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Progress in Harmonisation of Human Resource Management in Public Service

Presentation outlining status of Civil Service staffing, Capacity Assessment, Key Findings & Recommendations, Proposed Way Forward. Emphasis on human capital for sustainable development.

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Progress in Harmonisation of Human Resource Management in Public Service

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  2. OUTLINE • Introduction • Status of Staffing in the Civil Service • Capacity Assessment and Rationalisation of the Public Service (CARPS) Programme • Key Issues/Findings and Recommendations • Emerging Issues • Proposed Way Forward • Conclusion

  3. INTRODUCTION Mandate of the Ministry- responsible for providing leadership and policy direction on the overall public service management and provision of capacity building and technical support to Public Service. Strategic Objectives of MPYSGA : • Transform the Public Service for a for responsive, effective, equitable and sustainabledelivery of public services; • Strengthen capacity of National and County Governments for efficient and effective delivery of mandate and functions; • Promote performance management. • Key programmes - Huduma Kenya, NCBF and CARPs Programme • Alignment to the COK and Kenya Vision 2030 -emphasis on the human capital as an important pre-requisite for sustainable development. • Human resource with the right skills and professional ethos managed within uniform norms and standards and recognised global standards and best practices. • Importance of attracting , recruiting and retaining skilled, competent , committed and patriotic public servants

  4. STATUS OF STAFFING IN THE CIVIL SERVICE Staff Audit in 2014- total workforce 202,972 , County Governments 130,049 (63.5%) National Government 72,923 (36.5%) (CARPS Report 2016) Current Staff Count, total workforce 209,237 , County Governments 141,823 (68%) National Government 67,414 (32%) (IPPD December 2017). Gender balance-(111,459) 55 % of the total public service Male , 45% (91,513) Male. (CARPS Report 2016) Staff Exits- Total exits 19,000 , County Government 10,914, National Government 8,084. (IPPD December 2017). New recruitments in the Counties since 2015 is approximately 21,000workers.

  5. STATUS OF STAFF DISTRIBUTION….. CONT Policy Issues 24% of the workforce will exit the service through retirement in the next 5- 10 years . Female represent only 24%of the total work force in Job Group P and above. Youth represent only 17.4% of the total workforce in Job Group P and above. The support staff comprise of 60.31% of total workforce in Counties 74% of the total workforce are on permanent and pensionable terms of service.

  6. CAPACITY ASSESSMENT AND RATIONALISATION OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE (CARPS ) PROGRAMME • Agreed by National and County Government Coordinating Summit to ensure successful implementation of the COK and Vision 2030. • The Key findings, emerging issues and recommendations CARPS study adopted by Summit in 2016 • In recognition of problems and challenges in human resource (HR) management that require a harmonized approach delivered within the legal and regulatory framework • Implemented through consultative and participatory Institutional Framework that involves both levels of Government and key stakeholders. (Gazette Notice 5556 of July 2016) • The objective of the Programme is to ensure that Government functions are properly structured and staffed at both levelsof Government. • The programme is envisioned in three phases over a medium term framework as follows: • Phase 1: Study and Design ;(completed in 2016); • Phase 2: Rationalization and Redeployment of staff; and (in progress); • Phase 3: Re-engineering and Capacity Building.(to commence); • Phase 1 entailed : Human Resource Audit and Skills Assessment by biometric registration; Institutional Reviews for all Ministries and Counties , Workload Analysis for determination optimal staffing and development of options and incentives for those who may be affected by the rationalization and staff Re-deployment exercise.

  7. Key Findings/Issues and Recommendations .

  8. Emerging Issues Cases of suspension and arbitrary dismissals of staff. Repeat staff audit aimed at rationalization of staff and functions. Industrial unrest leading to disruption in service delivery to the citizens. Increasing public wage bill Collective Bargaining Agreements

  9. Proposed Way Forward • Mechanism to be put in place to freeze employment in non critical skills. • Address the excesses and shortages of staff through deployment and re-deployment of existing staff to allow for transfer; between Ministries and Counties and County to County. • Establish a Joint County-Ministerial Committee to oversee the process of redeployment and deployment. • Fast track legislations to; guide horizontal and vertical transfer of staff and establishment of a legal framework for common pension scheme. • Counties and Ministries to implement the recommendations contained in the respective Institutional CARPS Report and Consolidated CARPS Report. • Strengthen the inter-governmental relationships to allow greater and effective deliberations. Proposal is to: strengthen the IGSC framework; and consider establishing a quarterly policy dialogue between the MPSYGA and Governors. • Inter-Governmental Steering Committee with guidance from National Treasury to present implementation of the proposals for the rationalization of staff including Voluntary Early Retirement . (Summit deferred decision to 2018)

  10. Conclusion • The success of devolution, is equal to the implementation of Kenya Vision 2030. • Need for Cooperation and collaboration by the two levels of Government. • MPYGA is available to provide capacity building and technical support in all aspects of Public Service and human resource management • Need to ensure harmonious industrial relations in the public service for enhanced service delivery. • Finally, CARPS Programme, offers a harmonised approach to restructure the Public Service for greater efficiency in service delivery . It has identified the problem, it has made recommendations, what is left is for both levels of Government and key stakeholders to rally and implement its proposals.

  11. Thank You Asante

  12. Generic Structural Hierarchy Recommended for County Governments

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