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Life at IISM_May 2022

IISM always ensures that our students get to enjoy an enthralling atmosphere, where they not only learn in classrooms, but also learn from real world experiences. This is why, we are happy to announce that we have published the May month's edition of 'Life @ IISM'.<br><br>Life @ IISM is an album of events that have occurred on campus, along with achievements from our students.<br><br>The May's edition of Life @ IISM has in store for you: -<br><br>u25cf Blog on Mr. Arjuna Ranatunga visiting the IISM campus and interacting with the students<br><br>u25cf IISM students volunteering at Special Olympics Bharat<br><br>

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Life at IISM_May 2022

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  2. IISM had the privilege to host an interactive session between Mr. Arjuna Ranatungaand our IISM students. Mr. Ranatunga is the cricketing legend who helped the Sri Lankan cricketteambagthe1996WorldCup. AsaSriLankancaptain,heinfusedhisplayerswithself-beliefandwasalwaysatthefront to lead the team to victory, on and off the field. After retirement, he worked to ensurethe teamcontinuedtoperformwellinalldomains,andhencetookupnumerouspostsinthe SriLankaCricketAdministration. AblogiswrittenbyourSYBSMstudentMr.IshaanRanadiveexplainingtheinsandoutsof the interactivesession. Readmoreaboutithere:-https://bit.ly/3wWcT3Q 02

  3. STUDENTS VOLUNTEERINGAT SPECIAL OLYMPICSBHARAT Numerous students from IISM bagged an amazing opportunity where they volunteered to help the participants at the Special Olympics Bharat. The event was held across several locations such as Kolhapur, Ratnagiri, Belapur, Navi Mumbai &Pune. The students were assigned the task of assisting the medical officers and health co-ordinators. They also guided the participants to the nearest health check-up points. The exposure to the event helped students learn the fundamentals of team management and the training that goes into organizing and executing such anevent. 03

  4. Indiaisfastevolvingasasportingnationbeyondtheonesthatitisknownforovertheyears.Our forays into track and field, archery, tennis, golf and many other lesser-known sports are quite commendable.Andfastgrowingalongsidethis–isSportsManagement! The plug-and-play model for Sports Management in India has can be somewhat standardized as below:- Talent Scout - Schools need to be incentivised to provide avenues for students to explore their potential – dabble in multiple disciplines of the sport. A nationwide talent search – every 2 yearsorso–wouldfurtherencouragetoidentifytherighttalentearlyon. Training Infrastructure Management- Infrastructure needs to move closer to the talent – orprovidetalentwithviableaccesstostate-of-the-artfacilitiestobuildthetalentportfolio. Event&HospitalityManagement-Buildingthecompetitiveedgerequirescreatingavenuesand events around the sport –and creating greater awareness among spectators of the sport. This wouldalsoopenupavenuesforsportshospitalitymanagement. Coach/SupportStaff/SponsorManagement-SomesportssuchasBadminton,Cricket,Hockey, chess etc have been well entrenched in India. It is the lesser-known sports that would need greater attention as the potential and performance Gap among athletes would help prepare a pipelinefortheyearsahead. To read the entire Blog, click the linkbelow: https://bit.ly/3wMAGEc 04

  5. RISING SPORTS STARS OFINDIA IISM students breathe sports and are staunch sports enthusiasts. Our students come from various fields of expertise as well as are active sports players from club, state, nationalandinternationallevel.HerearesomeofourstudentswhoarenolessbutRising StarsofIndia. ArpitaJoshi | TENNIS PLAYER Ms. Arpita Joshi is our student who is an expert in playing Table Tennis and hertalent and experience in the game has helped her bag numerous medals throughouthercareer.Shehasrepresentedherdistrict Thaneinstatechampionshipmatches,andin2013she got an incredible opportunity to represent her state, Maharashtra,atthenationallevel. SarveshLokhande |FOOTBALLER Mr. Sarvesh Lokhande is a football player well- versed in Football & Silambham. Currently he is signed to Judean United SC which plays in MDFA FirstDivisionandhashelpedtheteambagmedals in several events. Over the years, he has represented Football 7 Association of Pune (F7AP) U-18 Team & GOLAZO CF U-18 Team where he was the Captain. Later he signed for SARA FA which participatedinMDFASuperDivision. YoucanreadaboutjourneyofourstudentsonIISM'ssocialmediaplatforms.Morestoriestocome. @iismworld @IISMWorld 05

  6. ACHIEVEMENT OF OURSTUDENTS Ms. PriyaDhabalia Ms. Priya Dhabalia studying in FYBSM secured first place in the Women's Elite category of the Cyclathon Mumbai Championship 2022. The race was held in Bhandup on 24th April 2022. 50 participants participated in the event and Ms. Dhabalia leG them behind in winds while she pedalled her way to victory. She completed the entire 20 kilometer race in a mere 31minutes. For her win, she was awarded a trophy, certificate and a cash prize. She is now looking forward to participating in the State Championshipevent. Ms. SaachiGramopadhye Our MSM-1 student Ms. Saachi Gramopadhye took part inthePALKBAYSUPCHALLENGEheldinthebeautifulcity of Rameshwaram. She represented the quest academy and she secured a Silver medal under the 2km Technical Stand up Paddle Race, Bronze medal in 200 mts Sprint Race,andaBronzemedalin6kmDistanceRace. Itwasanationaleventandshewasamongthetenfemale participants who had enrolled for the event. By the conclusion of the event, Ms. Gramopadhye was placed 3rdintheevent. 06

  7. OUR STUDENTS ATWORK Ms. AnweshaChandra SYBSMstudentMs.AnweshaChandra bagged an amazing opportunity to work as a Technical Officer for Lawn Tennis at the Khelo India University Games2021heldinBangalore. As a technical officer, she was in control of calling out calls for 'Out' & 'Right balls.' Being the Technical Officer she had to be unbiased and make the calls with utmost honesty and sincerity, which she did to her best. Mr. PraveshMandawara Mr.PraveshMandawara,ourMSM-2student was appointed as the Team Manager of Indian Pickleball Team for Open Asian Pickleball Tournament, held in Phuket, Thailand. This was his first international event as a management professional andthis eventwillalwaysbeveryclosetohisheart. Mr. Mandawara met several global sports management professionals, and had an amazing experience learning from them. The event helped him evolve into a promising & aspiringsportsmanagementprofessional. 07


  9. LIFEATIISM Curated by: Mr. Amit Gupte,COO Mr. Karan Mange, Head- Marketing Mr. Sandeep Dalvi, Manager- Design Mr. Abijith Nair-Content International Institute of SportsManagement(IISM) Ground Floor, Smartworks, Fleet House, Gamdevi, Marol, AndheriEast, Maharashtra 400059, Maharashtra,India. Email: info@iismworld.com | Website : www.iismworld.com T.:+918976018871/72 09

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