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Housekeeping and ASCCC Resources

Discover how to evaluate and improve your college website to align with Guided Pathways initiatives. Explore principles of good website design, accessibility, and student-friendly navigation. Hear suggestions for integrating pathways information and gathering feedback from students and faculty.

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Housekeeping and ASCCC Resources

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  1. Housekeeping and ASCCC Resources ASCCC GP Canvas -https://tinyurl.com/CCC-GP2018 ASCCC Guided Pathways RESOURCEShttps://www.asccc.org/guided-pathways Welcome! We’ll be with you shortly The chat will be used for questions and input All attendees will be muted

  2. Evaluating Your College Website in a Guided Pathways World Presenters: Jessica Ayo Alabi, Ph.D. Chair & Professor of Sociology, Orange Coast College Randy Beach, ASCCC Guided Pathways Lead, Southwestern College Jeffrey Hernandez, Academic Senate President and Professor of Political Science, East Los Angeles College Ty Simpson, San Bernardino Valley College, Guided Pathways Task Force

  3. NEXT WEEK: Scheduling in a Guided Pathways World Your Guided Pathways work plan may be outstanding. Your student voices loud. But if your scheduling practices are not driven by student education plans and considering new legislative requirements creatively, your college will have a hard time actually implementing those plans. Join us for a review of the many factors influencing scheduling and principles you should consider. Noon – 1:00 PM 4/24/2019

  4. Evaluating Your College Website in a Guided Pathways World The first thing most students see at our colleges is the website. How navigable and accessible is your website. How can you make your website a tool for Guided Pathways? What resources are available to help colleges rethink and re-engineer their websites. Noon – 1:00 PM 4/17/2019

  5. Why focus on the website? • Many of pathways innovations require better website interface • Websites are very fragmented • Guided Pathways colleges are trying to break down silos and IT concerns often create silos • What do you want students to do after visiting your website?

  6. Student Perspective • First Impressions matter! • What if you were first gen? • What if you struggle with English? • What if you are a returning student with limited experience with technology? • Student with disability? • Are we using language students understand (e.g matriculation)? • Is it INFORMATION OVERLOAD?

  7. How did you create your website? • Who leads the effort to create your site? • How involved were students? • Did you set up your site based on your org chart? • Does that speak to the way students think of your organization? • Does it reach students where and how they communicate? What platforms? • What is your decision-making process for your website?

  8. Something to Chat About What is your decision-making process for your website? How have you begun to integrate pathways? Please place your responses in the chat

  9. Decision-Making Steps • Start with students..all types...equity is the goal for all students (part-time, night students, first generation, military, etc…) • Include faculty and employees in discussion of values and what's important. If it’s important, is it on the first page? • Making sure it’s a navigation tool, not just a marketing tool • Guided pathways team/coordinators involvement • Collaborative and far-reaching engagement

  10. Your Guided Pathways Web Team • Do you have a dedicated group looking at the website? • Do you have IT people on your team? • Do you have Public Relations people on the team? • Have you included some of the “Communication” faculty? • Have you asked students to use the website in front of you and just observed their response?

  11. General Web Design Principles* • Simplicity • Consistency • Readability/Typography • Mobile Compatibility • Colors and Imagery • Easy Loading / Load Time • Easy Navigation • Communication / Organization / Clarity • Accessibility *“8 Principles of Good Website Design” by Sujay Pawar, https://wpastra.com/good-website-design/

  12. Design Principles and Pathways • Mission is to inform students of options (Fields of Study / Differentiated Orientation) • Design promotes engaging students in the process (Simple steps for application, registration, etc.) • Clear and consistent messaging (Do all pages say the same thing regarding curriculum, policies?) • Think like a student- Hick’s law says that with every additional choice increases the time required to make a decision

  13. What info do we put out on our site related to Guided Pathways? • Course catalog • Career exploration • Student services options / Counseling services • Metamajors • Program maps • Orientations • Academic support options / Library Services • Student life

  14. Something to Chat About If a student’s first introduction to your college was your website, what would they know and understand? Please place your responses in the chat

  15. Ways to review • Conduct surveys, interview, and focus groups with students AND faculty • Review other colleges’ websites (careful here) • Work with communication and web development faculty and staff, communication and design experts • Conduct inquiry and design with student services faculty and staff for students’ FAQs about the website • Try to navigate it yourself (have fun with this!) • Ask yourself if you’re hiding things on purpose…?

  16. Navigating Through the Eyes of Students • Go to your website and look at the page for new students. What do you see? • What are students looking for on your website? • How frequently do they look to the website to complete necessary steps in matriculation? • How many clicks does it take to find the things students commonly look for? • Are there competing sources for the same information?

  17. Navigating Through the Eyes of Students • Usually there is a 5 to 8 step process for enrolling and completing matriculation. Do these steps make sense to you? • Does the language reflect the way our students speak and understand? • Is matriculation the first things students are seeking when they look at a college?

  18. Something to Chat About Has your website changed as a result of GP? Do you think it might? How? Please place your responses in the chat

  19. Using your website to communicate Pathways

  20. Using your website to communicate Pathways

  21. Using your website to communicate Pathways

  22. Using your website to communicate Pathways implementation

  23. Questions and Comments

  24. Next Week: Scheduling in a Guided Pathways World Your Guided Pathways work plan may be outstanding. Your student voices loud. But if your scheduling practices are not driven by student education plans and considering new legislative requirements creatively, your college will have a hard time actually implementing those plans. Join us for a review of the many factors influencing scheduling and principles you should consider. Noon – 1:00 PM 4/24/2019

  25. Additional Resources • ASCCC GP Canvas - https://tinyurl.com/CCC-GP2018 • ASCCC Guided Pathways RESOURCES https://www.asccc.org/guided-pathways • “8 Principles of Good Website Design” by Sujay Pawar, https://wpastra.com/good-website-design/

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