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California department of general services California Department of Public Health Office of Aids

Learn about the RFP process for securing a Pharmacy Benefit Manager in California. Understand the goals, sections, and key dates. Interact with the procurement official and submit proposals via BidSync.

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California department of general services California Department of Public Health Office of Aids

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  1. RFP DGS 1503-001 Pharmacy Benefit Manager California department of general servicesCalifornia Department of Public Health Office of Aids Bidder’s Conference November 4, 2015

  2. Agenda • 1:00PM Welcome/Overview • 1:15PM Review RFP Sections 1-11 • 2:15PM Cost Workbooks • 4:00 PMAdjourn

  3. BidSync • Bidders are reminded to ensure appropriate staff are subscribed to BidSync • BidSync is the formal method the State Procurement Official will use to communicate with Bidders www.BidSync.com


  5. Section 1: Introduction and overview

  6. Rfp goal • The intent of this RFP is to secure one (1) Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) Contractor to service the needs of: • Department of General Services (DGS) and its Participating Entities • California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS, AIDS Drug Assistance Program (CDPH/OA/ADAP) • Other State and Local Governmental Agencies which are part of the Statewide Pharmaceutical Program (SPP) choosing to utilize the services of a PBM • Departments are collectively referenced as “the State” in this RFP

  7. Rfp sections RFP 1503-001 addresses needs of both DGS and CDPH/OA/ADAP • Sections common to both programs: • Section 1 – Introduction • Section 2 – Rules Governing Competition • Section 3 – Current System • Section 4 – Proposed System • Section 5 – Administrative Requirements • Section 8 – Proposal Format • Section 9 - Evaluation

  8. Sections cont. • Sections specific to one program: • Section 6 – DGS, Technical Requirements • Section 6- CDPH/OA/ADAP, Technical Requirements • Section 7 – DGS, Cost • Section 7 - CDPH/OA/ADAP, Cost • Section 11 – DGS, Attachments and Appendices • Section 11 – CDPH/OA/ADAP,Attachments and Appendices • Cost Workbook – DGS • Cost Workbook - CDPH/OA/ADAP

  9. Section 1: Introduction and Overviewpage 1-3 • 1.1 Purpose - DGS • Control costs for the State • Create and manage Client database. • Capture and track Client Third Party Insurance Coverage if applicable to DGS Participating Entity’s program. • Capture and track Client/patient eligibility for benefits and coverage.  • Provide notification regarding program eligibility and benefits to DGS and DGS Participating Entities and Participating Entity’s clients, if applicable to that Entity’s program. • Host DGS Participating Entity’s program pharmaceutical formularies. • Provide reporting functions.

  10. Continued • 1.1 Purpose – CDPH/OA/ADAP • Establish and maintain a qualified pharmacy network for CDPH/OA/ADAP. • Adhere to the CPDH/OA/ADAP Formulary. • Dispense prescriptions to eligible Clients. • Ensure service/dispensing data accuracy and integrity.

  11. Section 1: Introduction and Overview • Term of the Contract: • Three (3) years • March 17, 2016 through March 16, 2019 • Full implementation of the Agreement will take place on • July 1, 2016 • Option to extend two (2) additional one-year periods

  12. Section 1: introduction and overview • 1.3.1 Background CDPH/OA/ADAP The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB). The Ryan White legislation created a number of programs, to meet needs for different communities and populations affected by HIV/AIDS. CDPH/OA has as its mission to assure the availability of high-quality preventive, early intervention and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS.

  13. Section 1: introduction and overview • 1.3.2 Background DGS • DGS/PD Pharmaceutical Acquisitions Section (Rx Section) implements and administers the Statewide Pharmaceutical Program (SPP) established by Government Code (GC) Sections 14977-14982.

  14. Section 1: introduction and overview 1.4 Procurement Official Mary Anne Selvage Department of General Services Procurement Division All RFP inquiries and questions must be directed to only this person. Proposals shall be submitted to the secure mailbox, as outlined in Sections 8.3.1 and 8.4.1, Proposal Submission.

  15. Section 1: introduction and overview 1.5 Key Action Dates: October 28, 2015 by 2:00 PM PT-Last day to submit questions prior to Bidder’s Conference November 13, 2015 by 2:00 PM PT-Letter of Intent to Bid due December 8, 2015 by 2:00 PM PT- DRAFT Proposal due December 14 - 17, 2015-DGS and CDPH responses to Draft Proposals January 27, 2016 by 2:00 PM PT- FINALProposal due February 24, 2016 - Contract awarded

  16. Section 2 : Rules Governing competition

  17. Section 2: Rules governing competition 2.1 Identification and Classification of RFP Requirements Mandatory – Bidder must comply with all Mandatory requirements in Section 2 2.2 Proposal Requirements and Conditions Review Sections 2.2.1 to 2.2.12

  18. Section 2: Rules governing competition 2.2 Proposal Requirements and Conditions (continued) RFP Questions Submit to BidSync by the due date If questions are proprietary in nature, can be submitted by email to the Procurement Official and marked as CONFIDENTIAL. Addenda RFP modifications will be made by addenda to those identified in the Letter of Intent Addenda will be posted on BidSync

  19. Request to change requirements of the RFP 2.2 Proposal Requirements and Conditions (continued) Bidders’ Challenges to the Technical Requirements are handled through the question and answer period. Submit requests to secure mailbox by November 24, 2015 by 2:00 PM PT, review Sections 8.3.1 and 8.4.1, Proposal Mailbox. DGS and CDPH/OA may issue addendums to the RFP changing the Technical Requirements based on Bidders’ challenges.

  20. Section 2: Rules governing competition 2.3 Bidding Steps 2.3.1 Preparation of Proposal - Refer to Appendix C: Competitive Bidding and Proposal Responsiveness - Carefully read and adhere to RFP instructions and requirements - Review proposal for completeness and clarity of content.

  21. Letter of Intent to bid • Bidders are required to submit a Letter of Intent to Bid • Submit Attachment 1, Letter of Intent to Bid • Submit contact information for the person who will receive RFP information • This letter contains background information on the Bidder that will be used by the State Evaluation Team to determine if Bidder is qualified to participate in the PBM RFP • Due date November 13, 2015 by 2:00 PM PT • Bidders are encouraged to submit the Letter of Intent to Bid earlier to help the State ensure you are receiving pertinent information related to this RFP

  22. Section 2: Rules governing competition 2.3 Bidding Steps Review Proposal guidelines outlined in to Pay attention to signatures needed and delivery of proposal. Review Sections 2.3.5 to 2.3.8 for information related to demonstrations, proposal errors, rejection of proposal, contract award and debriefing.

  23. DRAFT Proposals • Draft Proposals due December 8, 2015 by 2:00 PM PT. • Draft proposals are not mandatory, but help ensure proposals are compliant with the requirements of the RFP. • Pricing is NOT to be included in the Draft Proposal. • Cost Workbook should include the deliverable and description of services Bidder will charge to the State, but no costs.

  24. Section 2: Rules governing competition 2.4.1 Challenge of Award Bidder must submit documentation within seven calendar days of the posting of Intent to Award. 2.4.3 Disposition of Proposal All materials submitted in response to the RFP are the property of the State of California.

  25. Section 3: current system

  26. Section 3: current system CDPH/OA CDPH/OA/ADAP is currently in contract with Ramsell Public Health Rx, LLC., a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM.) The Contract was executed in 2011. This Contract provides prescription fulfillment for enrolled clients through community, commercial, and public health clinic pharmacies throughout California. The current annual spend through this Agreement is approximately $450 million.

  27. Section 3: current system DGS DGS is currently in contract with PerformRx LLC., a PBM. The agreement was executed in 2010. At this time, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of Adult Parole Operations (DAPO) and the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CDVA) utilize this contract for the fulfillment of prescriptions at the community pharmacy level for their enrolled clients. The annual spend through this Agreement is approximately $2.5 million.

  28. Section 4: proposed system

  29. Section 4: Proposed System 4.1 Overall Goal: CDPH/OA/ADAP Goals are stated in Section 1.2.1 DGS Goals are stated in Section 1.2.2 Sections 6, Technical Requirements, CDPH/OA and DGS, contain the unique requirements for the systems.

  30. Section 5 : administrative requirements

  31. Section 5: Administrative Requirements Bidders are required to adhere to Administrative Requirements of the RFP. Attachment 3, Administrative Requirements Response, is found in Sections 11. Bidders are to indicate their willingness and ability to satisfy these requirements by checking boxes and/or initialing where indicated.

  32. Section 5: Administrative Requirements

  33. Section 5: Administrative Requirements Section 5.4, Preferences and Incentives, outlines the following non-mandatory requirements: 5.4.1, Small Business Preference 5.4.2, Target Area Contract Preference Act (TACPA) 5.4.3, California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Incentive 5.4.4, DVBE Declaration 5.4.5, Commercially Useful Function Bidders requesting a preference or incentive must certify that they will comply with the requirement detailed in these sections.

  34. Sections 6 – Technical requirements

  35. Sections 6 : Introduction CDPH/OA/ADAP and DGS have separate and unique Sections 6 outlining the Technical Requirements for each Department Detailed technical requirements pertaining to this RFP define each Department’s requirements, desired operating objectives and environment. Bidder shall propose to meet each Department’s needs as defined in this RFP. The Sections 6 become part of the resulting contracts and are incorporated into Appendix B, Statement of Work, in their entirety.

  36. Section 6: Mandatory (M) Requirements The Requirements specified in this Section are classified as either Mandatory or Mandatory-scored. Mandatory and Mandatory-scored requirements are non-negotiable. A Pass/Fail evaluation will be utilized for mandatory requirements. All items labeled mandatory must be marked “Yes” to pass. Failure to respond affirmatively to any mandatory requirement shall result in disqualification of the proposal.

  37. Section 6: Mandatory-Scored (MS) Requirements All items labeled mandatory-scored (MS) are non-negotiable. These questions will be scored as specified in Section 9, Evaluation. The CDPH/OA Sections that will be scored are; 6.5.14, 6.5.23, 6.6.3, 6.9.2, 6.15.1, and 6.15.3. The DGS Sections that will be scored are; 6.5.16, 6.5.17, 6.9.2, 6.10.3 and 6.14.2. Mandatory-scored items must be marked “Yes” to pass. Failure to respond affirmatively to any mandatory-scored requirement shall result in disqualification of the proposal.

  38. Section 6: Responses to Technical requirementspage 6-3 Bidder must indicate willingness and ability to satisfy all technical requirements by signing the statement on page 6-3. Failure to do so will result in rejection of Bidder's proposal.

  39. Sections 7: Cost

  40. Section 7: CostPage 7-2 Section 7.2 Cost Information Guidelines CDPH/OA/ADAP and DGS have separate and unique Sections 7 which relate to separate and unique Attachments 15, Cost Workbooks State Evaluation Team will use Attachments 15, Cost Workbooks to evaluate proposal costs unique to each Department State Evaluation Team recognizes that additional information may need to be included in the Cost Workbooks. Cost Workbooks must be filled out completely with costs entered to two (2) decimal places. DO NOT MODIFY COST WORKBOOK. THIS WILL RESULT IN PROPOSAL BEING REJECTED.

  41. CDPH/OA/ADAP Section 7: CostPage 7-3 Attachment 15 – CDPH/OA/ADAP Cost Workbook contains ten worksheets

  42. DGS Section 7: CostPage 7-3 Attachment 15 – DGS Cost Workbook contains two (2) worksheets

  43. cost WORKbooks

  44. Cdph/oa/adap Section 7.2, Cost information guidelinesAttachment 15- Cost Worksheet Cost Workbook located in CDPH/OA/ADAP Section 11

  45. Cdph/oa/adap Section 7: costPage 7-20 7.5 Final Contract Pricing 7.6 Cost Worksheet Download Instructions Bidders must follow the instructions below to download Attachment 15, Cost Workbook: 1) Download Attachment 15, Cost Workbook, from the www.eprocure.dgs.ca.govwebsite. 2) Rename the file as “(Enter Company Name) RFP DGS 1503-001 CDPH/OA/ADAP Cost Workbook.xls” and save. 3) Complete the Worksheets. 4) After finalizing the worksheets, copy the Excel file and submit as specified in Section 8.3, Proposal Submission.

  46. Dgs Section 7.2, Cost information guidelinesAttachment 15- Cost Worksheet Cost Workbook located in DGS Section 11

  47. dgsSection 7: costPage 7-8 7.5 Final Contract Pricing 7.6 Cost Worksheet Download Instructions Bidders must follow the instructions below to download Attachment 15, Cost Workbook: 1) Download Attachment 15, Cost Workbook, from the www.eprocure.dgs.ca.govwebsite. 2) Rename the file as “(Enter Company Name) RFP DGS 1503-001 DGS Cost Workbook.xls” and save. 3) Complete the Worksheets. 4) After finalizing the worksheets, copy the Excel file and submit as specified in Section 8.4.1, Final Proposal Submission.

  48. Section 8: Proposal format

  49. Section 8: Proposal Format • Provides an overview of the proposal format, content and submittal processes. • Critical information is found on pages 8-2 and 8-3, items 8.3.1, Draft Proposal Submission and 8.4.1, Final Proposal Submission • This is an electronic submission process. • Mailbox: RXRFP1503-001@dgs.ca.gov • Submission of a Draft Proposal is optional but strongly recommended. This allows a Bidder to obtain the benefit of a preliminary review prior to submission of a Final Proposal. • Draft Proposals must contain all the material specified in Section 8.7.1, Administrative Category, and 8.7.2, Technical Category. Standard Agreement (STD 213) must be included but need not be signed.

  50. Section 8.3.5, guidelines • Section 8.6 provides eight points which serve as guidelines for the submittal process • Section 8.7 presents the three categories of the proposal: Administrative Category, Technical Category and Cost Category including the manner in which to submit • Pricing figures may not appear in any proposal submissions except Final Proposal, Cost Workbook.

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