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Secondary School Strategy Managers. East Riding of Yorkshire. GCSE 2007 Results November 2007 Provisional Data. Objectives of this session. To review KS4 results and the implications for action nationally, regionally and locally. To focus attention on securing good progress for all pupils.
Secondary School Strategy Managers East Riding of Yorkshire
Objectives of this session • To review KS4 results and the implications for action nationally, regionally and locally. • To focus attention on securing good progress for all pupils. • To outline the new PSA targets and explore implications for LAs and schools.
2008 PSA target achieved one year early. Progress made on 5+ A*-C inc E+M
Progress made on 5+A-C inc EM in ER schools compared to National data set
Progress made on 5+A-C by gender in ER schools compared to National data set
Gender gap narrowed slightly since 2005, but not significantly over time
Signs of the gender gap widening for 5+ A*-C including English and maths
Some improvement including English and maths, but new PSA target sets a challenging trajectory
… and similarly when indicator includes English and mathematics In 1997 51% of schools had less than 30% achieving 5+ A*-C inc E+M. In 2007 this had fallen to 22% of schools
Similar rate of increase across all levels of deprivation Schools with more than 50% FSM have increased by 2.5 ppts compared to an increase of only 0.7 ppts in schools with less than 5% FSM, however schools with 35-50% FSM have only increased by 1.6ppts
KS3 Secondary LA and school targets For 2009, targets to be set at KS3: • Proportion of 14 yr olds reaching level 5+ in both English and maths* • Proportion of 14 yr olds reaching level 5+ in science* • Proportion of 14 yr olds making 2 levels progress in English* • Proportion of 14 yr olds making 2 levels progress in maths* • Attendance: to reduce persistent absence. • * For each of these targets LAs will be required to provide a breakdown by minority ethnic group. The groups have been revised to include Gypsy/Roma and Travellers of Irish Heritage.
KS4 Secondary LA and school targets For 2009, targets to be set at KS4 • Proportion of pupils achieving 5 A*- C grades or equiv incl GCSE English and maths* • Proportion of pupils making 2 levels progress in English* • Proportion of pupils making 2 levels progress in maths* • Children in care: to increase the proportion achieving 5 A*-C grades at GCSE and equiv incl GCSE English and maths • Attendance: to reduce persistent absence • *For each of these targets LAs will be required to provide a breakdown by minority ethnic group. The groups have been revised to include Gypsy/Roma and Travellers of Irish Heritage.
KS3 NC level GCSE grade 8 A* (in maths) 7 A (and A* in English) 6 B 5 C 4 D 3 E 2 F Below level 2 G KS3 to KS4 progress measures
Discussion • What questions and issues does this KS4 data raise for you? • for Current Y11 [mocks, coursework, intervention] • other year groups [Y10, Y9, Y8, Y7] 2. What are the implications for schools’ target setting and intervention planning on the basis of this data?
ICT - priorities • use of performance data to review and shape improvement plans with a particular focus on conversion rates from KS3 to KS4 and residual performance • collaborative improvement activity focused on improved planning and pedagogy • attendance at the spring term SLDM to access SNS support and guidance, be briefed on the renewed framework, and benefit from local networking of effective approaches
Science quiz • What do these terms mean? • SIIF • STEM • HSW • Triple science • Level 6+ entitlement • What counts for reporting 2 GCSE sciences?
Science priorities 1. Supporting appropriate wave 1, 2 & 3 intervention through: • use of data (including using RAISEonline and test analysis ) and AfL strategies to target underperforming groups throughout year 7 – 11; • use of data to devise curriculum targets which are used in teaching; • explicit teaching of scientific enquiry/How Science Works to improve progression between KS3 and 4. 2. Attendance at the spring termSLDM to access SNS support and guidance, be briefed on the renewed framework, and effective dissemination of key messages to science staff.
SIIF priorities • For pilot LAs to increase level 6+ attainment and GCSE A*-B by trialling and evaluating materials in schools on: • improving teachers’ knowledge and use of progression strategies through and between KS3 and KS4; • improving teachers’ knowledge and use of effective interactive teaching including practical work. • LAs contributing to collection of case studies of effective practice to support progression to post 16 sciences