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Welcome to Room 16! Get updates on assignments, important dates, and classroom information. We will focus on growth mindset, responsibility, and respect. Expand vocabulary, improve reading and writing skills, and excel in math. Study California history and its changes over time.
Room’s 16 Back-to-School Welcome and enjoy- Please save questions till the end. Career Day and FAB (representative?)
Welcome • I understand if you need to go before 8:30 so I wanted to touch on key items before the main presentation. • If student is absent, please get missed homework and classwork from office after 12pm. • Check Room 16 website for assignments and due dates. Our first writing assignment will be about a special place. Our second writing will need photo of • Homework includes Reading Log 20 minutes a day, grammar, math worksheet, and unfinished work. An alert sheet may be sent home. • Friday Quizzes includes Timed Multiplication/Division/Fraction and Vocabulary
Continue of Key Items • Some students will be receiving Language arts enrichment with Ms. Marantz based on SBAC, TRC, and teacher observation. • Social studies in room 15/Science in room 16 About every two weeks rotation • Good news …Tracy Alvy will be our room parent. Parent conference will be Nov 18-22. Look for sign-up. Last year, field day was our first 4th grade year end celebration. It involve relay race, water bucket, • Birthday celebration will be students picking a 20-minute approved activity (free play indoor or outdoor). I am requesting no food (such as donuts or cupcakes) celebration except for December and June party.
Growth Mindset • Validating strength with continual growth. • I am awesome at math. I am on the right track and always trying to be better. • Case in point: If you are good at soccer and win tournaments, does that mean you can rest on your laurels and stop practicing. • I am not good at math. • Better : I am not good at math yet. I’m working on it.
Focus for 4th grade Responsibility Developing ourselves as scholars. Am I am giving my best by being diligent, prepared, and careful? Will I turn mistakes into learning opportunities? Respectful/kindness Do we show consideration to others to help them feel like a valuable part of our classroom? Treat others kindly through our words and actions. Kindness matters.
4th Grade Focus Vocabulary expanding from literature study Writings with specific details and examples especially those referring back to the text. Create a narrative based on facts from text. Elaborate a particular focus with a reflective and memorable explanation. Writer’s express. Need photo. Persuasive writing with solid reasoning Priority skill to develop: listening and following directions. Parents: Audio books and tours builds sustained levels of attentions and vocabulary
Reading • Figure out the theme of a piece of fiction by thinking about the details in the text. • Summarize a piece of text in my own words • Figure the meaning of words and phrases an author uses through context clues. • Understand words that may be derived from characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean) • Compare and contrast different stories by thinking about the different point of views. • Compare and Contrast literature from different cultures.
Writing Write for different purposes, audiences, and topics. • Three main types of writing: • Narrative, informative and persuasive. • Write stories using a clear sequence of events and descriptive details. • Clearly write to inform and to explain my ideas. • Write using my point of view with reasons to share my opinion and persuade my readers. • Many of the writings will be done on Goggle Classroom. Show goggle classroom. Students and parents login together to read and discuss student’s progress.
Math Standards • Represent word problems by using equations with a letter standing for an unknown number (algebra) • Understands a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. • Explain why multiplying a numerator and denominator by the same number does not not change the value of a fraction. • Compare fractions by creating common denominators or numerators or by comparing them to a benchmark like one-half.
Math Standards #2 • Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size. • Use the four operations (+-x./.) to solve word problems involving measurement: including simple fractions and decimals. • Figure the area and perimeter to solve real world problems involving rectangles. • Identify and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendicular and parallel lines. • Classify two-dimensional shapes based on what I know about their geometrical attributes (square has rectangle attributes but the other way around) • Recognize and draw lines of symmetry.
Social Studies: California A Changing State • This year the students will be studying California history. Our essential question is how California has changed over time. We start from the first people here, the Native Americans, and learn about the various explorers and other people who have to California and shaped it into the state we know today. Generally, their understanding of what they learned is assessed through projects and assignments, not tests.
Science This year, students will explore units of study in environment, geology, along with magnets and electricity. In our science units, we will practice using a science notebook; a scientist's most valuable tool. The notebook will be used to build on the knowledge that young scientist bring to the classroom through detailed observations. They will learn to record, organize, and reflect on the data to help them arrive to a conclusion. It will
Science • teach students to engage in scientific reasoning and argumentation using evidence from their investigations. Students will push themselves further by generating the questions yet to be resolved at the conclusion of that particular exploration. Our goal is that this may lead to more in-depth student-centered explorations. For Next Generation Science Standards and Cross-discipline topics, our school is gravitating toward Claims {made by students}, Evidence, and Reason to improve student comprehension. Generally, their understanding of what they learned is assessed through their science notebook, not tests. Occasional quizzes to check for understanding.
STEM(Science Technology Engineering Math) Fourth Grade faculty are presenting a new program with three Stem offerings for students as part of their Tuesday afternoon enrichment curriculum. 1st: The VEX IQ Robotics class is designed to expose students to STEM fundamentals within the context of building a robot and using that robot to navigate objects on a playing field. It inherently incorporates all four pillars of STEM. The program encourages teamwork, problem solving, and leadership. Our program will also include participation in monthly Monday 5-8 pm competitions at off-site Mark Twain MS from October through January.
STEM (continue) • 2nd: Math Olympiads is a national program for students from 4th to 8th grades competing with other participating schools to solve challenging math problems. Mrs. Chen will be leading this program. • 3rd Engineering • Example Bridge Project • Part 1 Students will explore the strength of uncooked spaghetti. 1st set one strand of spaghetti strand with a bucket attached in the middle. Place the strands 20-30 cm from desk edge. Predict how many washers it could hold. What claim could you make of the spaghetti’s strength. Your evidence will be the data table.
Stem • Slowly add one washer at a time as you keep count of the number of washers. Do this three times. Record the number of washers it holds each time in a three column table. • Variant1: Do same task with three strands. Remember to predict and then explain the capacity difference. • Variant2: Place textbook on both ends of the one strand spaghetti. • Remember to keep desk at same distance for all task for both variants. • Worksheet questions would include: What would happen if you had ten pieces of spaghetti? Are all spaghetti strands equal in strength? Such as different brands or wheat variety.