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EUROCELLWALL – QOL3-2000-01537. Acronym: EUROCELLWALL Project number: QLK3-2000-01537 EC contribution : 1,454,008 Euros Duration : 36 months Starting date Nov 1 st , 2000 Contract type : Shared cost 10 partners including: a SME and Company. Title : Exploiting yeast cell wall
EUROCELLWALL – QOL3-2000-01537 Acronym: EUROCELLWALL Project number: QLK3-2000-01537 EC contribution: 1,454,008 Euros Duration: 36 months Starting date Nov 1st, 2000 Contract type: Shared cost 10 partners including: a SME andCompany Title: Exploiting yeast cell wall for high throughput screening of antimicrobial agents Key Action n° 3: The Cell factory Research Programm 3.3: New biological and biotechnological processes and products for agro-industry, agri-food and high value added chemicals www.insa-tlse.fr/gba/eurocellwall.html(under construction) www.dkfz-heidelberg.de/funct_genome/ (arrays data)
The cell wall: unique structure in microorganism identical between non-pathogen and pathogen ideal target for antimicrobial molecules EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 Motivation Title: Exploiting yeast cell wall for high throughput screening of antimicrobial agents
What is well known? • its composition • it is a modular structure (cross-linkage and remodelling) • there are >100 genes for cell wall construction • Why slow progress in developing novel antifungals? • incomplete knowledge of assembly mechanism • poor biochemistry and enzymology of the cell wall • lack of well-characterized targets S S Transmembrane Protein Mannoprotein 40% GPI Anchor • 1-3 glucan 50% • 1-6 glucan 8% Chitin 2% EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 A scheme of the structure of the yeast cell wall
EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 The project workplan target gene Title Exploiting yeast cell wall for high throughout screening of antimicrobial agents no Phenotype of the deletants: Essential? cell wall defective? growth defect... Leave for academic research yes Structure-function catalytic domain Expression/purification Function no Academic interests publication Design an assay for HTS (large screening) yes Assay to be patented HTS phases for identify molecules with antifungal activities
EUROCELLWALL - QKL3-2000-01537 Objectives Title Exploiting yeast cell wall for high throughout screening of antimicrobial agents 1-Convert molecular data into manageable cell wall targets. 2-Generate novel assays from identified cell wall targets for high throughput screening of a collection of molecules with potential antifungal activities. 3- Identify novel cell wall targets by use of global (and integrated) genomic (microarrays) and proteomic (2D –gel, LC-MS) technologies.
P2:Unimi-Italy (Dr Popolo) P4:UCM-Spain (Pr Arroyo) P5: Biosearch sa (Dr Carrano) P6; UniAbdn-Uk (Pr Gooday-Gow) P7: Uni-Regens-Ger (Pr W Tanner) P8: UsalII-Spain (Pr F Del Rey) P10: Aventis-France (Dr Zundel) P1: Insa –France (Pr François) P3:UsalI-Spain (Dr Roncero) P5:Biosearch Sa (Dr Carrano) P6; UniAbdn-Uk (Dr Gooday & Dr Gow) P10: Aventis-France (Dr Zundel) P1: Insa –France (Pr François) P2:Unimi-Italy (Dr Popolo) P4: UCM-Spain (Dr Arroyo) P7:Uni-Regens -Ger (Pr Tanner) P8: Usal II –Spain (Pr F Del Rey) P9; DKFZ-Ger (Dr Hoheisel) All partners coordinator: INSA-DGBA (Pr François) EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 The workpackage Title Exploiting yeast cell wall for high throughout screening of antimicrobial agents WP 1:Setting-up HTS assays with enzymes involved in the cell wall remodelling and cross-linking pathway WP 2:Setting-up HTS assays from molecular and biochemical characterisation of chitin pathway WP 3:Identify new targets for HTS through the characterisation of the cell wall integrity pathway by combined genomic and proteomic analysis. WP 4:project management
WP coordinator Advisory committee Exploitation plans EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 Management Meeting/contact period WP1 WP2 WP3 Title Exploiting yeast cell wall for high throughout screening of antimicrobial agents 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 1 3 5 6 10 1 2 4 Partner n° Every 6 months 7 8 9 2 3 4 Frequent contact WP4 1 + administrative officer coordinator - Biosearch It. (P5) Every year - Aventis (P10) - Partner 7 (chairman) confidential publications Patents/ Exploitations
EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 9 Milestones M1: O-mannosylation assay M2: Engineered strains in chitin synthesis pathway M3: In vitro assay of chitin M4: Characterize enzymes/activity of cross-linking and remodelling pathway M5: Assay for cross-linking/remodelling enzymes M6: Cloning of genes from M. grisea (rice pathogen) M7: Novel drug-targets from genomic and proteomic analysis M8: identify Antifungal activities M9: meeting (every 6 months and Progess report (every year) Title Exploiting yeast cell wall for high throughout screening of antimicrobial agents
Mannoproteins(40%) Outer cell wall (1,6) glucans(8%) (1,3) glucans(50%) Inner cell wall Chitin(2%) Glycophospholipid-anchored surface protein gas1 EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 WP3: Identify new targets from a genomic and proteomic analysis of the cell wall compensatory mechanism mnn9 kre6 CELL WALL 150 nm fks1 knr4 Plasma membrane By partner 1, 4, 7, 9 (+ 2 and 5)
WHAT KIND OF GENES ARE INVOLVED IN THE COMPENSATORY MECHANISM ? EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 80 60 Glucose (Glucan) % of the cell wall 40 Mannose (Mannoprotein) Glucosamine (Chitin) 20 0 knr4 wt mnn9 kre6 wt fks1 mutations/agressions cause a cell wall reorganisation this may even results in a strenghtening of the wall !
cDNA labelled with 33P PCR product of yeast ORFs 700 µm EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 (work of partners 1, 7 and 9) 11 cm 22 cm The 6200 Open Reading Frames (ORF) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on polypropylene filter.
EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 Classification and hierarchical clustering analysis (work by partners 1 & 9) up regulated down regulated unchanged
Mutants gas1 mnn9 fks1 knr4 kre6 80 genes 45 genes EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 (work by partner 1, 4) Bio-informatic analysis of the promoter Clustering: Common regulatory elements in the promoter . Search for cis-motif in promoters Use of algorithms in the literature Develop novel algorithms
What was found from this Bio-informatic analysis? promotor gene -700bp -1 ATG Cis-factor sequences distribution function Rlm1p binding-site NTAWWWWTAG 54/80 Cell wall STRE CCCCT 54/80 Reponse to stress HSE / HSTF GAANNTCC 54/80 Reponse to stress GCR1 RGCTTCCWC 48/80 Carbon Metabolism PHO4 NNNCACGTKNGN 43/80 Pi Metabolism MATA1 TGAGTANNT 52/80 Morphogenesis STUAP1/SOK2 NWWCGCGWNM 57/80 Cell cycle new consensus CAGCCTC 31/80 ? EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537
Promotor analysis of up-regulated genes independently of the cell wall mutation Sequences Sequences Distribution Distribution Function Function Rlm1p Rlm1p - - NTAWWWWTAG NTAWWWWTAG 54/80 54/80 Cell Cell wall wall STRE STRE CCCCT CCCCT 54/80 54/80 Stress Stress HSE / HSTF HSE / HSTF GAANNTCC GAANNTCC 54/80 54/80 Stress Stress GCR1 GCR1 RGCTTCCWC RGCTTCCWC 48/80 48/80 Central Central metabolism metabolism PHO4 PHO4 NNNCACGTKNGN NNNCACGTKNGN 43/80 43/80 wt msn2 msn4 pho4 rlm1 Phosphate Phosphate metabolism metabolism MATA1 MATA1 TGAGTANNT TGAGTANNT 52/80 52/80 Morphogenese Morphogenese Caffeine 4 mM STUAP1/SOK2 STUAP1 NWWCGCGWNM NWWCGCGWNM 57/80 57/80 Cell Cell cycle cycle NIT2 TATCTM 80/80 Nitrogen metabolism Potentiel Consensus wt msn2 msn4 pho4 rlm1 CFW 0.025 mg/ml wt msn2 msn4 pho4 rlm1 SDS 0.05% wt msn2 msn4 pho4 rlm1 Congo Red 0.25 mg/ml Combinatorial Effect? EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 Biological validation of the Bio-informatic analysis?
EUROCELLWALL – QKL3-2000-01537 Some conclusions & perspectives • very good partnership (training and transfert of Know-how) • on schedule (deliverables and milestones) • be able to find targets (competitiveness) Title Exploiting yeast cell wall for high throughout screening of antimicrobial agents But still huge biochemical works not able to go over the first HTS screening due to budget limitation! thus open to wide collaborations