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OFFICIAL FORM for a MeMorandun of Understanding(MOU ) English.
OFFICIAL FORM for a MeMorandun of Understanding(MOU) English The following is an official form for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) mutual aid agreements. This official form can be used as a basic structure for your own MOUs suggestions. if you have a Details is not included in MOU, Please attach a separate file MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) Between GLOBAL CO SYSTEM WORKS [insert name of Party A ] and _____________________[insert name of Party B] This is an agreement between “Party A”, hereinafter called GCSW and “Party B”, hereinafter called ______________________. I. PURPOSE & SCOPE The purpose of this MOU is to clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of each party as they relate to [...summary of activities, goals, etc.…]. In particular, this MOU is intended to: Examples: Choice • shoppingmall partnership • content suggestions • Tech & Sloutions partnership • Apply for partnershop • C0-marketing & Promotional offers • etc II. BACKGROUND Brief description of agencies involved in the MOU III. [PARTY A] RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THIS MOU [Party A] shall undertake the following activities: Examples: Choice • Develop • Share • Support • Provide • Promote • Refer • Review • Comply • Sponsor
OFFICIAL FORM for a MeMorandun of Understanding(MOU) English IV. [PARTY B] RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THIS MOU [Party B] shall undertake the following activities: Examples: Choice • Develop • Share • Support • Provide • Promote • Refer • Review • Comply • Sponsor V. IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT: 1. Modification clause: how agreement can be modified 2. Termination clause: If there is no Show termination for a MOU, automatically extends one year VI.EFFECTIVE DATE AND SIGNATURE This MOU shall be in effect upon the signature of Party A’s and Party B’s authorized officials. It shall be in force from to Parties A and B indicate agreement with this MOU by their signatures. Signatures and dates [insert name of Party A] [insert name of Party B] Date Date
OFFICIAL FORM for a MeMorandun of Understanding(MOU) Korean 본 문서는 상호지원 및 협력에 관한 공식 협약서(MOU) 양식입니다. 본 공식 협약서 양식에 맞춰 MOU 제안을 주시기 바랍니다 본 협약서 양식에 포함되지않은 특약사항은 별도 파일로 첨부해주시기 바랍니다 협 약 서(MOU) 본 문서는 GLOBAL CO SYSTEM WORKS(이하 : 갑) 와 (이하:을)간체결된 협약서(MOU) 임 1.목적 & 범위 본 협약서에서는 협약내용에 관련한 사항을 명확하게 명시하고 각 당사자의 역할과 책임과 목표등을 명시하기로 한다 특히 다음사항에 관련한 내용을 상호협력하기로한다 예) 선택 • 쇼핑몰 입점파트너 • 컨텐츠 제안 • 기술 및 솔류션 제안 • 지역 제휴점입점제안 • 공동마케팅 및 프로모션제안 • 기타 2.소개 간략한 업체 소개와 협약서 제안에대한 요약사항 입니다 3.[갑]의 역할 예) 선택 • 개발 • 공유 • 지원 • 제공 • 홍보 • 참조 • 검토 • 준수 • 스폰서
OFFICIAL FORM for a MeMorandun of Understanding(MOU) Korean 4.[을]의 역할 예) 선택 • 개발 • 공유 • 지원 • 제공 • 홍보 • 참조 • 검토 • 준수 • 스폰서 5.협약의 기간과 수정에 관한 약정사항 1. 수정조항: 상호협의에 따라 수정가능함 2. 협약의 종료: 본 약정서의 기간만료전에 약정종료에 대한 의사표시가 없으면 자동으로 1년씩 연장됨 6.효력의 발생 본 협약서는 “갑” ”을” 공인관계자가 협약 체결의 표시로 본 협약서에 서명 함으로써 그 효력을 발생한다 서명날인 / 서명일 [갑] [을] 2014. . . 2014. . .