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RtI Psychological Test

RtI Psychological Test. What do you think of when you hear RtI?. RtI Psychological Test. A. “Stress, stress, stress.” Or “YIKES!”. RtI Psychological Test. B. “Hello, this is A LOT of work but I’m trying!”. RtI Psychological Test. C. “YES! I so get it! I so got it!

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RtI Psychological Test

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RtI Psychological Test What do you think of when you hear RtI?

  2. RtI Psychological Test A. “Stress, stress, stress.” Or “YIKES!”

  3. RtI Psychological Test B. “Hello, this is A LOT of work but I’m trying!”

  4. RtI Psychological Test C. “YES! I so get it! I so got it! I so can do it!!!”

  5. Run Screaming… Work Together… Therapy Options: What will you choose????

  6. 89.1040: Eligibility Criteria Learning Disability • Prior to and as a part of the evaluation....in order to ensure that underachievement is not due to lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math, the following must be considered: • RtI is the law! (ii) data based documentation of repeated assessments of achievement at reasonable intervals reflecting formal evaluation of student progress during instruction...may include, but is not limited to, response to intervention, progress monitoring results, in class tests on grade level curriculum, or other regularly administered assessments.

  7. Three Types of Failure • Academic difficulties that are not attributed to a learning difference • Failure due to deficiencies in the teaching-learning connection • Students with true learning disabilities

  8. Problem Solving Model

  9. Activity Reviewing the “Puzzle” of rti

  10. Tier III Tier II Referral - A referral may be considered to Section 504, Special Education, Dyslexia Services, or other district options. Tier I Academic Behavior ACADEMIC Conceptual Framework for MISD RTI Specialized, Highly Focused Instruction Small Group 3-6 Intensive Assistance Core Curriculum General Ed Classroom A FOUNDATION OF BEST PRACTICES Clear Leadership Imperative for Student Centered Practices- Cohesive & Aligned Standards Based Curriculum - Student Assessment Process that Guides Decisions - High Quality Instructional Practices - Array of Academic & Behavioral Services And Supports - Parental & Community Support & Involvement - School wide Discipline Plan Established - Emphasis on Building Student/Teacher Relationships - Character Education/Pro Social Behaviors Taught and Reinforced -

  11. Progress monitoring (pgm) – what we do to track student progress or lack thereof over a period of time spent on intervention. This is the evidence that the intervention is either working or not working. Graphable data – “More Numbers, Less Words”-information that can be plotted on a graph Universal Screener – in MISD…istation, DRA, Dibels, Kinder Screener, MAP, TAKS data, school wide & district initiated Trigger – performance (greatly) below instructional level (1 standard deviation) Common RtIVocabulary:

  12. Common RtI Vocabulary: • Documentation – teacher records of interventions, time on intervention, responses and PGM data (graphs) • Goal – measurable and targeted, specific learning objective based on the student’s instructional level • Fidelity – auditing the process to ensure that instruction and intervention are delivered as they were designed to be

  13. Tier 1 • 80% of students are at Tier I. This is the general ed classroom intervention level. Monitoring at this level is done through your monitoring notebook.

  14. Tier II - Targeted Small GroupAcademics istation and/or Math intervention times can be decided with your grade level how you want that to look. (Before school, during school?) Please collaborate and look at all the options. You may have to be creative in your approach. RtI can sit with your grade level and help you decide how the day may look for these students. A sample schedule is in your RtI Teacher Notebook.

  15. Tier II - Targeted Small GroupAcademics • Regular formal progress monitoring is every other week (istation will do this for you on demand for Reading and RtI will AIMSweb or Dibels test bi-weekly). Math will use TEKSing Toward the TAKS, SuccessNet or WebCCat. • Supplemental Tier II programs and resources will be in a grade level binder, on the shared drive or in the RtI room. You may also use the istation lessons ONCE every TWO weeks.

  16. Tier III - Intensive IndividualReading only • istation intervention will be in the Computer Lab during intervention time (7:30-8) 5 days per week. This will be monitored by the Coaches and RtI Coordinator.

  17. Tier III - Intensive IndividualREADING only • There should be contact with Tier III tutor regarding attendance. If a student is missing more than 1 morning per week habitually, you will be informed and we will have to problem solve to establish a make-up time.

  18. Tier III - Intensive IndividualREADING only • Instruction should be based on the diagnostic prescriptive assessment. Even though istation is done with another teacher before school, you are still responsible for running reports for that student and looking over the data to make good instructional decisions for that student. istation will provide scripted lessons for you or for another interventionist who is working with him/her.

  19. Tier III - Intensive IndividualREADING ONLY • Please use these lessons with Tier III at least once a week or more. We have to show more intense, differentiated instruction at this level, and these lessons, in addition to increased time on the istation program, will validate that. • Weekly progress monitoring. (istation will do this on demand and RtI will AIMSweb test or Dibels test weekly for oral reading fluency). Math will use TEKSing Toward the TAKS, SuccessNet, or WebCCat.

  20. Tier I - All StudentBehavior • Effective classroom management practices. • Classroom procedures and routines. • Classroom rules defined. • Expected behaviors taught and reinforced. • Tiered classroom consequences for inappropriate behaviors. • Basically, everything you already do!

  21. Tier II - Behavior • Positive Behavior Supports-PBS – Supporting appropriate behaviors to decrease the negative behaviors • Behavioral interventions monitored (ABC) – Antecedent, Behavior and Consequence • Small group counseling for targeted behavior – Through counselor

  22. Tier III - Intensive IndividualBehavior • Functional behavioral assessment. (FBA) What is the function of the behavior? • Behavior Improvement Plan (BIP) developed. • Behavior Improvement Plan monitored and revised based on data. Use the data to adjust or continue interventions being used. • Referral to community resources/intensive counseling if needed.

  23. What Are the RTI Procedures At Finch? Finch Procedures for RTI

  24. Referral to Tier II Checklist for SST Meeting

  25. Tier II and III Referral Worksheet

  26. Intervention Planning

  27. Quick Notes for Tier 2-Reading and Math

  28. Referral to Tier III ChecklistSST

  29. Tier III Reading Intervention Log

  30. I’m in the kitchen now! I gotta get used to this heat!!

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