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Why is Sports Management a Lucrative Career Option Even for Athlete

With the introduction of several leagues like the Pro Kabaddi League and Indian Super League, athletes well-versed in other sports are coming into the limelight. A study found that an average user spends 16 minutes a day surfing about sports and its related news.<br><br>It is because of people learning more about sports & its related news that numerous athletes are getting recognized for their contributions. This outlook has motivated several athletes and students to make a lucrative career in Sports and Sports Management.

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Why is Sports Management a Lucrative Career Option Even for Athlete

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  1. WhyisSportsManagement aLucrativeCareer OptionEvenforAthletes? Thereisno denying the factthat till very recently, India was known as a one-sport nation. However, now with other sporting leagues making a success over the past couple of years, India hasnow seena massive shiftinto becoming anationthat lovesmultiplesportsand notjustcricket. With the introduction of several leagues like the Pro Kabaddi League and Indian Super League, athletes well-versed in other sports are coming into the limelight. A study found that an average userspends 16minutesadaysurfingaboutsportsanditsrelatednews. It is because of people learning more about sports & its related news that numerous athletes are gettingrecognizedfortheircontributions.Thisoutlookhasmotivatedseveralathletesandstudents tomakealucrativecareerin SportsandSportsManagement. WhatisSportsManagement? Sports Management isa business degree that focuses on teaching aspirants the basics of the working of the sports industry. Numerous fields that the students study in sports management degrees arealmostidenticaltotheconventionalmanagementdegrees. The students learn about marketing, finance, public relations, journalism, and others but with respecttothesportsindustryanditsvarieddomains.Theywilllearnmoreaboutseverallaws and

  2. code of ethics that one needs to follow while negotiating during a sporting event, how to get good sponsorshipcontracts,etc. • The duration of these degree courses is 3 years like any other Bachelor’s degree. After graduating, students caneitherwishtopursueajoborchoosetostudyMastersin thesamecourse. • ReadmoreaboutSportsManagementfrompioneersinSportsManagementEducationinIndia. • Whyshouldyou Pursue SportsManagement? • SportsManagementdegreeistheperfectfitforstudentsinterestedinlearningthesportsand • management aspect of the industry. After pursuing the courses, the students are equipped with managerial skills, capabilities, and orientation, which exposes them to a wide range of job roles andopportunitieswithintheindustry. • ThestudentscanexploreseveralcareerchoiceslikeSportsEventManagers,AthleteManagers, Fitness Centre Supervisors, Team Managers, Sports Operations & Administrators, Sports Sponsorship Salespersons, Sports Marketers & Digital Marketers, Sports Retailers, Sports Data Analysts & much more. Learning these subjects in the classroom and getting to implement this learning through practical learning bestows the students with enormous growth opportunities. Theopportunitieshelpthestudents fulfillthegapsbetweenthecorporateandbusinessworld. • Inthisvideo,IISM’sFounderDirectorMr.NileshKulkarnihassharedthenitty-grittyoftheSports Education&SportsIndustry. • Advantagesof Pursuinga CareerinSportsManagement • The advantages ofpursuingthislucrativecareeroptionaregivenbelow:– • Yougetachancetofollowyour passion.Ifyou areadie-hardfanofsports,thenyou wouldstop at nothing before pursuing your dream of joining the sports industry, and that is exactly what you canachievebypursuingadegreein sportsmanagement. • You get to travel with the athlete or the team, explore new places and experience new cultures and locations. You get to work for varied sporting events across sports like cricket, football, kabaddi & recreational sports like Marathons, Cycling & Triathlons. Even if you aren’t really a wanderlustperson, thenyouhaveseveraloptionswhichinvolvelesstravel.

  3. A chance to give back to the sporting community. It is no secret that everyone is exposed to sports from a very young age. If you feel you cannot contribute to the nation by playing sports, youcanalwaysenrollin thecourse,workintheindustryandgivebacktothesportscommunity. • Topreasonswhyathletesaremakingacareerinsportsmanagement • Thereareseveralreasonswhyathletes takeupacareerinsports management,andtheyarejotted downbelow,whichwillmotivateyoutotake upthiscareerpath. • Since sports is driven by passion, they can continue to follow their passion no matter what. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the case that once they retire, they will have no connection with the sport whatsoever. They can continue following their passion by managing the athletes, allocating the budgets,etc. • They get paid jobs that pay them handsomely apart from being a sportsperson. If an athlete gets a chance big enough to handle teams and leagues at international levels, they will end up with a jobthatgives themthesatisfactionofmanagingtheirfavouriteteam. • They get a chance to contribute much more than just playing for the team. They can manage the teamsandcomeupwithstrategiesto ensuretheteamperformsatitsbest. • Theyget achanceto learnmoreaboutthebusiness,marketing,laws&historysideofsportsthan before. Learning more about it will help the athlete develop a broad set of skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and paying close attention to details, evidently helping theteamperformtheirbest. • Athleteswhohaveswitchedto makingacareerinsportsmanagement? • Onceanathletedoestheirpartintakingthesporttonewheights,theycanthenexplorenewoptions likedoingaspecializeddegreeinsportsmanagementorjoining sportingbodiesasadministrators. • Thereareseveralathleteswhohavepursuedsportsmanagementdegreesafterbecominga reputable athleteorhavejoinedsportingbodies. • Listed below aretwosuchexamplesofgreatsportsplayerswhohave pursuedsportsmanagement.

  4. Sunil Chethri: – The 37-year-old Indian footballing legend has enrolled in the prestigious ISDE Law & Business School to pursue a global master’s degree in sports management and legal skills. Mr. Chethri sent his application through FIFPRO’s Indian arm and received a 100% grant for his education. • Viren Rasquinha: – The former Captain of the Indian Hockey Team retired from the national hockeyteamattheageof28topursuemanagementstudies.HecompletedhisMaster’sinBusiness • Administration(MBA)fromtheesteemedIndianSchoolofBusinessinHyderabad.Mr.Rasquinha istheDirectorandCEOofOlympicGoldQuest. • AccordingtoastudybyErnest&Young,inordertobecomeaCEO,youneedtobeasports playerfirst.Thereasonis,thatsportteachesthepersondiscipline,patience,problem-solving • skills,timemanagement,andorganizationalskillsamongothers. • ClosingWords • Theskillsyoulearnwhilepursuingsportsmanagement andwhileplayingsportshelp younotonly become abetterathletebutalsoexcel inyourlife. • Plus, there is a huge demand for sports management professionals in the market that have been covered in detail by the students from IISM Mumbai. IISM students have published a report describingthe openingsin the sports industry incollaboration with FICCI,a reportpublished onSportsdevelopmentandYouthEngagement. • Head over to the link and read this eye-opening report on how gratifying a career you can have in thisvastfieldofsports.

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