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The Medieval Fabric Trade: Economic Power Behind the Scenes

Explore the significance of fabric trade in the Middle Ages through the demand for Byzantine and Italian silks, and the importance of Oriental fabrics in the Western world. Discover how fabrics were utilized within the church for decoration, furnishings, vestments, and reliquary protection.

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The Medieval Fabric Trade: Economic Power Behind the Scenes

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  1. Behind the medievalscene, Part two

  2. Maids Lady with the Unicorn, taste

  3. The fabric trade, along with goldsmithing, was one of the main economic activities of the Middle Ages. Byzantine silks were very much in demand during the Carolingian era, as were Italian silks in the 15th century. Prized Oriental fabrics were necessary in the Western world, where only ordinary fabrics were produced until the end of the Romanesque period. Within the church, precious fabrics had many uses: decoration and furnishing as well as liturgical vestments and reliquary protectors. Cluny Museumwebsite

  4. Working the land

  5. The tenant ismaking the villeinswork harder. He forces / compels / obliges them to obeyhisorders. The villeinshad not otherchoices but to work long hours. A yeoman couldthreaten the serfs intoacceptinglowwages. The landownercould scare his serfs out of complaining about wages. STRUCTURES AT WORK Un propriétaire pouvait dissuader ses paysans de se rebeller en les flattant. Les serfs persuadaient leur maître d’augmenter leurs paies en lui faisant peur. Parce qu’on les terrifiait en évoquant l’enfer, les paysans pauvres acceptaient leur sort.

  6. Choose the appropriateform: One may notice the presence of twowomenwho… in the bottomleft hand corner. are tilling  tillAt the time women …as much as men. worked  wereworkingIn the middle distance, threevilleins …the master’s land.  work  are workingAn averageestate … around 20 labourers.  washaving would haveThe largestmanorhouses … a chapel.  wereincluding  includedThe owner … stewards to oversee the farming of hisestate.  hired  washiringLookingatthis painting, wemay suppose that as the labourers …in the fields, the owner ... wereworking / washunting worked / hunted

  7. Brueghel

  8. Pieter Bruegel, The Peasant’sWedding, c. 1567

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