When you finish reading The Lottery, write a response to it. This should complete the page of notebook paper that you started with your word associations, i.e. it should be nearly two solid pages in length. Free-writing can be a great vehicle for your response and may spur essay ideas for later as well. What was your reaction to the story? Are you surprised by the ending? What intrigued you about the story? What were you left wondering? What questions do you have? What did the author do effectively, and what more could have/should have been done? Are there any parallels to today? Is the story realistic? Why/why not? These are just jumping-off-point questions--go wherever you see fit in your response. If you are stuck, you may want to consider these (I would really like to see you address the ending question). Basically, I am looking for an engaging, thought-provoking response that makes me think about the story in a new way. Be careful not to summarize. You can certainly refer to the story to support your points and assertions, but remember that I have read the story multiple times. Look beyond the basic --> Consider your perspective as a reader, a writer, a teenager, a "college" student, etc.