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The Library behind the scene

Opportunities for Scientific Information in the digital era . The Library behind the scene. Outline. 1- Introduction 2. Digital content: more than text 3- Integration of information resources 4- The User community as a resource 5- Conclusions and outlook. 1- Introduction. Context.

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The Library behind the scene

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  1. Opportunities for Scientific Information in the digital era The Library behind the scene JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  2. Outline • 1- Introduction • 2. Digital content: more than text • 3- Integration of information resources • 4- The User community as a resource • 5- Conclusions and outlook JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  3. 1- Introduction JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  4. Context • More and more e-content (e-books, e-journals, e-newspapers…) • Search engines: i.e Google, Yahoo • Mobile devices (phones, tablets, readers..) • Social web (Facebook, Twitter, blogs…) • Usage of information has changed: • “Here and now!” • Need for more content, more features JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  5. 2- Digital content More than text JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  6. Inspire: HEP literature database http://inspirehep.net/ JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  7. Search for information http://inspirehep.net/ JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  8. Full-text search http://inspirehep.net/ JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  9. Graphs, figures extraction http://inspirehep.net/ JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  10. References extraction http://inspirehep.net/ JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  11. Citation count http://inspirehep.net/ JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  12. Author’s page • Author disambiguation • Challenge: huge collaborations (with more than 2,500 authors) http://inspirehep.net/ JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  13. Author’s citations • Metrics: Highly important to scientists • Impact factor (ISI) (journal) • Number of citations received in Year N for articles published in years N-1 and N-2 divided by number of citable articles published in years N-1 and N-2 • H-Index (author) • A scholar with index H has published H papers each of which have been cited at least H time. http://inspirehep.net/ JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  14. Many more challenges • More types of documents • Eg slides from conference proceedings linked with the conference record • Computer-code • moving beyond the • article-centric model, as independent citable objects • Deeper in the content • Data from plots and table • More metrics: clicks • Need for integrated and linked information JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  15. 3- Integration of resources JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  16. Why • “Google generation” • Users want to access information easily • Single entry point • Digital Library cannot be a closed circuit! • It should be where the users are! JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  17. Open Data • Metadata in public domain (Creative Commons License CC0) • Reusable by anyone • Ex: CERN, Harvard Library… JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  18. CERN Open Data JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  19. Integrate with other Library catalogues http://wolrdcat.org JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  20. Where the users are http://www.facebook.com/Bibliotheque.CentraleLyon JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  21. Where the users want to go -Simple API -Based on ISBN http://cdsweb.cern.ch JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  22. 5- The user community as a resource JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  23. Submission of documents • Users as: • Information creators • curators http://cdsweb.cern.ch JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  24. Users as curators http://inspirehep.net/ JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  25. Commenting • Creation of “new” information • Challenge: • Moderation? • Preservation http://cdsweb.cern.ch JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  26. Study Users’ behavior (and use it) • Usage statistics /logs • Understand their needs to adapt the resources, the necessary features • Give back this information to them: http://www.hud.ac.uk/library/ JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  27. Towards user-driven acquisition • Give the users what they want • The community knows what they need • Purchase is only driven by use • ≠ from the traditional model where purchased resource is not always used (inefficiency, high costs) • Resources shaped to the user’s needs JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  28. User-driven acquisition for Ebooks • Ebook records integrated in the catalogue • Pay only per usage • At CERN, 17k ebooks available, but we pay only if there is a use JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  29. Ex. Books about Python at CERN Library • 118 books • 50 owned by the Library (print or ebook format) • Others available but not “owned” by the Library • “Pay as you go” JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  30. User-driven acquisition for print books Library catalogue Book records Source (eg Publisher, aggregator Book record Desiderata Record Ingest Book records Desiderata Record Purchase Request Librarian User JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  31. 5- Conclusions and outlook JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  32. Many opportunities • Access to more content • Reach the user wherever he is • Interact more closely with the user community and use this resource • Open Access – gradually remove barriers • Maximize the resources JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  33. And challenges • Sustainability of information • Formats, access, maintenance and storage • Crowd-sourcing • Many barriers still need to be broken • “Digital divide” • OA is not equally developed in all scientific disciplines JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

  34. Questions?Anne.gentil-beccot@cern.chСпасибо! JINR / CERN Grid and advanced information systems 2012 Anne Gentil-Beccot CERN Library GS/SIS

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