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Discovery Portal. INFOhio Discovery Portal. INFOhio is purchasing a product that INFOhio calls the Discovery Portal In SY 10/11 the product will be funded through regular library automation fees This product replaces SchoolRooms as our user interface for one-stop searching and contains:
INFOhio Discovery Portal • INFOhio is purchasing a product that INFOhio calls the Discovery Portal • In SY 10/11 the product will be funded through regular library automation fees • This product replaces SchoolRooms as our user interface for one-stop searching and contains: • Content that had been collected for use within SchoolRooms : educator-selected, age-appropriate websites which are now searchable • Federated search of select INFOhio electronic resources • Best of Web educationally-selected web sites • Area Media Centers Digital Video Collection
INFOhio Discovery Portal • This product replaces SchoolRooms as our user interface for one-stop searching • The product does not contain (in SY 10/11) • School online catalogs • District content • INFOhio and the vendor will be evaluating the current capability as well as assessing the ability to include local catalogs and content during this school year • Access will be through the OPAC for SY 10/11 on the Cat or Cat Jr. navigation bar
INFOhio Discovery Portal • SY 10/11 will be spent evaluating a number of issues: • Is this product really useful and desirable to INFOhio students and staff? • How might INFOhio wish to perpetuate the rooms content into the future? • How ably will the vendor address the issues to integrate school catalogs in the next 6 months? • How might a network as large as INFOhio encourage, collect, and maintain local content?
INFOhio Discovery Portal • Cat / Cat Jr. is WWW available. When a user is transferred to the Discovery Portal: • If the school IP is registered, user is seamlessly transferred • It the school IP is not registered (or home use) • User is prompted for username/password • Statewide username/password is valid • “u/p - same as remote ER access “ • Username/ password does not stick and could be required each time the student enters the Discovery Portal
Access to INFOhio’sDiscovery Portal • Access will be through the OPAC – CAT or CAT Jr. Uses INFOhio statewide authentication – IP or username/password. U/P does not stick! NWOCA / INFOhio User’s Meeting
How does that work? • Click Discovery Portal button on any CAT/CAT Jr. screen • If a search has not been conducted, you go to the entry page of the Discovery Portal • From results page within the OPAC, the search term is transferred to Discovery Portal • This method is not 100% guaranteed • Remember OPAC searching methodology is sometimes very “librarian-ish” and not “google-like” • If not IP-registered, prompted for u/p NWOCA / INFOhio User’s Meeting
Discovery Portal has 7 grade levels or guides derived directly from SchoolRooms • Each of them, plus lower-level rooms, contains former SchoolRooms content plus a number of search targets • Digital Video Collection • Best of Web • Electronic Resources • “SchoolRooms-like” taxonomy remains on the left for exploration and discovery of narrower, broader, or different topics. NWOCA / INFOhio User’s Meeting
INFOhio Discovery Portal • Be an active part of this year’s evaluation and encourage use and feedback from your patrons!