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Dive deep into Jacqueline's poignant birth story as you sharpen reading skills and analyze the author's purpose. Practice vocabulary, true/false statements, and independent questions for an engaging study session.
LET´S GET STARTED! • Log onto the blog. • Open today´s extract: “Reading Exam Prep” • Open a word document, write today´s date and the title “Jacky Daydream” at the top. • Save the word doc in your ´Term 1´ folder in your English folder.
Reading exam: TUESDAY 16TH OCTOBER You must have your copy of the Bad Beginnning by Wednesday 17th October
You are going to hear an extract from this author’s autobiography... Guess who?! Born in 1945
Section 1: Vocabulary • Find the words in red in the extract. • Use the whole sentence or pargraph to work out the meaning of each word. • Match the word to the definition in your word document under the subheading ´Vocabulary´. Fortnight Vigorously Forceps Erratic Quickly, enegetically Unpredictable Two weeks Tool to pull something out
Section One: True False? • Jacqueline was born two weeks before she was due (T/F) • Jaqueline´s mother was very tall (T/F) • Jacqueline was taken to the nursery and kept there for four days without seeing her mother (T/F) • Jacqueline´s grandmother travelled for one hour (T/F) • Jacqueline spent her first Christmas in the hospital (T/F)
Let´s Get Started! • Open a Word document. Write the date and title “Reading Exam Practice”. • Log onto the blog. Click the ¨Reading exam prep” post. • Copy and paste the practice exam paper into a Word document.
Individual Reading • What are thereadingstrategieswhichwillhelpyouifyoudon´tunderstandthetext? • Reread • Replacewith a wordwhichcouldmakesense • Use thesentenceortheparagraph - doesithelp? • Istheword similar to a spanishword? • Ifyoustilldon´tknow, moveon!
Independent Practice Complete thepracticequestionsonyourown. • Red thequestionscarefully! • Thinkaboutyouranswersbeforewriting!
Section One: Answer the questions • On what date was Jacqueline born? • How long did the birth take? • What part of J’s body was damaged? • How long was J in the nursery? • Why did it take a long time for grandma to get to the hospital? • Where did J spend Christmas? Challenge: Write your own ´find it´questions.
Section 2: Recognise conventions and author’s purpose • What is the purpose of the author in this piece of writing? To persuade, inform or entertain? (1 mark). ......................................................................... • How do you know? Explain why you chose this purpose by referring to the text. (2 marks). ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………
Section 2: Recognise conventions and author’s purpose • Explain, in your own words, why the following 2 phrases suggest about Jacqueline´s birth. (4 marks) (a) “In fact, they had to pull me out with forceps. They look like a medieval instrument of torture.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) “I was finally yanked out into the harsh white light of the delivery room in the hospital my mouth was lopsided and partially paralysed.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Section 2: Recognise conventions and author’s purpose • What impressionisgivenofJaqueline´s grandmother? How do we know this? Use evidence from the text and explain your answer. (3 marks) POINT: My impression of Jacqueline´s grandmother is that she is _______________. EVIDENCE: I know this because in the text it says “_____________________________________________” COMMENT: This shows that she is ____________________ because______________________________________________
Which paragraph is better and why? My impression of Jacqueline´s grandmother is that she is old. I know this because in the text it says “all day to get there”. This shows that she is determinedbecauseeventhoughitwas a long and difficultjourney, shedidn´tgive up untilshehadseenhergranddaughter. My impression of Jacqueline´s grandmother is that she is determined. I know this because in the text it says “she is an old person”. This shows that she is old becausegrandmothers are ususallyold.
Section 3: Personal Response • Tell thestoryofwhenyouwereborn. Writebetween 50-70 words. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________