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California Department of Public Health Webcast. Revised Waterworks Standards. Additions or Changes to the Distribution System. The old standards applying to the entire distribution system were removed.
California Department of Public Health Webcast Revised Waterworks Standards
Additions or Changes to the Distribution System • The old standards applying to the entire distribution system were removed. • Considerations are found under each distribution system component (i.e. water mains, distribution reservoirs, treatment plants). • For most additions to and changes in distribution systems require an application for a permit amendment, and specific details are provided in the revised standards.
Quantity of Supply • Old language has been replaced with the new language as follows: • At all times, a public water system’s water source(s) shall have the capacity to meet the system’s maximum day demand (MDD). MDD shall be determined pursuant to subsection (b). • For systems with 1,000 or more service connections, the system shall be able to meet four hours of peak hourly demand (PHD) with source capacity, storage capacity, and/or emergency source connections. • For systems with less than 1,000 service connections, the system shall have storage capacity equal to or greater than MDD, unless the system can demonstrate that it has an additional source of supply or has an emergency source connection that can meet the MDD requirement. • Both the MDD and PHD requirements shall be met in the system as a whole and in each individual pressure zone.
Source Capacity • Source capacity figure has been removed in the new standards. • A system shall estimate MDD and PHD for the water system as a whole (total source capacity and number of service connections) and for each pressure zone within the system (total water supply available from the water sources and interzonal transfers directly supplying the zone and number of service connections within the zone). • Procedures are given based on the level of demand information available for the water system (hourly, daily, monthly, and annual).
System Pressure • Each distribution system shall be operated in a manner to assure that the minimum operating pressure in the water main at the user service line connection throughout the distribution system is not less than 20 pounds per square inch at all times. • Each new distribution system that expands the existing system service connections by more than 20 percent or that may otherwise adversely affect the distribution system pressure shall be designed to provide a minimum operating pressure throughout the new distribution system of not less than 40 pounds per square inch at all times excluding fire flow.
Distribution Reservoir Design • Language in the new standard has been revised and greatly expanded. • The new standards cross reference AWWA specific design standards. • Refer to the detailed comparison of the old and new standards located on the webcast website.
Materials Standards for Water Mains • New standards are referenced based on the size of the distribution lines.
Water Main Separation • Language in new standards has been expanded and revised. • New offset limit of 100 feet is given for sanitary landfills, wastewater disposal ponds, and hazardous waste disposal sites. • Refer to the detailed comparison of the old and new standards located on the webcast website.
Air-Release, Air Vacuum, and Combination Valves • Each new air-release, air vacuum, or combination valve, and any such valve installed to replace an existing valve shall be: • Installed such that its vent opening is above grade, above the calculated 100-year flood water level, and, if recorded data are available, above the highest recorded water level; • Readily accessible for inspection, maintenance and replacement; • Constructed and designed to prevent exposure to rainwater or runoff, vandalism, and birds, insects, rodents, or other animals; • Fitted with a downward-facing screened vent or a domed and screened cap; and • Installed pursuant to American Water Works Association Standard C512-04 and Manual M51 (2001), which are hereby incorporated by reference.
Miscellaneous • Flushing -A flushing valve or blowoff shall be provided at the end of each newly installed dead-end water main. Fire hydrants meeting the criteria of this section may be considered flushing valves. • Minimum Water Main Size -Newly installed water mains in a community water system shall have a nominal diameter of at least four inches. • Minimum Flushing Flows – Information is unchanged, however now includes mains up to 16 inches diameter. • Installation Standards for Water Mains – References to specific standards are modified.