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Watershed Management Plan Kickoff Meeting April 7, 2011

Watershed Management Plan Kickoff Meeting April 7, 2011. Agenda. 7:00 pm Welcome and introductions 7:05pm HLWD planning overview Plan update process 7:25 pm Stakeholder involvement Watershed problems 7:40 pm Public comment 8:30 pm Adjourn. HLWD Planning Overview . M.S. 103D.401

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Watershed Management Plan Kickoff Meeting April 7, 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Watershed Management PlanKickoff MeetingApril 7, 2011

  2. Agenda 7:00 pm Welcome and introductions 7:05pm HLWD planning overview Plan update process 7:25 pm Stakeholder involvement Watershed problems 7:40 pm Public comment 8:30 pm Adjourn

  3. HLWD Planning Overview • M.S. 103D.401 • Existing water and water-related problems • Possible solutions • General objectives • M.S. 103D.405 (each revised plan must include) • Updates and supplements of the existing hydrological or other statistical watershed data • Specific projects and programs to be considered for implementation • A statement of the extent that the purposes for which the HLWD had been established have been accomplished

  4. HLWD Planning Overview Cont’d • A description of problems requiring future action • A summary of completed studies on active or planned projects, including financial data; and • An analysis of the effectiveness of the HLWD rules and permits in achieving water management objectives • HLWD Plan History • Original Plan - October 1971 • 1st Plan Update – September 2001 • 2nd Plan Update – Draft to BWSR September 2011

  5. Plan update process • HLWD Board resolution • Notice of decision to develop the Plan • Plan outline submitted to BWSR • Public Kickoff meeting • HLWD Advisory Committee meeting(s) • Goals and policies • Develop draft Watershed Management Plan • Plan review by state agencies and local government • Notice public hearing and hold hearing if requested • Incorporate agency, local government unit, and public final comments • BWSR Board approval • HLWD Board approval

  6. Proposed Heron Lake WD Management Plan 10 Year Update Timeline Date: April 7, 2011 WMP= Watershed Management Plan

  7. Stakeholder Involvement • Kickoff Meeting • HLWD Citizens Advisory Committee • HLWD Board Meetings

  8. HLWD Plan Focus • Organized according to resources • Water quality • Water quantity • Drainage systems • Biotic habitat • Wetlands • Flooding • Education • Funding • Goals and actions • Specific items to address problems

  9. Watershed Problems • Bacteria • Turbidity • Phosphorus

  10. Bacteria

  11. Why do we care about bacteria? • Waterborne pathogens • E. coli

  12. Bacteria in surface water • Four sources • Livestock • Humans • Wildlife • Pets

  13. Where are the bacteria impairments?

  14. Turbidity

  15. Why do we care about turbidity? • Turbidity is the cloudiness of water • Sediment • Organic matter • Algae • Affects the aquatic life in a stream • Plants • Fish • Invertebrates • All connected, all affected

  16. Turbidity in surface water • Runoff • Fields • Construction sites • Highly erodible lands • Erosion • Wind • Gully • Streambank • Overgrazed pasture • Suspended organic matter • Algae • Carp and rough fish

  17. Where are the turbidity impairments?

  18. Phosphorus

  19. Why do we care about phosphorus? • Excessive nutrients (phosphorus) lead to increased algae blooms • Reduces transparency • Affects recreational value • Affects aquatic life • All connected, all affected • 1 pound of phosphorus can grow 500 pounds of algae!

  20. Phosphorus in surface water • Point sources • Wastewater treatment facilities • Storm water • Livestock facilities greater than 1000 animal units • Nonpoint sources • Inadequate septics • Row cropland • Feedlots • Urban runoff • Rural runoff • Streambank erosion • Internal Loading • Wind • Carp

  21. What’s being done to address bacteria, turbidity, and phosphorus? • General Operation • Education • Monitoring • BMP Implementation • Impaired Waters and TMDLs • Flood Damage Reduction

  22. General Operation • Board of managers • Staff • Office space and equipment • Vehicles and maintenance • Operational expenses

  23. Education • Monthly newsletters • Website • Watershed tours • Semi-annual workshops • Field days • Demonstration projects • Youth education projects

  24. Monitoring • Three streams annually • 25 samples per year • Six lakes every three years • 6 samples per year • Determine if water quality improvement is occurring

  25. BMP Implementation • Critical area plantings • Grassed waterways • Terraces • Filter strips • Shoreline restoration • Conservation tillage incentives

  26. Impaired Waters & TMDLs • TMDL Implementation Plan • Water Quality Management Planning Grant • Watershed Coordinator • WF Des Moines River TMDL Implementation Grant • Level III Feedlot Inventory • Watershed Coordinator

  27. Flood Damage Reduction • Wildlife ponds/sedimentation basins • Wetland restoration • Rain gardens • Alternative tile intakes

  28. Public input • State your name and your residence / agency • Questions and comments must: • Identify problems within the watershed • Provide ideas for correcting problems • Address items within HLWD statutory authority • Comments limited to 5 minutes for each speaker

  29. Thank you!

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