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The (Possible) Future of MLEs

The (Possible) Future of MLEs. Dr. Andrew Oliver, Dr. Ian Glover, Learning Technology Development Unit (LTDU). 2 nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire. Drivers Vision User Benefits Educational Benefits Institutional Benefits What about Facebook, Blogger, Flickr, … ?

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The (Possible) Future of MLEs

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  1. The (Possible) Future of MLEs Dr. Andrew Oliver, Dr. Ian Glover, Learning Technology Development Unit (LTDU) 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  2. Drivers Vision User Benefits Educational Benefits Institutional Benefits What about Facebook, Blogger, Flickr, … ? The ‘Socialised’ MLE Considerations Conclusions Further Information Topics 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  3. Experience of technology increasing Expectations of Web advancing Social Networks major part of life for many Use interspersed with M/VLE accesses Comfortable being Content Producers Gives a sense of empowerment Expectation of personalised experience Drivers Student Behaviour 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  4. Drivers Sector Developments • Undergraduate numbers falling • Need for new recruitment strategies • Moves towards providing short courses to business. • Desire to create ‘Brand Loyalty’ in Alumni. A possible ‘person lifecycle’ 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  5. Vision User Benefits • Knowledge Transfer • Students <-> Business • Employability • People <-> Jobs • Develop contacts • Find new friends • Restrictions on access may prevent future repercussions User Group Overlaps 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  6. Vision Educational Benefits • Content creation – instant publication – connection with subject • PDP extra value • student defines learning pathway (learning & career goals) • And share experiences (socially). • And start arguing (communication, critiquing, creativity, competition) 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  7. Vision Institutional Benefits • Engagement prior to enrolment • Maintain up-to-date records of Alumni • Improve links with business • Create collaborative projects • Generate placements for students • Spin-out research and products • Marketing of courses and training 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  8. Excellent systems, already in use But who owns the data? Same information presented to all users Institutional control allows: Public & Personal personae Data Protection/IP assurances Integration with e-Portfolios + CPD/PDP Institutional Information available: Fellow course members, modules studied, assignment info., etc. Email accounts, work placements, club memberships, etc. What about Facebook, Blogger, Flickr, YouTube, PebblePad, … ? 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  9. The ‘Socialised’ MLE • All about content… • Created through blogs, forums, profile updates, photo and video libraries, essays, projectwork, wikis, CPD, PDP, (remixed)coursecontent, etc. etc. • And where it ends up… • Flows to / from the individual throughprofile matching, group & course affiliation, contacts, PLEsettings,etc. etc. Education Social People-centric (icons from Wikimedia Commons) 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  10. The feel of the system... ‘hubs’ (learning communities) • people matched based on similar, interests, study habits, learning goals, link trails and search patterns. • includes current and prospective students, tutors, alumni, employers and professional experts. 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  11. Possible Elements of SMLEs • Video portal • Photo albums • People matching • Core aspect for Hubs. • Integration of OpenSocial technology • Possible inclusion of Facebook-like apps. • Import/Export tools for Facebook, Flickr, etc. • Curriculum Vitae generation 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  12. Considerations (1) • Legal implications over: • Data Protection • Retention and Reuse of User-generated content. • Licensing of subscribed materials • User Interactions and Accountabilities • Users below age of Majority (Applicants at ~17) • Non-students 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  13. Content : what if it’s rubbish? • i.e. how to ensure academic quality? • Competition from ‘Outside’ • Need to provide a ‘hook’ (such as e-Portfolio) Considerations (2) 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  14. Conclusions • Move toward people-centric system. • Focus on the user experience • other aspects secondary. • ‘Hooks’ needed to encourage sustained use. • Opportunity for beneficial outcomes • Though some caveats exist. 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  15. Further Information Presentations around Topic: Ed-Media 2008, July 2008: “Hybridisation of Social Networking and Learning Environments” – I. Glover & A. Oliver. ALT-C 2008, Sept. 2008: “Enhancing learner experience of managed learning environments through a dramatic expansion of the user type and the integration of social networking technologies” – A. Oliver & I. Glover. 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

  16. Thank You! Questions? 2nd June 2008 – LTI Meeting – University of Hertfordshire

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