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ESD in a new setting: Thinking globally and acting responsibly at the local level

ESD in a new setting: Thinking globally and acting responsibly at the local level Minsk 17-18.3.2011 Paula Lindroos PhD, director Baltic University Programme, Finland Centre for lifelong learning Åbo Akademi University and Novia university of applied sciences. Minsk 17-18.3.2011.

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ESD in a new setting: Thinking globally and acting responsibly at the local level

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  1. ESD in a new setting: Thinking globally and acting responsibly at the local level Minsk 17-18.3.2011 Paula Lindroos PhD, director Baltic University Programme, Finland Centre for lifelong learning Åbo Akademi University and Novia university of applied sciences Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget 3 - 20500 Åbo

  2. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 The United Nationons Decade for Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014 Phase 1: 2005-2009: Regional and national strategies and action plans for the implementation of ESD Phase 2: 2009-2014: Good practices and capacity development

  3. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 UNESCO – ESD Quality education criteria: 1. Interdisciplinary and holistic approaches, where learning for SD is integrated in the whole curriculum and not only as an independent discipline 2. A common value base for SD 3. Development of critical thinking 4. The use of several teaching and learning methods

  4. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 UNESCO – ESD Quality education criteria (cont): 4. Integration of local, regional and global aspects in education 5. Participatory decision-making where learners participate in decisions regarding their learning

  5. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 Definitions – sustainable development (SD) SD is not an abstract system that can be put into practice to function and evaluated simply by examining outcome figures or flowcharts. SD is rather the process and product of interaction, the interaction of a system and its institutions with the cultural context - and most importantly the people who make SD a reality.

  6. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 Sustainable development is an evolving concept: It changes over time Sustainable development is situational: There is a different focus in different parts of the globe Sustainable development – or rather: Sustainable future? Sustainability?

  7. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 Youth work and youth politics: - An important cornerstone in the balanced and sustainable development of a society. Attitudes and knowledge are important aspects, but equally important is action competence in different situations. Action competence can be trained within the formal education system, but important is also learning in other life situations and arenas, within the non-formal and informal learning.

  8. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 The Finnish Youth law (2006) - includes active citizenship and social empowerment and intersectorial cooperation. - it aims at strengthening understanding of equity and diversity and a responsible (global) citizenship. - environmental education is included as an important element, also outside the formal educational system. -> Responsibility to municipalities

  9. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 Project in the city of OULU: cooperation of the education and youth sectors - Involvement of youth in decision making – active participation in practice Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget 3 - 20500 Åbo

  10. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 Project in the city of Oulu: - Local action groups - Sharing of work and responsibility between community sectors - Aspects on participation Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget 3 - 20500 Åbo

  11. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 Conclusions (1): Much fostering/changes of attitudes in the civic society, outside the formal education system. Crucial for success is co-operation between and among the community sectors. Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget 3 - 20500 Åbo

  12. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 Conclusions (2) The starting point is always in the youth, both regarding responsibility given and responsibility taken. Social structures and culture should provide support, as well as active listening to the youth, and support from adults.

  13. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 Next step: Expansion of the model? Expansion of the geographical region? Including NGOs?

  14. Minsk 17-18.3.2011 - and finally Think globally – act locally Thank you!

  15. Åbo Akademi University - Domkyrkotorget 3 - 20500 Åbo

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