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Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries – The SCQF in context

Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries – The SCQF in context. Aileen Ponton Chief Executive Officer, SCQF Partnership 25 June 2014. Some context on the growth of NQFs Overview of the SCQF Relationship with other UK and European Frameworks Our international experience. Content.

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Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries – The SCQF in context

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  1. Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries – The SCQF in context Aileen Ponton Chief Executive Officer, SCQF Partnership 25 June 2014

  2. Some context on the growth of NQFs Overview of the SCQF Relationship with other UK and European Frameworks Our international experience Content

  3. Increased transparency Educational reform Cultural reform Better classification Increased articulation and progression Better and more consistent quality assurance Development of learning outcomes Neutralises institutional view/opinion Rationale for NQFs

  4. Around 140 countries developing NQFs Seen as a level for institutional/policy change Emergence of wider frameworks such as EQF has resulted in three main types of NQF being identified: Sectoral Bridging Integrating SCQF is integrating Global interest in NQFs

  5. Increased consistency, currency and portability of qualifications A national language Inclusion of broader range of learning Greater transparency Supporting mutual trust Clarification and development of learning pathways and progression Supports stakeholder ownership National reference point Stronger basis for international comparison So added value?

  6. SCQF Partnership SCQF created and named in 2001 First implementation plan 2003-2006 Established as a company November 2006 First strategic and operational plans 2007 Company limited by guarantee Registered charity in Scotland

  7. SCQF Objectives

  8. Insert framework diagram

  9. What can go into the Framework? To be included in the SCQF a qualification or learning programme must be • At least 10 notional learning hours • Based on learning outcomes • Formally assessed • Internally and externally quality assured

  10. Definitions Credit Rating • Making a formal decision about the level and credit value of a qualification or programme using SCQF criteria and Guidelines Credit Rating Body • A body approved by SCQFP as having met robust criteria and which can credit rate

  11. Who credit rates? • Universities • Further Education colleges • Scottish Qualifications Authority • Since January 2009 criteria for new bodies in place and another 5 organisations approved • 3 further applications likely in 2014

  12. Their own provision offered in schools, colleges and universities “Third party” provision owned, developed and awarded by others e.g employers; certificating bodies; professional bodies; voluntary and community organisations What do they credit rate?

  13. Stakeholders We work with • Institutions of all types • Learner organisations • Guidance givers • Employers • Credit rating bodies • Professional bodies

  14. Support for Sectors • Hosting free workshops on developing learning outcomes, assessment and QA • Hosting free workshops on how to credit rate • Providing tailored support for organisations such as colleges • Publishing a wide range of guidance materials • Creating and maintaining a national database resource

  15. SCQFP RPL activities • RPL Toolkit • My Skills, My Future toolkit and workshops • RPL Network • RPL workshops (x2) • New online RPL resource (June 2014) • Case studies

  16. Resources • Tailored website information/written information • Employer Toolkits • Video Case Studies • Level Descriptors (revised) • Online Interactive Workshop • http://www.scqf.org.uk/intro/player.html • New Introductory Videos • Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework – Home

  17. Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries

  18. Levels Across Europe SCQF EQF Other Frameworks SCQF Level 12 8 SCQF Level 11 7 Comparison of levels from SCQF to EQF to other frameworks and VICE VERSA SCQF Level 10 6 SCQF Level 9 SCQF Level 8 5 SCQF Level 7 SCQF Level 6 4 SCQF Level 5 3 SCQF Level 4 2 1 SCQF Level 3 Translation Device

  19. SCQFP acted as international experts for the EQF Referencing in Estonia, Flanders and Poland and is currently working with Bahrain, Poland and Hong Kong Hosted wide range of study visits Scotland and the Scottish system continue to be very interesting for overseas Frameworks – both the Maldives and Fiji have been given formal approval to use the LDs Supported the European Commission to develop the portal http://ec.europa.eu/eqf/compare_en.htm Supporting the EC in looking at the potential for countries outside of Europe to reference to the EQF Internationalisation

  20. Aileen Ponton Chief Executive Officer Officer, SCQF Partnership. e: a.ponton@scqf.org.uk Contact details

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