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Tips to Crack SMAT-IISM

Sports Management Admission Test (SMAT) is a test designed to cater to a very specific domainu2013 i.e. Sports Management. This test focuses on candidatesu2019 liking & awareness of the sports industry & their acumen for the business side of sports.<br><br>Through this test, candidates will be tested on their aptitude in Mathematics, English, Logical Reasoning with an emphasis on their interest and knowledge about the sporting ecosystem.<br><br>SMAT is conducted online. <br><br>

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Tips to Crack SMAT-IISM

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  1. HowtoCrackSMAT? As it is rightly said, you should always go with the flow and imbibe the changes that come along the path!! That’s whatIISM believesin aswell! AboutSMAT SportsManagementAdmissionTest (SMAT)isatestdesigned tocatertoaveryspecificdomain– i.e.SportsManagement.Thistestfocusesoncandidates’liking &awarenessofthesportsindustry &theiracumenforthebusinesssideofsports. Through this test, candidates will be tested on their aptitude in Mathematics, English, Logical Reasoningwithanemphasisontheirinterestandknowledgeaboutthesportingecosystem. SMATisconductedonline. IISM believes in helping students shape the best possible career in sports. Hence, with that aim in mind, we have drafted this unique blog to help students with some tips and tricks for clearing the SportsManagementAdmissionTest(SMAT).

  2. ToknowmoreabouttheforthcomingSMATDates,checkoutourpageSportsManagement AdmissionTest(SMAT). • UnderstandingtheSMAT Test • SMATisfor80marksandthedurationofthetestis80minutes.Thetestisdividedintofive sections asmentionedbelow: • QuantitativeAnalysis • DataInterpretation • LogicalReasoning • Verbal Ability,Verbal Reasoning&ReadingComprehension • SportsAwareness • Preparation forthetest • The Testhasvarious aspects as discussed andfor each of them, there are tipsmentionedbelow thatwillhelpstudents. • QuantitativeAnalysis: • Beaffluent with tricksthatwillhelpinsolvingthenumber-based questionseasily. • Knowtheformulaswellto avoidspendingtimeonword-basedproblems. •  • DataInterpretationandLogical Reasoning: • Itisimportantfor students touselogic andtakedecisions • Thetest willassessstudent’slogicalthinking ability based on howtheygather requiredinformation fromdatapool. • Itisessentialtoknowhowtoapplydata andunderstandit. •  • VerbalAnalysis: • Asthenamesuggests,theverbalanalysiswouldcomprise questionsthat wouldjudgeyourreading andreasoningabilities.Sobesureyouarewellaware. • Thequestionsareframedsuchthat assessstudents’skillsinunderstanding theconceptofframed wordsand comprehensionskills. • Thistestwouldalsowantthemtothinkconstructivelyandcommunicateinthelanguage. • SportsAwareness • SMATcomeswitha30%weightageforsports-relatedquestions,eventhoughthetestfocuseson SportsAwareness,it’snotjustaboutRecordsorSportsCelebritiesbutabouteveryaspectof • Sports. Therefore,students areexpectedtogetacquaintedwiththesportsindustryas awhole.

  3. Thismeans theyshouldbeawareof: • GoverningBodiesinthe industry • SportsAuthorities • SportsInfrastructure • Sportsleagues/Tournaments • Sports Activities–NowandinthePast • Financial AspectsofSportsnationallyaswellasglobally • AdministrativePerspectiveinthe sportsindustry • Thesetipswilldefinitely helpyouin preparingfortheSMAT testandpassingthetestwithflying colours. • YoucandownloadtheSMATsamplepaperandaccessthedetailedSMATstudymaterial fromyourdashboardonceyouregisterforSMAT. • Writebelowin thecomments sectionandshareyourdoubts • AlltheBest!ToregisterforSMAT,clickhere

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