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This project aims to design and develop an EPICS-based control system for an E-Gun test stand, as well as a Personal Safety System (PSS). The system includes features such as operator interface, camera control, emittance measurement, data logging, and more.

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  2. CONTENT E-gun test stand, Labview E-gun test stand, EPICS TARLA Control System Studies Architectural Design White Box Development Aim of the agreement Scope PSS Scope of the system, general descriptions Design criteria, aim, reliability Structure and components Conclusion

  3. E-gun test stand, Labview • Operator main interface • Camera control • Emittance measurement • Data logging • Online/offline data monitor • Soft interlock • Save/load control parameters

  4. E-gun test stand, EPICS • Running on PXI chassis OpenSuse 13.1 • Developed for test purposes • Alpha release in may 2014 • Full control on electron beam capabilities • Save/load parameters • No diagnostic capabilities • No data logging • No camera control • Plans for next release; • Camera support • PXI6255 and PXI6259 support • CentOS 6.x compatibility

  5. TARLA Control System

  6. White Box development; aim As a result of being an open-source framework suited for distributed control systems; there always are more than one solutions for any particular problem. Surely any solution or approach to corresponding application has it’s own pros and cons. Since all of the tools in EPICS environment has been solely developed by EPICS using facilities according to their own requirements; selecting the optimum set of tools and approaches suitable for a new facility demands high expertise and ability to foresee potential disadvantages. Lack of this expertise may result as vast random walks and cause unpredictable delays in time schedule over-budgetissues

  7. Scope, SoW TARLA project aims to gather a team capable of designing, developing and running EPICS based control systems even for bigger projects. This is the reason of choosing a white box development instead of a turn-key agreement which emphases on transfer of knowledge in predefined key areas; EPICS/Linux development environment Device configuration and access management Alarm handling Archiving System System network HW platform Device integration (timing system, PLC, Serial, Motion, Camera,DAQ,MIS)

  8. Scope, SoW • Configuration and Access • Device configuration load script structure (maintenance, runtime, commissioning etc.) • Subnet configuration • User access groups (UAG) • Boot loader • Naming Convention Development Environment EPICS version, Linux Distro and architecture gnumake facility for predefined directory structure and install/deploy scripts development, runtime and debugging configurations Error logging Network file storage • HW platform • cPCI and IPC • Expansion slots and stand alone machines • DAQ, DIO boards • Alarm handling/ archiving • Beast/Beauty • PV and severity hierarchy • Database management • Deadbands and update style • Monitoring

  9. Scope, Network Design *Symbolic

  10. Scope, device integration Timing System MRF Timing Apart from NTP Triggered by MO ~50ps stability ~15 ns resolution cPCI form factor • PLC integration • Siemens s7 series as standard for TARLA • s7plc module by SLS • create a module for integration without a need to PLC source code

  11. Scope, device integration • Camera Control • GigE vision as camera standard for TARLA • Based on AreaDetector by APS • Acquire image, frame trigger, start/stop buffer • Modulated hardware trigger • Attribute control (exposure time, BCG) • No image processing • Distribute data over network, no framework or OS limitation • DAQ • cPCI form factor • AD 9116 for multipurpose applications • DIO TBD • Device support modules for kernel level applications

  12. PSS, scope of thesystem PSS (personal safety system) is a stand alone structure aiming to achieve a risk-free working environment PSS is responsible for; Radiation measurement and tracking throughout the facility Personal dose rate measurements and logging (active and passive) Controlled area access rights Radiation shielded door control Fire safety system Gas level safety system Air venting system HV protection

  13. PSS; design criteria, aim, reliability The aim of the system is to protect permanent personnel and visitors at all costs The system design is being done according to; Functıonal Safety Of Electrıcal / Electronıc/ Programmable Electronıc Safety-Related Systems (EN 61508) Occupatıonal Health And Safety Law (6331), Ministry of Labor and Social Security Regulations published by Turkish Atomic Energy Agency PSS core willbe developedin EPICS frameworkand on PLC environmentin order to achieve maximum capability with control system and full extensibility

  14. PSS; structure *Symbolic

  15. PSS; components 1mSv public 20mSv Group A 20mSv Group A Control Buttons 20mSv Group A FixedNeutronDetectors FixedIonisationChambers 20mSv Group A TLD/OSL PersonnelDosimeters PersonnelDosimeters 6mSv GroupB Camera and Voice Alert System ContaminationMonitor (whole body) 1mSv public Fixed Geiger Muller Detectors PortableIonisationChambers Portable Gamma Detector PortableContaminationMonitor

  16. PSS; components • For radiation measurement equipment, we are under discussion with Thermo Scientific and Mirion. • Device selection is being done according to FLUKA simulations . • Integration of existing fire alarm system into PSS is TARLA’s scope. • Gas level sensors are under market research. • Radiation shielded doors will be built by a turn-key contract including control PLC, PSS integration will be done by control systems group.

  17. Conclusion PSS conceptual system design is almost complete, we are looking for experienced contractors for development but no local company seems to be qualified enough. We are also open for any kind of feedbacks Studies on Control System can be regarded in two distinct aspects When we start to reassembly the machine, we plan to start with EPICS directly We are also in discussion with Cosylab for building a stable development environment

  18. Conclusion Discussions on white box developments are ongoing, major topics can be listed as; Scope of proposed naming convention Timing system requirements and corresponding form factor To increase scalability and extendibility (supporting distro and processor architecture) Time schedule for overall project This kind of white box should be developed byeither us or a contractor, regardless of we get an agreement with Cosylab or not

  19. ThankyouforListening

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