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Chailey Communication System. A published vocabulary designed for people with severe visual impairments
Chailey Communication System • A published vocabulary designed for people with severe visual impairments • Systematic structure and layout, with items being logically organised within categories (people, places, body etc) then subcategorised into topics (people – home, school, public workers, church, club, relations, pronouns, generic people etc);
CCS 2 • Predictable vocab organisation thereby facilitating learning and ease of access. This vocabulary is designed to be accessed using the process of auditory scanning, whereby the communication partner reads out the list of categories for the user to indicate their choice (verbally, by nodding their head or using an agreed eye movement etc
the topic is then identified using the same process, then the individual word. Although this may be time-consuming, if the user is familiar with the vocabulary, they know that they will be able to convey their message successfully. • http://www.chs.org.uk/what-we-do/communication/chailey-communication-system • free manual download at http://www.widgit.com/resources/lifeskills/personal-social/ccs/index.htm
CommuniKate • Socially focused page set written by Kate McCallum • Designed for people who rely heavily on the environment or context in order to communicate effectively but understand concepts and language used in conversation and during everyday activities. • Low and high tech options available entirely free • Straight Street (Mulberry) symbols
CommuniKate (2) • Also free ICE (In Case of Emergency) cards • 12 location high tech (Grid 2, DynaVox Compass, Proloquo2Go) • 20 location high tech (plus Mind Express and CoughDrop App) • WLS, PCS and SymbolStix options