 at the Mason Community Center at 3:00 pm. The 2009 Cotillion will be held on Saturday April 11, 2009 at 6:30 PM. This year’s ball will be held at the Duke Energy Center. We are in need of additional committee members to carry out the Chapter’s mission of positively impacting the lives of the next debutante class. If you are interested please sign up on the circulating list or contact Shawnda DeRamus (513.236.0226, deramusdst@aol.com) or Marviette Dale (513.417.2824, mdaledst@aol.com). The first committee meeting will be held on November 2nd at 4:00 pm. Soror Silvia Young has agreed to bless us with her excellent Southern Cooking which has become a Cotillion Committee tradition for our first meeting. Silvia’s address is 7906 Victory Court, West Chester, OH 45069. Thanks in advance for the Chapter’s support for this Cotillion Season. Respectfully Submitted, Shawnda DeRamus Marviette Dale Cotillion Co-Chair Cotillion Co-Chair
2007-2008 Delta AcademyFinal Report Name of Program: 2007-2008 Delta Academy Date of Program/Project: October 2007 – June 2008 Brief Description of Program/Project: Scholarship. Service. Sisterhood. Self-Esteem. The CAC’s 2007-2008 Delta Academy program was designed to increase its focus on scholarship while continuing to offer opportunities for service, sisterhood, and improved self-esteem. We developed 3 Learning Modules to expose participants to technical fields (Science of Beauty, Robotics, and Media Technology), participated in 2 community service events, co-hosted retreats with Delta GEMS, and held a closing program to celebrate a great year with participants and their families. This final report highlights the 07/08 Delta Academy program and recommendations. Location of Program/Project: Corryville Recreation Center (Primary) Media Bridges Cincinnati Fire Museum Number of Participants: • Committee Name: • Delta Academy • Committee Members: • Marena Brown (Chair), Candice Higgins (Co-Chair), Chanda Higgins, Carmen Jett, Michelle Rogers
Committee Observations: Overall • Overall, the 2007-2008 Delta Academy program was a success. • We had a significant increase in the number of applications received (60), • We had a significant increase in the number of participants (avg. 24/session), • We had an increased focus on technology-related careers and activities (Learning Modules), • And we were able to maintain opportunities for service, sisterhood, and personal growth. • We received very positive feedback from participants and parents, achieving a 4.6/5.0 in the overall rating and scoring >4.0/5.0 in all areas. Learning Modules – recommend to continue the Learning Module format, changing the focus areas for ’08-09. The ’07-08 Learning Modules were: • Science of Beauty (summarized earlier) • Caring for Our Skin and Nutrition • iSPACE – Robotics (summarized earlier) • Delta Academy was highlighted in their newsletter. • Media Bridges – Lights! Camera! Action • Participants wrote scripts and learned to use video equipment and editing software to produce their own videos on a socially relevant topic. Several of the videos were shared during the June Luncheon. Speakers – recommend to continue having speakers who work in the fields related to the Learning Modules. • ’07-08 DA had 5 speakers from Cosmetics, Nutrition, Computer Programming, Aerospace, and Aviation.
Girl Talk – recommend hosting Girl Talk in ’08-09. Should combine “open” topics that students choose with “recommended” topics that the committee selects and can research prior to the meetings. Community Service – recommend conducting at least two community service events in ’08-09. • ’07-08 Service Events: • Warm Fuzzy Outreach (American Red Cross): Lincoln-Crawford Retirement Home • Great American Clean-up: Corryville Community Council Fall Retreat – recommend co-hosting with GEMS in ’08-09. College Retreat – recommend that DA participants do not attend the college retreat in ’08-09. • Recommendation based on the larger number of participants, the high cost of the retreat, and the large age/maturity differences between some DA and GEMS participants. • With the suggested changes in the participation requirements for DA (will target grades 5-8 instead of ages 11-14 years), there should also be less overlap with target participants for GEMS. • Participation in the College Prep Workshop will be added to the Delta Academy calendar.
Closing Ceremony – recommend holding a closing ceremony for ’08-09. • For the ’07-08 year, we had ~20 attendees and ~40 family members and friends attend the last DA session and Closing Ceremony. • All girls were presented with participation certificates. • A small number of special recognitions were given – attendance, Presidential Delta Academy essays. • Participants and parents were very proud to be a part of the DA program and we have a large pool of girls looking forward to another year of DA or to the GEMS program. ’07-08 National Program Submissions • Presidential Delta Academy participant nomination packet • Exemplary Delta Academy Program submission
2007-2008 Delta AcademyFINAL EXPENSE REPORT Committee: Delta Academy Date: 9/16/08
Delta GEMS 2008 Spring College Retreat Final Report Name of Program: Delta GEMS 2008 Spring College Retreat Date of Program/Project: Saturday, April 19- Sunday, April 20, 2008 Brief Description of Program/Project: In addition to exposure to a college campus and a college experience; the purpose of the retreat is to provide the GEMS with opportunities for sisterly bonding, recreation, and leadership development. The retreat participants participated in an Admissions/Financial Aid question and answer session, a campus tour, community service at the Bloomington Public Library, a bowling activity at the Student Union on the campus of Indiana University and other sisterly bonding activities. The participants and chaperones slept on campus at Indiana Memorial Union Hotel and Conference Center. The participants ate in the Campus Dining Hall, the Student Union and at an off campus restaurant. (NOODLES) Location of Program/Project: Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana Number of Participant: 2 Delta Academy, 13 Delta GEMS & Sorors. Committee Name: 2007-2008 Delta GEMS Committee Committee Members: Tikica Benjamin, Chair Camille Woods, Co Chair, Lori Cargile, Member, Nola Thompson, Member, Tamia Collins, Member, Lynadius Joseph, Member, Ashani Omard, Member, Ligaya West, Member. Committee Observation : Overall, the 2008 Indiana University Delta GEMS/ Delta Academy college retreat was a great success! All of the young ladies had a good time and enjoyed and appreciated getting a real life college experience. The young ladies enjoyed the campus tour, the Admissions Office question and answer session, our bowling activity and most of all-our hotel suites. The GEMS enjoyed getting to know the Delta Academy participants and the chaperones. Consequently, several of the young ladies seem to have come out of their shells over the course of the weekend and really embraced the opportunity to form a sisterly bond with each other. Overall, the committee felt that this activity was very positive because it provided a good perspective of college and encouraged the girls to start thinking about this aspect of their future and what they want out of it.
Delta GEMS 2008 College Retreat Indiana University FINAL EXPENSE REPORT April 19-20, 2008
Delta GEMS 2008 Spring College Retreat Final Report Soror Carmen Jett and the GEMS participate in community service at the Bloomington Public Library. Thank you Indiana University
Delta GEMS May Community Service Final Report Name of Program: Delta GEMS Spring Community Service Project Date of Program/Project: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 Brief Description of Program/Project: The GEMS are committed to performing community service activities throughout our program year and the Ice Cream Social at the Bethany House was our final community service commitment of the year. We are committed to community service because high school students who engage in quality service-learning programs show an increase in personal and social responsibility. Also, students who engage in service-learning ranked responsibility as a more important value and reported a higher sense of responsibility to their communities than those who do not participate in any community service. Students who engage in service-learning are more likely to treat each other kindly, help each other and care about doing their best. Our GEMS are a living example of touching and improving the lives of others through service. Location of Program/Project: Bethany House Cincinnati, Ohio (North Fairmount) Number of Participant: 5 Delta GEMS and 2 Sorors. Committee Name: 2007-2008 Delta GEMS Committee Committee Members: Tikica Benjamin, Chair Camille Woods, Co Chair, Lori Cargile, Member, Nola Thompson, Member, Tamia Collins, Member, Lynadius Joseph, Member, Ashani Omard, Member, Ligaya West, Member. Committee Observation: In an effort to continue our service relationship with the Bethany House; we decided to give the residents of the Bethany House an Ice Cream Social and give the GEMS a chance to interact with the residents and volunteers. The GEMS served ice cream to the residents and volunteers; and they had an opportunity to learn what the Bethany House is all about and the services that they provide to women and their children. In the future, we may look into opportunities in which the GEMS provide a more hands/structured type of community service. **PLEASE COMPLETE AND ATTACH A FINAL EXPENSE REPORT
Delta GEMS June End of the Year Skating Party Final Report Name of Program: Delta GEMS June End of the Year Skating Party Date of Program/Project: Saturday June 14, 2008 Brief Description of Program/Project: The purpose of the skating party is to celebrate the end of the Delta GEMS program year. During the skating party, participants are able to fellowship with one another and with the committee members. We recognized the girls for their participation with a small gift, we had a “what did you learn/remember from our program year raffle” with prizes and we distributed a survey to learn what the girls liked/disliked about the program and their recommendations for the next program year. Location of Program/Project: Fun Factory Skating Rink (Norwood) Number of Participant: 8 Delta GEMS and 5 Sorors. Committee Name: 2007-2008 Delta GEMS Committee Committee Members: Tikica Benjamin, Chair Camille Woods, Co Chair, Lori Cargile, Member, Nola Thompson, Member, Tamia Collins, Member, Lynadius Joseph, Member, Ashani Omard, Member, Ligaya West, Member. Committee Observation: Although the RSVP response was very low, we decided to have the skating party in order to celebrate the end of another successful Delta GEMS program year. By June, most of our young ladies have started their summer jobs at Kings Island, etc and they can not take off of work for our event. In the future, we may want to have the end of the year celebration at the end of May before the GEMS get out of school for the summer. We also may want to take a poll and see if the GEMS are actually still interested in skating due to the low turn out. Maybe there is another venue/activity that is within our budget that interest high school girls outside of skating. **PLEASE COMPLETE AND ATTACH A FINAL EXPENSE REPORT
Delta GEMS 2008 End of the Year Skating Party FINAL EXPENSE REPORT June 14, 2008
Delta GEMS 2008-2009 Kick Off Meeting Final ReportOct 7, 2008 Name of Program: Delta GEMS 2008-2009 Kick Off Meeting and “Rock the Vote” Its never too early to understand that your voice/vote matters. Date of Program/Project: Tuesday, October 7, 2008 6:30pm-8:30pm Brief Description of Program/Project: The primary purpose of the program was to kick off the 2008-2009 Delta GEMS program year and discuss the program topic, “Rock the Vote”. Although the majority of the GEMS aren’t 18 years old; we wanted to take this opportunity to reiterate the fact that its never too early to understand that your voice/vote matters. We discussed the importance of the GEMS involvement in organizations and extra curricular activities such as student government. In the spirit of the upcoming presidential election, we thought it would be appropriate to elect four “GEMS representatives" for the 2008-2009 program year. Interested GEMS prepared a two minute speech and urged their peers to vote for them based on their leadership abilities, their willingness to serve and their commitment to making sure that the GEMS voices will be heard throughout the year. We finished out the program by telling the GEMS about the upcoming College Prep Workshop, Cotillion and our next program; which is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov 4, 2008 6:30pm-8:30 pm at Xavier University Gallagher Student Center Room 214. Location of Program/Project: Xavier University Gallagher Student Center Room 214 Number of Participants: 36 GEMS, 9 CAC Sorors and 3 Sorors from Rho Xi (Xavier University) Committee Name: 2008-2009 Delta GEMS Committee **PLEASE COMPLETE AND ATTACH A FINAL EXPENSE REPORT
Delta GEMS 2008-2009 Kick Off Meeting Final ReportOct 7, 2008 Committee Members:Chair: Camille Woods, Co Chair: Krystal Hardy, Members: Tikica Benjamin, Ligaya West, April Hollinger, Mika Marshall, Lynadius Joseph, Stacey Fulgham, Akilah LaShore, Gayle DeBrossard, Lori Cargile, Tamia Collins, Ashani Omard and Miranda Holloway. Committee Observation: Overall, the program went very well and the GEMS enjoyed the program topic. We had a very diverse group of young ladies from schools such as: Lakota East, Hughes Center, Wyoming, Withrow University, Clark, Western Hills University, Schroeder and SCPA. All of our recruiting efforts paid off! Violets to Krystal Hardy, April Hollinger and Tikica Benjamin for recruiting at CPS football games. Violets to Krystal Hardy and Mika Marshall for sending applications, program calendars, etc to CPS high schools. If you are interested in joining the GEMS committee, please contact Camille Woods or Krystal Hardy at cac_deltagems@yahoo.com. Our next committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct 21st (6:30 pm) at the Main Library downtown. For those that can't physically be there, but are available during that time, a call in number will be provided. Thanks, Camille Woods and Krystal Hardy
Delta GEMS 2008-2009 Kick Off Meeting Final Report October 7, 2008
Delta GEMS 2008-2009 Kick Off Meeting Final ReportOct 7, 2008
Housing Committee ReportOctober 18, 2008 What is a Feasibility Study? • A feasibility study is an analysis of the viability of an idea. • The feasibility study should answer the question; Will the idea work and should we proceed with it? Our chapter has requested that we prepare a feasibility study on procuring property. • The study will list all the things you need to make a sound decision on whether to pursue purchasing property; • Identify logistical and other business-related problems and solutions; • Serve as a solid foundation for pursuing or not pursuing property, and • Consider other options. Committee Chair: Glenda M. Leonard-Wilkinson Committee Members: Marthalla Foree and Sylvia Young
Social Action ReportOctober 18, 2008 We are getting down to the final hours with only 17 days until November 4, 2008, Election Day. We appreciate everyone’s diligence in getting your friends, family and yourselves registered to vote prior to the deadline of October 6, 2008. However, there is still much that can be done to assist the people in our community and ourselves with exercising their right to vote and being able to make educated decisions about who and what we vote for. • As a result of our partnership with the NAACP and Queen City Alumnae Chapter during voter registration drives at the NAACP National Convention in July, The Black Family Reunion in August, The National Baptist Convention & MTV’s Rock the Vote@ UC in September we have successfully registered over 277 voters. We also signed up a few voters during a registration ‘sweep’ at the mall the weekend of Oct 3-5, 2008. • We will continue our partnership with Queen City Alumnae in our efforts to educate voters for this upcoming election. We will need your support at the following events: • In collaboration with the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law to sponsor a Voter Education Seminar on 10/25 @ Community Action Agency, 1740 Langdon Farm Road, from 3-5pm to educate ourselves and the community. Valuable information will be provided on absentee voting, voting early at the Board of Elections, and what you should know when voting on Election Day, Nov. 4th. This will also serve as training for our Voter Mobilization on Sat. Oct. 25 when we go out into the community to share what we have learned via fliers and handouts and ensure those in our community have a hot-line number they can call if there are any additional questions from now until Election Day . • Also, on Election Day where we will volunteer with The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law to send our Sorors in pairs to monitor polls and ensure voter rights information is distributed. The Voter Education Seminar will serve as training for this effort also. In addition to poll monitoring, there are volunteer opportunities at the The Lawyer's Committee headquarters where information on poll activities will be entered into a database to track irregular activities and ensure there are no voter right infringements.
Social Action Committee Report ….continued • Please sign up after the meeting for the activities that you are going to be available to attend. • The Social Action Committee would also like to encourage everyone to Vote Early. We are putting together a list of Sorors who plan to go to the polls early and on November 4, 2008 that would either need a ride or be willing to pick up someone and take them too! Sign up for this after the chapter meeting or contact a Social Action Committee Member for more information. • The Ohio Social Action Committee has organized the Ohio Social Action 2008 Voting Rights March and Rally that will take place on November 1, 2008 in Columbus, Ohio. We will host a statewide March from the Franklin County Board of Elections to the Ohio Statehouse. The theme for this auspicious event is, “Your Right to Choose – Get Out The Vote Ohio”. During this event we will take pledges for our “I Promise to Vote” campaign to support the Sojourner Truth Bust. The highlight of this event will be the Rally at the Ohio Statehouse to honor the late Congresswoman from the 11th Congressional District of Ohio, the Honorable Stephanie Tubbs-Jones. They are asking all chapters to help us make this event a success. So if you plan to be in Columbus we need you to support this event. Information is attached. • We will donate funds to the Sojourner Truth Bust on behalf of the chapter, in lieu of selling “I Promise to Vote” buttons. However, a request for $100 per chapter to support the rally has been made. • Election day is Tuesday, November 4, 2008. Each one of us should be reminding all of our friends and family members how important it is to exercise your right to vote and get them to GET OUT & VOTE! • Contact me at deatria@dwalkerinsurance.com or call me at 513-661-0400 or 513-503-1476 to be included on all Social Action Committee planning correspondence. • Respectfully Submitted • Soror Deatria T. Walker