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Satellite Hyperspectral Workshop Mitch Goldberg, Chief Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division JPSS Program Scientist NOAA/NESDIS and Roger Heymann (NESDIS/OSD), Chris Barnet(NESDIS) Robert Atlas (OAR/AOML) and James Butler (OAR/ESRL). User Requirements. Weather forecasting
Satellite Hyperspectral Workshop Mitch Goldberg, ChiefSatellite Meteorology and Climatology DivisionJPSS Program ScientistNOAA/NESDISand Roger Heymann (NESDIS/OSD), Chris Barnet(NESDIS)Robert Atlas (OAR/AOML) and James Butler (OAR/ESRL)
User Requirements • Weather forecasting • Improvements in nowcasting, short to medium range forecasting • Improvements in Climate monitoring • Ozone, Atmospheric Chemistry • Greenhouse Gases (CO2, CH4, CO) • Temperature/Water Vapor
Workshop on Hyperspectral Sensor Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Atmospheric Soundings from Environmental Satellites • Focus • The current status and the future technologies needed to support sustained global and regional greenhouse gas (GHG) and atmospheric chemistry measurements from space for operational satellite programs. • The current status and the future technologies needed to support improved weather forecasting at all temporal scales (nowcasting – medium range forecasting from space for operational satellite programs • User needs and experience with current satellite sensors, and is there a need for improved observations to meet evolving user requirements • Workshop will help the NOAA JPSS program with requirements gathering and sensor concepts relative to atmospheric chemistry, weather forecasting, and GHGs for IR hyperspectral sensors as JPSS looks beyond the CRIS FTS to the future
An emerging challenge for US and world (OAR – Jim Butler) • Society is going to be making efforts to reduce CO2 emissions – probably sooner than later • These efforts will be regional & sectoral in nature, and diverse in their approach • No large-scale emission reduction effort has succeeded without verification • Stratospheric Ozone • Acid Rain • Regional Air Quality • The complexity & variability of the carbon cycle make this a challengingissue
How will Society Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emmissions? 100 Time is now to define future baseline Enhance System Maintain System Develop System Establish Baselines Percent of 2010 Emissions Critical Verif ication Period 50 Fine Grid, Robust Verification 20 Year 2010 2020 2050 2100
12 NOAA Tall Towers Initiate Partnering Tower Systems 24 NOAA Tall Towers 36 NOAA Tall Towers 15 Partner Tall Towers 30 Partner Tall Towers 40 Fluxnet Towers Equip Fluxnet Towers 8 NOAA Tall Towers Begin Commercial Aircraft Sampling AirCore Operational “Virgin Galactic” Initiate UAS Sampling Increase sampling frequency 4x 24 NOAA Aircraft Sites 36 NOAA Aircraft Sites 14 NOAA Aircraft Sites 2010 2010 2012 2012 2015 2015 2020 2020 Surface Based Measurements Aircraft Measurements
Satellite retrievals of carbon fill gaps in scale left by the current surface/tower/aircraft in situ and flask sampling network. The operational satellite community also needs a plan!! 5 ENVISAT SCIAMACHY 4 Aqua AIRS CNES/EUMETSAT IASI Total Column XCO2 Error (ppm) 3 GOSAT 2 Aircraft Globalview Network 1 OCO Flask Site Tower OCO II? 0 1000 10000 1 100 10 Spatial Scale (km) Adapted from D. Crisp
AIRS/IASI/CrIS thermal IR measurements complement the solar/passive measurements by providing an independent upper boundary condition • Thermal instruments (e.g., AIRS, IASI, CrIS) measure mid-tropospheric column • Peak of vertical weighting is a function of T profile and water profile and ozone profile. • Age of air is on the order of weeks or months. • Significant horizontal and vertical displacements of the trace gases from the sources and sinks. • Solar/Passive instruments (e.g., SCIAMACHY, OCO II, GOSAT) & laser approaches measure a lower troposphere weighted total column average. • Mixture of surface and near-surface atmospheric contribution • Age of air varies vertically. AIRS/IASI/CrIS SCIAMACHY OCO II GOSAT
Improvements in Sounding Performance Temperature errors as a function of sounder instrumentation NOAA/NESDIS
Operational ECMWF system September to December 2008. Averaged over all model layers and entire global atmosphere. % contribution of different observations to reduction in forecast error. Forecast error contribution (%) Courtesy: Carla Cardinali and Sean Healy, ECMWF
Spectral Resolution Impact on T/q Retrieval LW SMW Images by GIFTS/CIMSS
Sounding Strategy in Cloudy Scenes Co-locate infrared and microwave instruments . • Sounding is performed on 50 km a field of regard (FOR) • FOR is currently defined by the size of the microwave sounder footprint • IASI/AMSU has 4 IR FOV’s per FOR • AIRS/AMSU & CrIS/ATMS have 9 IR FOV’s per FOR • ATMS is spatially over-sampled can emulate an AMSU FOV Le Marshallet al., 2006 AIRS, IASI, and CrIS all acquire 324,000 FOR’s per day!
Spatial Variability Used to Correct Radiance for Clouds • Assumptions, Rj = (1-j)Rclr + j Rcld • Only variability in AIRS pixels is cloud amount, j • Reject scenes with excessive surface & moisture variability (in the infrared). • Within FOR (9 AIRS scenes) there is variability of cloud amount • Reject scenes with uniform cloud amount • Approximately 70% of any given day satisfies these assumptions. R1=(1-1)Rclr+1Rcld R2=(1-2)Rclr+2Rcld Rclr=R1+η*(R1-R2) η=1/(2-1) η=(Rclr-est–R1)/(R1-R2) Image Courtesy of Earth Sciences and Image Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center (http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov). AMSU is used to estimate clear AIRS radiances MODIS (imager) is used to validate the cloud cleared radiances Images provided by M. Goldberg
Operational Constraints • Operational missions commit to nearly 20 years flying essentially the same type of instrument. • HIRS 35 years • IASI 21 years • CrIS 21 years • Mature low risk technology
This means……. • Important to assess current capabilities, limitations, and readiness: • What technology is ready for the next operational acquisition program? • What technology incubator programs should be supported by research agencies so that advanced technology becomes mature for operational missions? • What enhancements are needed to improve products and services?