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Understanding the Vietnam War: Causes and Consequences

Explore the reasons why the US fought in Vietnam, from the Domino Theory to the Tet Offensive, and its impact at home and abroad.

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Understanding the Vietnam War: Causes and Consequences

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  1. Why Did the United States Fight a War in Vietnam? • Friends of the French • Communist Vietnam-Truman Doctrine (1947) “to help free peoples to maintain their free institutions and their national integrity against … totalitarian regimes.”

  2. The Domino Theory • One justification for the involvement. “If South Vietnam falls to the Communist, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, India and Pakistan would also fall like dominos. The Pacific Islands and even Australia could be at risk”.  

  3. The Geneva Peace Accords • Geneva Accords- • France & Vietnam- 1954 • Country divided at the 17th parallel • North- communist regime under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh. • South- US supported government

  4. Buddhist Self-Immolations • Southern government • Against Buddhism • Seen as weak • Led Buddhist monks to self-immolation in the streets • Not good PR for the war

  5. Tonkin Gulf Resolution • August 1964- USS Maddox engages in conflict with Vietcong off the coast of North Vietnam • US government says ship was fired upon • Other witnesses say the ship fired first • Congress grants LBJ power to do whatever is necessary to defend Navy • LBJ launches “Operation Rolling Thunder”- fist attack on N. Vietnam

  6. Public Response & Escalation • 1965- • 65% in favor of Vietnam to stop Communism • Only 24% opposed • 180,000 soldiers present • By 1967- 500,000 soldiers present

  7. Vietcong Tactics • Hit and Run (Guerrilla Warfare) • Dug- In to terrain • Booby Traps • Land Mines Hard to distinguish the enemy

  8. Finding The Enemy • Battle for Hearts and Minds • Win over current citizens • They will then tell us who is Vietcong • Burn down the Jungle • Napalm bombs • Agent Orange • Toxin put on ground and in tunnels • Search and Destroy • Raid civilians • Kill Them if ties are expected

  9. The Tet Offensive • 1968- War not going well • North Vietnam launch coordinated attacks against major southern cities • Known as the TetOffensive • Designed to force the Johnson to the bargaining table • Kills many American soldiers

  10. The War in America • Soldiers are coming back changed men • Economy sinks, inflation rises • First “Living Room War” • Live footage on television daily • Credibility Gap • Difference between what Americans are hearing from government and seeing on TV

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