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KEEP for Teachers

KEEP for Teachers. Pratt – SCKSEC Bill Bagshaw Assistant Director Teacher Licensure and Accreditation, KSDE . Introduction. Today’s Discussion. Why This, Why Now ? Multiple Student Growth Measures “Significant” KEEP Rubrics Constructs Components Repository. WAIVER - Principle 3.

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KEEP for Teachers

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  1. KEEP for Teachers Pratt – SCKSEC Bill Bagshaw Assistant Director Teacher Licensure and Accreditation, KSDE

  2. Introduction Today’s Discussion • Why This, Why Now ? • Multiple Student Growth Measures • “Significant” • KEEP Rubrics • Constructs • Components • Repository

  3. WAIVER - Principle 3 Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership Implement teacher and principal evaluation and support systems that: • Are used for continual improvement of instruction • Use at least 3 performance levels • Use multiple measures including student growth as significant factor • Are used to evaluate on a regular basis • Provide clear, timely, and useful feedback • Are used to inform personnel decisions

  4. Assurances Districts Have Chosen Their Evaluation Systems for 2013-2014 As of August 1, 2013 – 281districts have submitted their Assurances Form 278 districts have had their Assurances Form approved 93 districts will be using the KEEP Evaluation System 153 districts will be using vendor systems 45districts will be using locally created evaluation systems

  5. Evaluation Systems per Districts as of 7-29-2013

  6. Priorities 4 Priorities within Evaluations to Understand • Multiple Measures • Significance • The Evaluation Process - Goal Selection - Inter-Rater Reliability • KEEP Repository

  7. Multiple Measures Recent Developments • Focus Groups provided a list of possible measures • KSDE is collaborating with REL and the Center for Great Teachers and Leaders to modify the list of measures collected across Kansas • KSDE will identify a “Default List” of Multiple Measures

  8. Multiple Measures Measures to Use • State assessments must be used • Include assessment measures currently in use in your district • Shared credit/responsibility for student growth, subject to local decision making • Time for student growth 1-4 years

  9. Multiple Measures Small Group Activity – Share Measures You Currently Use10 minutes to discuss, 5 minutes total to report out • Get into small groups of 3-4 • Handout to write on for each small group – These will be collected • Talk about the grades, subjects, and measures that you currently use • Record these on the group handout • Choose a person to report out • Report out to the larger group

  10. Sample Measures by KSDE from the Field

  11. Matrix Used to Determine Summative Evaluation Rating 8/6/2013

  12. Multiple Measures Matrix Used to Determine Summative Evaluation Rating Rules 1. Must meet all three student growth measures to be considered highly effective. 2. Must meet at least two student growth measures to be considered effective. 3. Can only be considered developing if meeting only one student growth measure 4. Can only be rated one performance level higher than the lowest summary rating. 5. When all summary ratings are the same, that rating becomes the performance level.

  13. Co-Construct Builder Leaders and Teachers Co-Construct the Educator Evaluation Multiple Measures Locally Determined Selections – from Default List or other KSDE approved measures Significant Student Growth Determining significance – Matrix, Other Examples Establishing timeline for growth – Use historical student data to predict future growth

  14. Define Significance Student Growth Definition • The change in student achievement for an individual student between two points in time, determined using multiple measures • To include gains and progress toward post-secondary and workforce readiness • To include progress in academic and functional goals in an individualized education program or meeting academic student growth objectives

  15. 85% 5th Grade Curriculum Standards EXAMPLE Grade Level Expectation 85% Assuming 85% of students exiting 4th grade accomplished 4th grade curriculum, the expectation would be at least the same amount of growth would occur by completion of the 5th grade, or on any given measure used. Example: In a class of 24 students, 20 students would be above the Grade Level Expectation line by the end of the Academic Year. 24 x .85 = 20.2 This scenario would indicate significance. Reference: Blue Print for Reform

  16. Graduation Rates/Attendance Rates EXAMPLE

  17. Multiple Measures, Effectiveness, Significance EXAMPLE

  18. Define Significance Summary • Teachers and Leaders evaluations include multiple measures as evidence • Kansas is defining “significance” as demonstrating student growth using MORE than one measure • Must consider state assessments • May include assessment measures currently in use in your district • Validity of the Measure must be pre-determined for any appropriate measure • Locally determine credit/responsibility for student growth • Time for student growth 1-4 years

  19. The KEEP Evaluation Process Constructs and Components Setting Goals Inter-Rater Reliability

  20. The Evaluation Process TEACHER The constructs to be measured in the evaluation instrument: Construct 1: Learner and Learning Construct 2: Content Knowledge Construct 3: Instructional Practice Construct 4: Professional Responsibility

  21. The Evaluation Process TEACHER The constructs to be measured in the evaluation instrument: Construct 1: Learner and Learning Construct 2: Content Knowledge Construct 3: Instructional Practice Construct 4: Professional Responsibility

  22. Evaluation Process Evaluation Goal Selection • District Goals • Building Goals • Individual Goals KSDE recommends that each Educator selects no more than two goals per evaluation cycle: • A district or building level goal, • A personal goal mutually agreed upon by the Evaluator and the Evaluatee.

  23. Evaluation Process Inter-Rater Reliability Reliability refers to the consistency of the entire evaluation process. Validitymeans that the process is measuring what it was intended to measure. KSDE Expectation All school district evaluators attend professional learning activities that address the issue of reliability relative to using the KEEP Rubrics. The same expectations apply to districts using an evaluation system other than KEEP.

  24. Evaluation Process Evaluating the Teacher • Co-create the Process • Thinking through and discussing the Process • Goals Selected • Multiple Measures selected • Timeline for Evaluation • 1 Cycle • 2 Cycles

  25. Teacher Process Required Steps Implementation Ideas

  26. Evaluation Process

  27. Evaluation Process

  28. The KEEP Rubrics Explaining How the Rubrics Work for Self Assessment and the Entire Assessment Process

  29. Evaluation Rubrics Teacher Evaluation Rubrics Construct 1: Learner and Learning To ensure that each student learns new knowledge and skills, teachers must understand that learning and developmental patterns vary individually, that students bring unique individual differences to the learning process, and that students need supportive and safe learning environments to thrive. Demonstration of the teacher’s proficiency in Learner and Learning is evidenced by: 1.1 Learner Development The teacher planned instruction based on the learning and developmental levels of all students.Key indicators include: planning instruction, aligning instruction with student learning needs, using a variety of approaches and resources, providing adaptation of instruction. 1.2 Learner Differences The teacher recognized and fostered individual differences to establish a positive classroom culture.Key indicators include: getting to know all students, using that knowledge of students to create a culture of respect, meeting needs of all students. 1.3 Learning Environment The teacher established a classroom environment conducive to learning. Key indicators include: collaborating with students, establishing a safe, respectful and academically challenging environment.

  30. Highly Effective Ineffective Developing Effective Goal 1.1 Learner Development: The teacher planned instruction based on the learning and developmental levels of all students. Sources of Evidence for Planning Instruction Based on the Learning and Developmental Levels of All Students • Differentiated lesson plans • Student work sample • Assessment data • Teacher reflection

  31. Evaluation Rubrics Unpacking the KEEP Rubrics • Go to Page 21 and View Rubrics 1.1 and 1.2 • Note the Performance Descriptors • In each column, identify words that describe Ineffective, Developing, Effective and Highly Effective • Discussion

  32. Rating this Teacher http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sirVDklVeX8

  33. The KEEP Repository Walking through the Repository Process

  34. KEEP Guided Practice NEW !! KEEP Guided Practice • http://training.ksde.org/keep/trainingportal/web/index.htm • New Online Training – Available 24/7 • Individualized and Repeatable • Includes multiple forms of Learning • Must enable JAVA

  35. KEEP User Guide KEEP USERS GUIDE • The technology instruction of the KEEP Repository • Detailed instructions for Authenticated Applications • Detailed instructions for each area how the Principal and the Teacher co-create the KEEP evaluation and evaluation process

  36. KEEP in the Future Simultaneous Roundtable • Get into GROUPS of 3-4 • Select a Recorder • Read Question #1 • Have each person in the group answer the question and record • Repeat with Question #2 • Select a Presenter and Report Out

  37. KEEP Webpage http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=4400 • News and Announcements • KEEP Repository Registration • KEEP Training Materials and Schedule • Archives with Materials of Previous Trainings and Meetings • Assurances Information • Kansas Flexibility Waiver Materials

  38. Questions ?? Contacts: Bill Bagshaw, Assistant Director Teacher Licensure & Accreditation bbagshaw@ksde.org 785.296.2198 Kayeri Akweks, Education Program Consultant Teacher Education and Licensure kakweks@ksde.org 785.296.5140 An Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity Agency The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: KSDE General Counsel, 120 SE 10th Ave., Topeka, KS 66612; 785-296-3201

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