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Performance Management Presentation Maintain Safe Working Environment Radiation Safety. Team Leader: Nancy Newman Team Members: Kelly Austin, George Redmond ORS National Institutes of Health Date: January 21, 2004. Customer Perspective. Customer Perspective (cont.).
Performance Management PresentationMaintain Safe Working EnvironmentRadiation Safety Team Leader: Nancy Newman Team Members: Kelly Austin, George Redmond ORS National Institutes of Health Date: January 21, 2004
Customer Scorecard Methodology (Radiation Safety) • Incorporated ORS Customer Scorecard into monthly newsletter • Mailed to 950 Authorized Users • Issued reminder in following month’s newsletter • Response rate 24%
Scatter Diagram (Radiation Safety)FY03 Customer Importance and Satisfaction Ratings Note: The Importance rating scale ranges from 1 - 10 where “1” represents Unimportant and “10” represents Important. The Satisfaction rating scale ranges from 1 - 10 where “1” represents Unsatisfactory and “10” represents Outstanding.
How do you prefer to obtain information about the radiation safety program? N = 225 1 = Most preferred method 5 = Least preferred method
Relationship Among Performance Objectives • Enhancing communication with our customers would • Maintain compliance with regulations • Increase the use of on-line services
F4: Minimize Unit Cost for Acquisition/ Distribution/Disposal of Radionuclides
Financial Perspective • Cost per AU increased minimally • RAMOS not cost effective and now obsolete
Financial PerspectiveWhat actions are planned? • Effective October 1, the RAMOS system was discontinued. • Cost of radioactive materials now incorporated into radiation safety fee for service • Continue streamlining
Conclusions from PMP • Our customers prefer to communicate via e-mail • Need to increase positive face-to-face interactions • Decrease number of security violations by providing incentive for compliance • Having people complete the RSAU is worthwhile even if they don’t become Authorized Users • Achieved reduction of unnecessary radwaste pickup trips • Will advertise on-line scheduling option
Table of Contents PM Template ……………………………….………………………………. Customer Perspective……………………….………………………………. Internal Business Process Perspective……………………………………… Learning and Growth Perspective…………………………………………… Financial Perspective………………………………………………………… Conclusions and Recommendations…………………………………………..
Appendices Template 29-31 Customer Perspective 32 C1: Increase Customer Satisfaction 33 C1: Score on Customer Scorecard 34-58 C2: Enhance communication with customers 59 C2a: Results of survey question 60 C2d: Number of people trained 61-63 Internal Business Process Perspective 64 IB6: Maintain NIH in compliance with NRC regulations 65 IB6: Number of security violations 66 IB7: Evaluate long-term benefit of RSAU class 67 IB7: Percent of attendees who become participating users 68-69 IB8: Improve effectiveness of radioactive waste scheduling 70 IB8a: Decrease unnecessary pick-up trips 71 IB8b: Improve ease of scheduling pick-ups Learning and Growth Perspective LG1: Maintain effective staffing level in RSB 73 LG1: Compare this year’s turnover rate with last year’s 74 LG2: Increase number of awards and dollars per award 75 LG2a: Number of awards LG2b: Dollars per award LG3: Increase sponsored training for RSB 76 LG3a: Number of training hours per person LG3b: Training budget for past 5 fiscal years 77 LG3c: Cost of training for past 5 fiscal years 77
Appendices (cont.) • Financial Perspective 78 • F1: Minimize unit cost for technical assistance in radiation safety • F1: Compare this year’s unit cost to last year’s 79 • F4: Minimize unit cost for acquisition/distribution/disposal of radionuclides • F4: Compare this year’s unit cost to last year’s 80-81 • Process Maps 85 • Provide technical assistance in radiation safety 86 • Authorized User training and approval 87-88 • Acquire/manage/distribute radioactive material 89-90 • Conclusions 91-93
Results from the FY03 ORS Customer Scorecard Service Group: Maintain Safe Work Environment Product/Service: Radiation Safety 26 November 2003 Summary prepared by the Office of Quality Management (OQM) and SAIC
Methodology • Radiation Safety discussed with OQM their proposed customer assessment methodology • Distribute survey similar to FY02 with a few new questions • Determined method of survey distribution • Hard copy survey mailed with monthly newsletter to all on the distribution list • Surveys returned to OQM via NIH mail system • Preserve customers’ anonymity • Ensure the integrity of the results • Survey data were entered into a database and analyzed
Survey Distribution FY03 Administration Number of Surveys Distributed950 Number of respondents 225 Response Rate 24% FY02 Administration Number of Surveys Distributed574 Number of respondents 90 Response Rate 16%
SatisfactionRatings: Comparison by Fiscal Year N = 225 N = 90 Outstanding Unsatisfactory *FY03 ratingssignificantly lower (p< .05) than FY02 ratings.
ImportanceRatings: Comparison by Fiscal Year N = 225 N = 90 Very Unimportant Very Important
Scatter DiagramFY03 Customer Importance and Satisfaction Ratings Note: The Importance rating scale ranges from 1 - 10 where “1” represents Unimportant and “10” represents Important. The Satisfaction rating scale ranges from 1 - 10 where “1” represents Unsatisfactory and “10” represents Outstanding.
Scatter DiagramFY03 Customer Importance and Satisfaction Ratings: A Closer Look Note: A smaller portion of the chart is shown so that the individual data points can be labeled.
FY03 SatisfactionRatings: Radiation Safety Comparison to ORS Overall N = 225 N = 5,698 Unsatisfactory Outstanding
FY03 ImportanceRatings: Radiation Safety Comparison to ORS Overall N = 225 N = 5,698 Very Unimportant Very Important
How easy is it to obtain information from web site? N = 225 Scale ranges from 1 = Very Difficult to 10 = Very Easy
Reviewing Comments • Realize comments are qualitative data and are not meant to be counted and tallied • Comments provide a different type of information from your customers regarding their satisfaction • Comments are NOT representative of the perceptions of all your customers • Review them but don’t over react to an individual comment • Comments are a great source for ideas on how to improve
What was done particularly well? • Waste pick up staff/timeliness fantastic at GRC. Thomas Johnson is very helpful and conscientious! • I have been very pleased with the exposure monitoring program and the department specific refresher training. • Response to spill. • HP's respond very quickly to any questions. On-line orientation and RSB class sign-up is a great idea and works well. • Follow-up to questions asked. • Contractors are friendly and helpful overall. • I have always had a productive, helpful relationship with the RSB. Services have been accessible and reliable. • Radiation survey. • This office is the best one at the NIH. It takes complex area and helps investigators. It's been this way for 20 years. Do not change it. • Delivery of radioactive products. • Radio isotopes delivery. • Notification of problems with surveys and upkeep of the radiation work area - one on one contact with the HP. • Prompt completion of requests. If RSB personnel doesn't have answer, they forward quickly to another who can help.
What was done particularly well? (cont.) • Quality of isotopes purchased. • Notification of inability to deliver because of lack of some form or information has improved. • Pre renovations information on how to handle all details, Ms Cathy McC____ was very helpful. • RSB Service and personnel are excellent (fast, efficient, competent, and very helpful). • Surveys. • Quick direct contact to get lab AU approved, room posted, quick waste pick up, drop offs. • Phone and email correspondence is usually conducted in a timely fashion. • Ordering isotope is very quick and economical. • Checking out hot jobs prior to renovations/moving out. • Good communication during our HP transitions. • The radiation safety branch has always been great to work with. I ship and receive radioactive materials and both ways they do a wonderful job. :) • Always providing good advice. • Monitoring how we are doing is well appreciated. • The competence of the staff at all levels is exceptional. • Rapid turn around on all requests. Whenever I call my questions are answered - and phone is always answered by a real person! Fantastic! • Everything. They do a good job. Especially the RSC, Ms. Coronado, our Health Physicist.
What was done particularly well? (cont.) • Response to questions, quick shipment of order and a clear (non-radioactive) container. • Safety monitoring. • Lab refresher course of HP. • Reliability • Monthly Status Reports. • Both the willingness to help solve a problem and the sincerity with which it is handled. • Ordering, delivery goes smoothly. • Disposal of rad waste. Response to a spill. • Waste pickup. • All aspects of the RSB I have dealt with have done a great job. • Handling changes from one AU to next. • My positive impressions of RSB are based on interactions with the health physicists, who have been uniformly competent and helpful. Neena Patel is exceedingly so. • Surveys. • Delivery of radioactive materials. • I have routinely gotten good information or good response from Radiation safety. This is a really well-run group. • Responsiveness, helpful attitude. • Everything.
What was done particularly well? (cont.) • Training, survey. • Everything! • On line services have made a radical improvement in the last 2 - 3 years. • Response time with any inquiry was very short. • I especially appreciated George Redmond's helpful and generous manner as health physicist. • Radioactive waste pick up. • Entering new people into the system inventory. • Tracking and communication. • Providing solutions to laboratory problems. • Delivery of radio isotopes is timely and efficient. • 1. The web training/refresher is useful. 2. Only important notifications are sent out to all users. • Radiation Safety is very helpful and competent. • I have no complaints. • I find monthly memos are a good reminder for me to check on our inventory of isotopes and to make sure the survey was carried out. • Survey contractors are very good and helpful. • Customer service.
What was done particularly well? (cont.) • Guidance through tough situations. • Radioactive waste pickup. • All deliveries are timely. In addition, the Authorized Users Course that I took was comprehensive and very well done. • Any concerns or questions were answered in a timely manner. • Timeliness. • Keeping track of the survey reports, phone contacts. • HP's are very responsive/competent. For the amount of material received/used at NIH, size of campus, etc., I think the Rad Branch is pretty well managed! • Waste disposal. • Please note that I haven't used RSB services recently since I haven't ordered products recently. • Timely delivery and repackaging of materials. • Response to "hot trash" problems. • Problems with surveys. • Answering questions. • Health physicist and radiation shipping/receiving personnel very knowledgeable and helpful. • Isotopes are always ordered and delivered in a timely manner. • I use very little isotopes any more.
What was done particularly well? (cont.) • RSO is good. • Waste pick up. Training services. • I don't currently use radioactivity, but will start soon, so will have more info next year. • Radiation safety provides a valuable and essential service for the NIH. • Everything. • RSO is good. • Audits are done extremely well and problems are fixed very efficiently. Pick ups are timely and efficient. • Record keeping/all round excellent service! • Responsiveness when I have questions or problems. • Interactions with RSB personnel. • Everything was very good. Note. I always make a copy of the NIH 88 form because they used to get lost often. We often got calls that our radioactivity had arrived but they needed the NIH 88 form again. This has not happened for a very long time, although we are not using as much radioactivity as we had in the past. • Quick service for waste pick-up.