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Modeling facial expressions for Finnish talking head

Modeling facial expressions for Finnish talking head. Michael Frydrych, LCE, 11.6.2004. Finnish talking head. Computer animated model of a talking person Synchronized A/V speech Model of emotional facial expressions. User interface of “old” talking head. Talking Head.

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Modeling facial expressions for Finnish talking head

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  1. Modeling facial expressions for Finnish talking head Michael Frydrych, LCE, 11.6.2004

  2. Finnish talking head • Computer animated model of a talking person • Synchronized A/V speech • Model of emotional facial expressions Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  3. User interface of “old” talking head Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  4. Talking Head • What has been done with it? • Studies in audiovisual speech perception • Kiosk-interface at the University of Tampere • Cultural activities  • Major role in play Kyberias at Kellariteatteri (2001) Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  5. Content • Talking heads – why? • Animation methods • Controlling animation • Making them speak • Practicals • -------------------------------------------------- • Making the head smile • Emotions –why? • Practicals Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  6. Why talking heads? • Entertainment • Information services • Ananova, information kiosks • Education services • Learning foreign languages,… • Agents in spoken dialogue systems • nonverbal signals, comfort Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  7. Tampere museums Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  8. Aids in communication • Speech is both heard and seen • Improve intelligibility in noisy env. • Aid for hearing impaired people • Synface Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  9. Synface (telephone -> animated face) Figure by KTH Stockholm Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  10. … applications • Language training • speech training for profoundly deaf • Diagnostics and therapy • EU: VEPSY, VREPAR (assess and treat naxiety disorders and specific phobia) Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  11. /pa/ /ta/ /ka/ Audiovisual speech integration • = combining auditory and visual percepts into a single speech percept • Strength of integration is demonstrated by McGurk-effect: combining sound /pa/ to a face ”telling” /ka/, speech percept is often /ta/(McGurk & MacDonald, 1976, Nature) Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  12. A study in audio-visual speech perception Result: Computer animated talking face improves intelligibility of auditory speech Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  13. … application in research • Psychophysical and psychophysiological experiments • Audiovisual speech perception • Emotion research … • Benefits • Natural stimuli may contain unwanted features • Full controllability • Quick creation of stimuli Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  14. Bulding on realism Realism: • Objective • topography, animation, texture, synchronization, ... • Subjective (communication) • Audio-visual speech • Facial expressions, nonverbal behavior (prosody, eye movements) Evaluation: Objective  Subjective Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  15. Making the head speak Issues: • Voice - speech synthesizer • Animation – parameterization • Synchronization Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  16. Acoustic Speech Generation • Based on Festival platform. • Developed at The Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburg, England. • Scheme programming language, allows to program behaviour • Finnish voice, prosody, expansion (numerals, etc.) • Department of Phonetics, University of Helsinki • Issues: production of articulatory parameters, synchronization Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  17. Animation methods - representation • Polygonal • Keyframing • libraries of postures, interpolation • Parametric deformations • deformations are grouped under parameters meaningful to the animator • Muscle-Based deformations • Interactive deformations • numerous control points, deformation propagation • Free Form deformations • deformation associated with a deformation box Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  18. Splines • Implicit surfaces • Physics-based models • Physical models of the skin • Volume preservation • Deformations by inducing forces Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  19. Hooks to data • Need the geometry of faces • Rendering properties • Deformation of facial expression or speech • How? 2D and 3D techniques Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  20. 3D Input • 3D digitizer is the most direct way, fairly automatic (Optotrack) • 3D trackers – digitizing of projected/marked mesh, rather manual • CT (Computer Tomography) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) • and … 3D modelingprograms Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  21. 2D Input • Photogrammetry • Two images of an object are taken from different viewpoints, corresponding points are found • The 3D shape of faces can be determined from a single 2D image after projecting of regular pattern • Generic facial model is prepared and transformed to “match” a photograph • 3rd dimension can be approximated by acquiring face model (set priors) and Bayesian inference Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  22. Texture mapping Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  23. break Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  24. Data for articulation and expressions • Keyframing -> expression libraries • Real-time/performance data • Parameterization • Articulatory parameters – jaw opening, lip rounding, lip protrusion, … • Facial expressions – FACS • Statistical models from expression libraries or real-time data Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  25. Statistical parameterization Parameterized model learned from 3D performance data (Reveret) Figure by ISCP Grenoble Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  26. … three control parameters Figure by ISCP Grenoble Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  27. … and the results Jaw Opening Figure by ISCP Grenoble Rounding Raising Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  28. Video by ISCP Grenoble Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  29. Finnish talking head • Audiovisual database • Using MaxReflex 3D optical tracker (at Linköping Univ.) • Multiple IR cameras, reflexive markers reconstruction from stereo • Coarticulation, lips, visual prosody Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  30. Point-lights positions Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  31. Demo – live recording at Linköping Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  32. How to create “visemes” ? Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  33. Demo – reconstructed motion 10 fps 40 fps Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  34. Figure by ISCP Grenoble Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  35. Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  36. Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

  37. End of 1st part Michael Frydrych, 11.6.2004

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