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Cross Layer Routing for Multihop Cellular Networks

Cross Layer Routing for Multihop Cellular Networks. Yongsuk Park and Eun-Sun Jung Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 2007, AINAW '07. 21st International Conference on, Volume 2, 21-23 May 2007, Page(s):165 - 170 Yu-Wen Chiang. Outline. Introduction

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Cross Layer Routing for Multihop Cellular Networks

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  1. Cross Layer Routing for Multihop Cellular Networks Yongsuk Park and Eun-Sun Jung Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 2007, AINAW '07. 21st International Conference on, Volume 2, 21-23 May 2007, Page(s):165 - 170 Yu-Wen Chiang

  2. Outline • Introduction • System Model and Assumptions • Node Metrics Formulation • Cooperation metric and Proposed Incentive Mechanism • Interference metric • Connectivity metric and Dynamic call dropping • Path Metrics Formulation • End-to-end throughput metric • End-to-end delay • Routing Protocol for Data/Voice Messages • Simulations and Results • Total power analysis • Interference analysis • Call dropping analysis • Incentives and end-to-end delay analysis • End-to-end throughput analysis • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • Most of the routing protocols currently are designed to optimize one or more of the following metrics: energy, delay, distance, end-to-end throughput and interference. • Nevertheless, we believe that there is a need to design a global optimal routing protocol for MCNs (multihop cellular networks). • We propose a cross layer routing protocol with multiple constraints for CDMA multihop cellular networks. • The node constraints are cooperation, interference level and sufficient neighborhood connectivity.

  4. System Model and Assumptions (1/3) • We consider a single cell with single base station (BS) at the center and n nodes distributed according to two dimensional Poisson point process.

  5. System Model and Assumptions (2/3) • However the nodes are assumed to transmit a minimal powerpminwhen its intended receiver is at a very less distance. • The relay nodes are assumed to be of despread and forward type: • i.e relay nodes despread the CDMA packet and spread them again with the different PN code and forward it to the next node in the path. • Each node independently decides to participate in call forwarding or otherwise.

  6. System Model and Assumptions (3/3) • The logical channel is divided into control channel (CCH) and traffic channel (TCH). • CCH handles only signaling • Control messages containing the source ID and the destination ID, will be exchanged between the nodes and base station using CCH. • This route map will be conveyed to source using single hop communication through CCH. • TCH carries speech and data traffic. • TCH follows multihop communication. • The route for TCH from source to destination will be found out by base station using the proposed routing protocol.

  7. Node Metrics Formulation • The following are the metrics in selecting the relay nodes from the set of n nodes 1) Cooperation of the nodes. 2) The interference caused by the call forwarding nodes. 3) Connectivity of the nodes.

  8. Node Metrics Formulation - Cooperation metric and Proposed Incentive Mechanism • We propose an incentive mechanism to stimulate the node cooperations as follows: • a node wants to initiate a communication, it will send a call initiation request to the base station through CCH. • Upon receiving the call initiation request, base station will broadcast a cooperation requestto the whole network through broadcast CCH. • The cooperation requestcontains source ID, destination ID and the incentive amountper node that will be paid after communication. • is the network of cooperating nodes.

  9. Node Metrics Formulation– Interference metric (1/3)

  10. Node Metrics Formulation– Interference metric (2/3) • The average interference received at some node r due to transmission from node i to node j is: the transmitted power from node i to node j the time-correlation between the signature waveforms of nodes i and r path loss coefficient the distance between node i and node r

  11. Node Metrics Formulation– Interference metric (3/3) • Gis the DS-CDMA modulation processing gain. • sum of the interference received in all neighbor nodes in the network due to the transmission from i to j is: • Let us construct a subset from such that the communication between any two nodes in causes minimal interference in the network. : network of cooperating nodes.

  12. Node Metrics Formulation– Connectivity metric and Dynamic call dropping (1/2) 1) Connectivity: • in a network of n randomly placed nodes, each node should be connected to Θ(log(n)) neighbors • We define sufficient neighborhood connectivityof nodes as follows: • node m ∈ has knumber of neighbors • then node msatisfies sufficient neighborhood connectivitycriterion, it is eligible for being a relay node. • Let us construct a sub set from with all such ms. • We call the nodes in as potential relay nodes. : minimal interference in the network.

  13. Node Metrics Formulation–Connectivity metric and Dynamic call dropping (2/2) 2) Dynamic Call Dropping: • The intermediate node may break the ongoing communication and try to make its own emergency call. • Intermediate node has sufficient number of connected neighbors (connectivity criterion) • Whenever one or more of the above stated situation(s) arise, the corresponding intermediate node (depleted node) informs the base station through the CCH. • Base station will pickup one of the neighbors of the depleted node as a substitute

  14. Path Metrics Formulation –End-to-end throughput metric (1/3) • End-to-end throughput is defined as the probability of successful transmission from source node to destination node • The probability of successful transmission from node ito node jis: • node i, node j, • rij: the received power at node jfrom the intended node i • Iij: the interference at node jdue to other communications. • X = χ1, χ2, χ3, . . . , χM: the set of paths available between source node and destination node along the potential relay nodes.

  15. Path Metrics Formulation –End-to-end throughput metric (2/3) • The interference at node jfrom all interferers is : • Let rkj , k = 1, . . . , K (k ≠ i, j) be the received power at node j from kth interferer. the time-correlation between the signature waveforms of nodes kand j k k interferences j i k k

  16. Path Metrics Formulation –End-to-end throughput metric (3/3) • χm= {1, 2, 3, . . . , h} is the path selected to relay the communication from source node 1 to the destination node h • The message is successfully transmitted from source 1 to destination h is : number of hops in the communication Erroneous detection occurs when SINRij < β hop=3 Cii+1 : C12 , C23 , C34 ,…… Eii+1 : E12 , E23 , E34 ,…… 1 2 3 4 source relay relay destination

  17. Path Metrics Formulation -End-to-end delay • The major contributions for the end-to-end delay induced by the relay nodes and the propagation delay over the multihop communications. • In our routing algorithm, we ensure that end-to-end delay is minimum by involving additional path constraint.

  18. Routing Protocol for Data/Voice Messages 1) From n nodes, select a set of cooperative nodes and construct a set . 2) From form a set consisting of nodes which satisfy interference criterion. 3) From choose a set of nodes which have sufficient neighborhood connectivityand build a set . 4) From select source to destination paths X such that the lower bound on P(C1h) is above a certain threshold. 5) From X choose a source to destination path which has minimal end-to-end delay. : network of cooperating nodes. : minimal interference in the network. : potential relay nodes.

  19. Simulations and Results • We simulate a single-cell DS-CDMA system.

  20. Simulations and Results

  21. Simulations and Results - Total power analysis • transmission power model: pij= αd4ij+ pmin = 1.9×10−12× d4ij+ 0.1 • α: the normalization constant • assume pmin= 0.1

  22. Simulations and Results -Interference analysis

  23. Simulations and Results - Call dropping analysis

  24. Simulations and Results -end-to-end delay analysis

  25. Simulations and Results -Incentives analysis

  26. Simulations and Results - End-to-end throughput analysis

  27. Conclusion • We have proposed a unified routing algorithm for MCN by taking several QoS metrics into consideration. • The proposed algorithm is superior in terms of incentives paid, interference, total power spent, call dropping, end-to-end throughput and end-to-end delay compared to other algorithms.

  28. ~ Thank you ~

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