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Challenges to Sustainable Energy in the Baltic Sea Region

Explore the diverse energy systems in Baltic Sea states, renewable energy use, challenges & the Baltic SCOPE project for integrated maritime spatial planning.

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Challenges to Sustainable Energy in the Baltic Sea Region

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  1. Challenges to SustainableEnergyintheBalticSeaRegion Reinis Āboltiņš, 29218999, reinis.aboltins@live.com BalticSeaParliamentaryConference, August 28, 2018

  2. BSR STATES – A DIVERSITY OF ENERGY SYSTEMS • Iceland – geothermalenergydominates • Norway – almost 100% electricityfromlargehydropowerplants • Denmark – windandCHPs • Sweden – largehydro, nuclear, wind, biomass • Finland – gasCHPs, nuclear, largehydro, wind • Russia (BSR) – nuclear, gasCHPs • Estonia – oilshale • Latvia – largehydro, gasCHPs • Lithuania – gasCHPs, hydro, wind, biomass • Poland – coal, gasCHPs, wind • Germany (BSR) – gasCHPs, wind, biomass

  3. www.statnett.no Nordiskkraftbalanse Covers Nord Poolelectricitymarketregion

  4. USE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption • This indicator measures how extensive is the use of renewable energy and, by implication, the degree to which renewable fuels have substituted fossil and/or nuclear fuels and therefore contributed to the decarbonisation of the EU economy. • It also show what is the progress on EU level towards Europe 2020 target for renewable energies of increasing the share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption to 20% by 2020. 


  6. EU MEMBER STATES + NorwayandIceland

  7. BSPC STATES (excl. Russia)

  8. CHALLENGES • Technical / Technological – fuelswitch • Economic / Commercial – functioningofenergymarket • Environmental – RES vsfossilfuels / technologies • Political – strategicdecisionsinpolicy-making • Legal – supportschemesforenergyproduction • Societal – acceptanceof RES

  9. Baltic SCOPE – BALTICSCOPE.EU • The high and rapidly increasing demand for maritime space for different purposes, such as: • installations for the production of energy from renewable sources, • oil and gas exploration and exploitation, • maritime shipping and fishing activities, • ecosystem and biodiversity conservation, • the extraction of raw materials, • tourism, • aquaculture installations and underwater cultural heritage, • as well as the multiple pressures on coastal resources, • require an integrated planning and management approach.

  10. Baltic SCOPE • The European Commission has adopted the MSP Directive (23 July 2014) withthemain purpose to promote consistency and coherence of maritime spatial plans across marine regions. • This emphasizes ongoing cooperation across borders and mechanisms that facilitate the exchange of best practices.

  11. Baltic SCOPE

  12. Baltic SCOPE – CentralBalticCase & South-WestBalticCase

  13. Nord Poolpowermarket – nordpoolspot.com

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