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PPT_The Challenges of Testing Artificial Intelligence (AI)

One of the challenges around the testing of AI is the ability to reproduce and explain a set of results. Ultimately, the real challenge is convincing everyone that AI systems can be trusted with important decisions.

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PPT_The Challenges of Testing Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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  1. The Challenges of Testing Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  2. The Challenges of Testing Artificial Intelligence (AI) • Our day-to-day lives are becoming increasingly reliant on the direction, decision-making, and support of AI systems. • Never in the history of technology has the threat or the need to protect the integrity of such decision-making been more urgent or real. • I recently served as an official reviewer for a new BCS pre-publication book titled “Artificial Intelligence and Software Testing – Building systems you can trust”. • A brilliant reference covering all aspects of the challenges of both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), and how traditional approaches to Software Testing have been disrupted and challenged. • Societal trust in AI decision-making is at the very heart of what AI is all about. The greater the level of societal trust in AI, the greater the level of societal adoption of AI. • AI is making our lives easier in many ways never imagined, in the form of driverless cars or helping law courts derive smarter offender sentencing decisions. • We need to, however, believe that AI decision-making is arriving at the correct answer or response that is also both ethical and non-biased.

  3. The Challenges of Testing Artificial Intelligence (AI) • Trust in AI responses • The testing of AI systems is at the very heart of building confidence and trust in AI answers and responses. • Not only are the problems harder, but AI systems are different. AI systems change in response to stimuli, unlike other software that only changes when updated deliberately. • Bias • Life as we encounter it is full of biases, some explicit and some implicit, some human-constructed and some not. • Ethical Behaviour • How do we test for ethical and unethical behaviour? In a situation where grey areas or known ethical challenges exist, how to handle it? • Interesting right? • Want to know more on this topic: https://bit.ly/3tZg35Y

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